June 18, 2021
Good morning.
Join the Ecommerce Evolution podcast on Web Core Vitals & Low-Cost Growth with Email Marketing, hosted by Brett Curry, CEO of OMG Commerce.
Today’s roundup:
1) TrueView for action campaigns will be transitioned into Video action campaigns in early 2022.
2) Fintech marketers invested £2.13 billion in user acquisition in 2020.
3) Facebook delays taking a cut on paid events and fan subscriptions till 2023, criticizes Apple’s fees.
4) The state of online hacking in America.
In the last ten years, technological advances and increased online platform use have allowed people around the world to become more informed, connected, and collaborative than ever.
On-the-go access to the internet lets us log on and explore news sites, donate to activist funds, and chat with long-distance loved ones at a moment’s notice.
And with the onset of the Covid-19 pandemic, the ability to remain in constant contact online with coworkers, family members, and even healthcare providers was a boon for many Americans.
5) Netflix enters e-commerce fray as subscription growth slows.
6) WordCamp Europe 2021 report: Get ready for full-site editing!
7) How to promote your blog: 21 new strategies.
8) Losing open tracking will not kill email.
9) Rich Snippets: How to strategize, optimize & deploy structured data.
10) How Shop Pay Installments drove 10x more installments revenue for Pillow Cube.
11) 5 Alternative search engines to Google you should optimize your website for.
12) TikTok adds new marketing insights for SMBs.
13) What’s Trending: Innovations in B2B marketing (LinkedIn).
14) Google: Multiple anchor text links to same URL on same page, the first or longer doesn’t matter.
15) How to create an interview series that grows your blog.
16) Social media trending on Quora.
17) 30+ Link-Building tips, tools, and examples for SEO and website traffic.
18) 3 Fundamentals of marketing you must understand to reach the hearts and minds of your customers.
19) How to make a great Facebook Ad with examples.
20) The most challenging parts of the content-led link building process.
More insights to explore…
6 Algorithm hacks for better Instagram engagement.
Quora and Reddit: Powerhouses for SEO and marketing in 2021.
How to supercharge your email marketing with video.
How agile marketing can support your business in unpredictable markets.
Have an awesome weekend!
— Itay Paz
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