Bad Websites Examples: Top 21 Worst Websites Designs That Will Make You Cringe!
Have you ever come across a site design that has made you LOL for hours willing to share it with your friends? And we don’t mean that the company’s business is funny or that some website elements are wrong. No, it’s the whole design that looks like it has come from the 90s. That’s the real source of inspiration for bad website design tops like this one.
Are You Doing Any Of These Mistakes As Well?
Many studies show that you get less than one second to persuade your new visitor to stay on your site. Imagine that: just one second!
Our deep research has borne its fruits: check out these 21 bad websites that will show how you shouldn’t make a website!
Differences Between Good and Bad Web Design:
* Good Navigation (easy to understand)
* Good Color Scheme
* Visually Appealing Interface
* Clean Layout
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