How to Rank Higher on Google?
Novice bloggers and SEO experts alike spend countless hours trying to figure out what it takes for their content to stand out in an increasingly competitive search landscape. The truth? While SEO is a long game that will require effort and vigilance, the steps to creating rankings success are actually fairly simple.
Our team has worked with brands in every industry to help them climb the SERPs and we’ve learned what it takes to rank higher on Google. You can see the proof over here, but below is just a sample of the organic traffic growth:
screenshot from AHREFs showing how we grew organic traffic by 200% in over 4 years.
Read on for the five most important steps to consider when aiming to boost your rankings—and then get ready to do the work required to deliver the traffic gains you’re looking for.
- Target The Right Keywords
- Anticipate What The Reader Is Looking For
- Improve Your Site’s UX Design
- Build a Link Building Strategy
- Track Content KPIs and Adjust
Read more here.