September 28, 2020

Good Morning.
Today is very special for me: today I am celebrating my 47th birthday (25 years as a digital marketer… more than half of my life). This birthday is coming after 225 days staying indoors, expecting it to be for many more weeks and months (as the world is starting to get into its 2nd lockdown worldwide).
A few things happening:
1) Shopify confirms data breach and says two support staff stole customer data from sellers.
2) Reddit is now offering three tier levels to allow advertisers a decision over the type of reach vs. the type of content they would like for their ads.
3) This Chrome extensions turns articles into audio playlists.
4) LinkedIn launches updated look, makes LinkedIn stories available to all users.
5) Remote learning app usage up 91% as school restarts.
One more cool thing…
Here’s what happened when 2 AI voice systems spoke to each other (PolyAI)
Source: PolyAI
Have a superb week!
— Itay Paz
After analyzing the data from over 5,000 campaigns across a range of formats and industries, it was clear that campaigns with images had a 42% higher click-through rate than campaigns without images.
Read more here.
Additional Link:
How to Use Email Images to Boost CTR (Neil Pate)
Best Video Thumbnails To Increase Your Emails CTR (PerfectMind)
Source: Zendesk
Looking for inspiration for your Contact Us page? See these 39 amazing examples from ecommerce, SaaS, agencies, and other brands that not only having function in mind but putting the right balance between making it easy to reach the company and sharing resources users can use to answer their questions right away.
Read more here.
Source: Ahref
Ahrefs Webmaster Tools is Powerful… and it’s Free, allowing you to improve your website’s SEO performance and get more traffic from search.
You can monitor your website SEO health, website backlinks, see the keywords that bring your website traffic and more.
Get Your Free Ahrefs Webmaster Tools here.
Twitter Will Soon Call You Out For Retweeting Articles You Haven’t Actually Read (TNW)
Google: The Context Around Links Is Secondary But Anchor Text Is Primary (SE Roundtable)
How to Build Your Brand on YouTube (Social Media Examiner)
The 27-Point Checklist to Prepare Your Store for Black Friday Cyber Monday (Shopify)
How To Use Google Autocomplete for SEO (Neil Patel)
The Rise And Fall And Rise Again Of “Now More Than Ever” (Google)
Source: Taboola
Each year, DMEXCO is unlike any other past versions of itself, bringing forth new topics and ideas, new speakers, and many new and valuable insights. This year, however, DMEXCO was really different than it has been in the past. For the first time ever, the event went virtual.
In lieu of the usual seats on stage, Taboola’s Founder & CEO, Adam Singolda, and the CEO of customer lifecycle management marketing company Zeta Global, David A. Steinberg, talked with one another from a bit of a different setting—their own living rooms.
Throughout their talk, real-life friends Singolda and Steinberg navigate the changing business trends they’ve seen throughout the year—everything from the all-too-familiar feeling of how surreal it is to be conducting interviews via Zoom, the human and business challenges of the past several months, to what data-driven trends the future may hold, and more in between.
Read more here.
Source: Amazon
Amazon is getting into gaming. During Amazon’s big device announcement event on Thursday, the internet giant unveiled Luna, its cloud-based video game streaming service for Fire TV, phones, tablets and computers that rivals Microsoft’s xCloud and Google’s Stadia.
This could be an interesting rising opportunity to marketers to step up and take position in a fast-growing industry now being approached by the giant Amazon, introducing Luna.
Read more here.
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