Morning Dough
To: Dough Readers


7 Useful Tools for Conducting Keyword Research Right Now

Source: SEJ

Looking to understand the latest shifts in consumer intent caused by the pandemic? Use these 7 Google tools when conducting keyword research today.

Consumer behavior is changing rapidly and unpredictably during the coronavirus pandemic.

That’s why conducting keyword research is now more important than ever to understand the latest shifts in consumer intent.

Although 100% of SEO professionals worth their salt understand how to dig insights out of Google Search Console and know which keyword tools have helped them in the past to increase traffic, rankings, and visibility in search results, this is the time to think outside the search box.

Even one new insight per fortnight can help your company or clients pivot to create more relevant content as they navigate the “new normal.”

That means taking advantage of resources that didn’t exist before March 11, 2020, when the World Health Organization (WHO) declared the coronavirus outbreak a pandemic, or using extra tools to double-check your assumptions.

Here are some places that I now visit virtually every weekday and some tools that I’ve reached for in the toolbox that I rarely used before I had to start dealing with strange things that go bump in the night.

Read more here.