What Is Conversion Rate

What Is Conversion Rate

Conversion rate is the percentage of visitors to your website that complete a desired goal, called a conversion, divided by the total number of visitors that were targeted to complete the same designed goal.

The desired action (conversion) can take many forms, varying from site to site. Examples include sales of products, membership registrations, newsletter subscriptions, software downloads, or just about any activity beyond simple page browsing.

Different Types of Conversion Rates
Depending on the business’s goals, there are different types of conversion:

  1. Purchases Conversion Rate – the percentage of visitors that complete a purchase out of the visitors an ecommerce website.
  2. Leads Conversion Rate – the percentage of visitors that registered for additional information or to get contacted back by the business out of the total visitors to the signup page.
  3. Email signups Conversion Rate – the percentage of visitors that sign up for an email list to get updates, news and promotions out of the total visitors to the signup page.
  4. Form completions Conversion Rate – the percentage of visitors that complete filling out a form as part of registration, application or information request out of the total visitors to the website.
  5. Download Conversion Rate – the percentage of visitors complete a download of a file out of the total website’s visitors.
  6. Installation Conversion Rate – the percentage of the users that install a mobile app or a software out of the total website’s visitors.


What is a Conversion Rate? How to Increase Your Conversion Rate