Top 7 About Page Mistakes to Avoid
Discover the top 7 About page mistakes to avoid, why do you need to craft the best About page and best practices for your About page.
It seems to me that some website owners have an easier time proposing marriage than they do writing a solid About Page.
If that’s you, you’re probably overcomplicating things. A good About Page is simple, straightforward, and it communicates just a few key things.
But just because these pages are simple doesn’t mean they’re always good.
There are certain mistakes that I see again and again on sites that deserve better.
These mistakes are easy to fix and they’re pushing away the people you want to bring closer: your wonderful website readers.
What are the About Page Mistakes to Avoid?
Your About Page is typically one of the most visited pages on your site. So let’s make it easy for you to have a stunningly helpful, user-friendly About Page.
Here are the top 7 About page mistakes to avoid at any cost that if you follow them, your about page will be the star of our website:
1) Mistake #01: You are missing an About Page completely.
2) Mistake #02: You do not mention your name or credentials.
3) Mistake #03: There is no photo to know you or your team.
4) Mistake #04: The writing on the about page is boring and lacking a spark.
5) Mistake #05: Using only video or images or text.
6) Mistake #06: The about page is endless, and you go on.
7) Mistake #07: Consider the about page to be a place to put your compete resume and only that.
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