7 Best Krav Maga Apps

Itay Paz
March 27, 2024

Krav Maga App

Krav Maga, a self-defense system developed for the Israel Defense Forces, has seen a surge in popularity worldwide. This combat system, known for its focus on real-world situations and its efficiency, has been adopted by military units, law enforcement agencies, and civilians alike. With the rise of digital technology, Krav Maga enthusiasts are now turning to mobile applications to enhance their training experience. The demand for a comprehensive Krav Maga app is clear, as practitioners seek convenient ways to access training materials, connect with the community, and track their progress.


What is Krav Maga?

The origins of Krav Maga can be traced back to Imi Lichtenfeld, who was born in Budapest in 1910 and grew up in Bratislava, Slovakia. His father was a police officer and self-defense instructor. Lichtenfeld was a talented boxer, wrestler, and gymnast, and he used his skills to help defend Jewish neighborhoods from anti-Semitic riots in the late 1930s. During this time, he realized the need for a practical self-defense system that could be used in real-world situations.

In 1940, fleeing the Nazi occupation, Lichtenfeld made his way to Palestine, where he joined the Haganah, a Jewish paramilitary organization. He was later asked to develop a self-defense system for the Israeli military, which led to the creation of Krav Maga. Lichtenfeld’s system was designed to be practical and effective, emphasizing instinctive movements, practical techniques, and realistic training scenarios.

Krav Maga has since been adopted by law enforcement agencies, military units, and civilians around the world. It is known for its focus on real-world situations and its efficiency in neutralizing threats quickly. The system is also designed to be learned relatively quickly by people of all sizes and fitness levels.

Krav Maga is not only a physical self-defense system but also includes mental training to help practitioners make effective decisions under pressure, which can lead to increased self-confidence and self-control. It is also used to improve physical coordination, balance, and overall fitness.

Scientific studies on Krav Maga have explored various aspects of the practice, including its effectiveness as a self-defense system, its physiological benefits, and its impact on body composition and physical fitness. Some studies have also investigated the socio-economic profiles of practitioners and their motivations for training in Krav Maga.

Krav Maga continues to evolve and spread globally, with numerous schools and training programs available for those interested in learning the system. It has become a popular choice for people looking for a practical and effective self-defense system that also offers physical and mental health benefits.

Krav Maga Apps


7 Best Krav Maga Apps

  1. Active Krav Maga
  2. Krav Maga Defense and Fitness
  3. Krav Maga Worldwide
  4. Next Level Krav Maga
  5. Krav Maga Online
  6. Krav Maga Pro
  7. Krav Maga Training


How does Krav Maga App work?

Krav Maga app is designed to provide users with an accessible and efficient way to learn and practice Krav Maga, the renowned self-defense system developed for the Israeli Defense Forces. This Krav Maga app often features a user-friendly interface where users can easily navigate through various sections such as training videos, class schedules, and information about Krav Maga techniques. For instance, by simply swiping through images on the screen, users can select the type of information they wish to view, such as schedules for specific training centers or daily self-defense curriculums. This intuitive design ensures that even those new to Krav Maga or mobile apps can quickly find and utilize the resources they need.


How to choose a Krav Maga App?

Choosing the right Krav Maga app involves considering several key factors to ensure the app meets your learning and training needs. Firstly, the quality and comprehensiveness of the instructional content are paramount. Look for apps that offer detailed instructions on a wide range of Krav Maga techniques, including both basic and advanced moves. The presence of video demonstrations by experienced instructors can significantly enhance your understanding and execution of the techniques. Additionally, the Krav Maga app’s usability and interface design are important, it should be easy to navigate and provide quick access to different sections without overwhelming users. Another aspect to consider is the app’s update frequency and the addition of new content, which ensures that the material remains current, and users have access to the latest training methods. Finally, community features such as forums or social integration can offer valuable support and motivation by connecting you with other learners. By carefully evaluating these factors, you can select a Krav Maga app that best suits your learning style, goals, and preferences, ultimately aiding in your journey to mastering this effective self-defense system.


Best Krav Maga App


1. Active Krav Maga

Krav Maga Worldwide

Active Krav Maga is a Krav Maga app that offers a dynamic and interactive way for users to engage with the world of Krav Maga, a renowned self-defense system developed for real-world application. This Krav Maga app serves as a comprehensive platform for individuals looking to immerse themselves in Krav Maga training, providing a seamless connection between the user and the Active Krav Maga community in New York City. It facilitates the booking of classes, enables users to receive updates and messages directly from the organization, and fosters social interaction among participants. Designed with user experience in mind, Active Krav Maga ensures that both newcomers and seasoned practitioners have access to valuable resources and a supportive community to enhance their training journey.


What does Active Krav Maga do?

Active Krav Maga bridges the gap between traditional Krav Maga training and the digital age, offering a multifaceted approach to self-defense education. The Krav Maga app not only simplifies the process of scheduling and attending Krav Maga classes but also serves as a hub for community interaction and organizational communication. Users can easily book their next training session, stay informed about upcoming events or changes, and connect with fellow Krav Maga enthusiasts. By integrating these features, Active Krav Maga provides a holistic experience that supports users in their pursuit of fitness, self-defense skills, and a deeper understanding of Krav Maga principles. Whether you’re looking to start your Krav Maga journey or aiming to advance your skills, this app offers the tools and community support needed to achieve your goals.


Active Krav Maga Key Features

Class Booking System: The app’s intuitive class booking system allows users to easily schedule their Krav Maga sessions, ensuring they never miss an opportunity to train and improve their skills.

Direct Messaging from the Organization: Users receive real-time updates and messages from Active Krav Maga, keeping them informed about class schedules, events, and any changes that may arise.

Community Interaction: Active Krav Maga fosters a sense of community among its users by providing a platform for social interaction. This feature encourages users to connect, share experiences, and support each other in their training journey.

User-Friendly Interface: Designed with the user in mind, the app boasts a clean and straightforward interface that makes navigation effortless, allowing users to focus on what truly matters – their Krav Maga training.

Comprehensive Training Resources: Beyond class bookings and social features, Active Krav Maga offers access to a wealth of training resources, including instructional videos and articles, to enhance users’ learning and practice outside of the classroom.



2. Krav Maga Defense and Fitness

Krav Maga Defense and Fitness

Krav Maga Defense and Fitness is a Krav Maga app designed to serve the needs of individuals seeking to enhance their self-defense capabilities while also focusing on physical fitness. This app is a digital companion for members of the Krav Maga Defense community, offering a convenient platform for class reservations, event sign-ups, and general account management. It stands out as a tool that integrates the practicality of managing one’s martial arts training with the added benefit of tracking fitness progress.


What does Krav Maga Defense and Fitness do?

Krav Maga Defense and Fitness acts as a personal assistant for martial arts enthusiasts, streamlining the process of engaging with their Krav Maga training. The Krav Maga app facilitates the reservation of spots in classes, ensuring that members can secure their participation in desired sessions. It also serves as a hub for signing up for gym events, fostering a sense of community among users. Additionally, the app simplifies account management tasks, such as updating personal information and payment details, making the administrative side of training hassle-free.


Krav Maga Defense and Fitness Key Features

Class Reservations: The app provides a seamless interface for members to book their spots in upcoming Krav Maga classes, ensuring they never miss an opportunity to train.

Event Sign-ups: Users can stay informed about gym events and sign up directly through the app, keeping them engaged with the community and up to date with special activities.

Account Management: The Krav Maga app simplifies the process of managing personal and billing information, allowing users to update their profiles and maintain their accounts with ease.

Fitness Tracking: Members can log their workout scores, fostering a competitive yet supportive environment through a leaderboard system where they can give and receive encouragement.

Data Privacy: The app prioritizes user privacy, with a commitment to not sharing data with third parties and ensuring data encryption in transit, providing peace of mind for users.

User Experience Enhancements: Regular updates address bugs and improve the app’s functionality, such as fixing issues with calendar reservations and enhancing the visibility of text on different backgrounds.

Community Building: By facilitating easy interaction with gym events and class schedules, the app helps build a tight-knit community of members who share a common goal of improving their self-defense skills and fitness levels.



3. Krav Maga Worldwide

Krav Maga Worldwide

Krav Maga Worldwide is a leading self-defense training and Krav Maga app that brings the renowned Krav Maga technique directly to users. This app serves as a mobile platform for Krav Maga enthusiasts, providing access to a wealth of resources including training videos, event information, and location services for finding nearby training centers. It is designed to cater to a range of users, from beginners to advanced practitioners, and offers specialized content for various groups such as law enforcement and military personnel.


What does Krav Maga Worldwide do?

Krav Maga Worldwide is a Krav Maga app that offers a comprehensive approach to self-defense, combining physical training with practical techniques to prepare individuals for real-world scenarios. The Krav Maga app includes a variety of instructional videos that cover the Krav Maga curriculum, from basic self-defense moves to advanced combat skills. Users can stay updated with the latest Krav Maga news, seminars, and events, and even participate in social features by connecting with other members of the Krav Maga community. The app aims to empower users by improving their safety, health, fitness, and confidence through the practice of Krav Maga.


Krav Maga Worldwide Key Features

Video Training: The app provides exclusive mobile-only training videos featuring top Krav Maga Worldwide instructors. These videos cover a range of topics including self-defense, fitness, and specialized training for law enforcement and military.

Event Information: Users can view official Krav Maga Worldwide events and seminars, with options to share their attendance on social media platforms like Facebook or Twitter.

Social Connectivity: The app allows users to log in and share content with their Facebook or Twitter accounts, post photos and comments to the “Fan Wall,” and connect with other app users.

Educational Content: There are resources available such as books and lectures on Krav Maga, with excerpts, reviews, and information on where to purchase them.

Training Center Locator: A map and list view help users find the nearest Krav Maga Worldwide Official Training Center, with the ability to search by location or use built-in GPS.

Programs and Certifications: Information about various Krav Maga programs is available, including self-defense, fighting, fitness, and specialized programs for women and children, as well as details on certifications and belt promotions.

User Interaction Rewards: The app rewards users with special “levels” for their usage and interaction, encouraging continued engagement with the content.

Multilingual Support: It supports multiple languages, automatically adjusting based on the user’s settings, making it accessible to a wider audience.



4. Next Level Krav Maga

Next Level Krav Maga

Next Level Krav Maga is a comprehensive mobile Krav Maga app designed to offer users an immersive experience in learning Krav Maga, the renowned self-defense system developed for the Israeli Defense Forces. This app caters to both beginners and seasoned practitioners by providing a wide range of instructional content, from basic techniques to advanced combat strategies. It stands out by offering a user-friendly interface, high-quality video tutorials, and interactive features that encourage consistent practice and skill improvement. The Krav Maga app aims to make Krav Maga accessible to a global audience, enabling users to learn at their own pace, anytime and anywhere.


What does Next Level Krav Maga do?

Next Level Krav Maga transforms the way individuals approach self-defense training by offering a portable, comprehensive learning tool. It demystifies the art of Krav Maga, making it accessible to users with varying levels of experience and fitness. Through detailed video lessons, the app covers a broad spectrum of techniques, including strikes, blocks, and defensive maneuvers, as well as strategies for neutralizing threats. It emphasizes real-world applicability, focusing on scenarios that users might encounter in daily life. Additionally, the Krav Maga app provides fitness routines tailored to enhance the physical conditioning necessary for effective self-defense, bridging the gap between martial arts training and physical fitness.


Next Level Krav Maga Key Features

Personalized Training Plans: The app offers customizable training programs that adapt to the user’s skill level and goals, ensuring a personalized learning experience.

High-Quality Video Tutorials: Featuring detailed, step-by-step instructions from experienced Krav Maga instructors, these tutorials are designed to enhance understanding and execution of techniques.

Interactive Learning Tools: With features like progress tracking and interactive quizzes, users can monitor their development and reinforce their knowledge.

Fitness Integration: Recognizing the importance of physical conditioning in self-defense, the app includes fitness routines that complement the Krav Maga training, aimed at improving strength, agility, and endurance.

Community Engagement: Users can connect with a global community of Krav Maga practitioners, sharing experiences, tips, and encouragement, fostering a sense of camaraderie and mutual growth.

Regular Updates: The app is regularly updated with new content, ensuring that users have access to the latest techniques and training methodologies.



5. Krav Maga Online

Krav Maga Online

Krav Maga Online is a digital Krav Maga app designed to cater to both enthusiasts and practitioners of Krav Maga, offering a comprehensive suite of features aimed at enhancing the learning and practice of this self-defense system. Developed with the modern user in mind, the app provides an accessible and convenient way to engage with Krav Maga training, regardless of one’s location or schedule. It serves as a bridge between traditional Krav Maga training methods and the digital age, ensuring that the valuable teachings and techniques of Krav Maga are preserved and disseminated in a format that meets the needs of today’s learners.


What does Krav Maga Online do?

Krav Maga Online is a multifaceted Krav Maga app that brings the world of Krav Maga into the palms of its users. It acts as a virtual dojo, offering a range of services from detailed instructional videos and tutorials to personalized training programs tailored to the user’s skill level. The app facilitates a seamless learning experience by providing access to a wealth of knowledge on Krav Maga techniques, ranging from basic stances and strikes to more advanced defensive maneuvers and strategies. Beyond just teaching techniques, Krav Maga Online also focuses on the philosophy and mindset required for effective self-defense, emphasizing situational awareness and the mental preparedness necessary to handle potential threats. Additionally, the app offers features like event registration, program enrollment, and direct communication with instructors, making it a comprehensive tool for anyone looking to deepen their understanding and proficiency in Krav Maga.


Krav Maga Online Key Features

Personalized Training Programs: Users can enjoy customized training plans that cater to their individual skill levels and goals, ensuring a tailored learning experience.

Instructional Videos and Tutorials: The app boasts an extensive library of high-quality videos and tutorials, covering a wide range of Krav Maga techniques and principles.

Direct Communication with Instructors: Krav Maga Online facilitates easy communication with experienced instructors, allowing users to seek advice, feedback, and support throughout their training journey.

Event Registration and Program Enrollment: Users can conveniently register for events and enroll in martial arts programs directly through the app, making it easier to stay engaged and up-to-date with the Krav Maga community.

Comprehensive Curriculum Access: The app provides detailed information on the Krav Maga curriculum, including techniques, strategies, and philosophies, ensuring a well-rounded learning experience.

Progress Tracking: With features that allow users to track their training progress, including rank, attendance history, and technique mastery, Krav Maga Online helps users stay motivated and focused on their goals.

Friend Referral System: The app encourages community growth by enabling users to refer friends, fostering a supportive and expanding network of Krav Maga practitioners.

Quick Access to Class Schedules: Users can easily access class schedules for various training centers, ensuring they never miss a session and can plan their training routine effectively.



6. Krav Maga Pro

Krav Maga Pro

Krav Maga Pro is a Krav Maga app designed to offer comprehensive training and resources for Krav Maga enthusiasts of all levels. This app serves as a virtual training center, providing users with access to a wide range of instructional videos, tutorials, and exercises that cover the fundamentals and advanced techniques of Krav Maga. It aims to make self-defense skills accessible to everyone, regardless of their previous experience or physical condition. By leveraging technology, Krav Maga Pro brings the expertise of seasoned instructors right to the user’s fingertips, enabling them to learn and practice at their own pace and convenience. Whether you’re looking to improve your fitness, enhance your self-defense capabilities, or simply explore the world of Krav Maga, this app offers a structured and engaging way to achieve your goals.


What does Krav Maga Pro do?

Krav Maga Pro is designed to empower users by teaching them the art of Krav Maga, a renowned self-defense system known for its practicality and effectiveness. The Krav Maga app guides users through a curriculum that starts with basic stances and strikes and progresses to more complex defensive maneuvers and counterattacks. It addresses real-world scenarios, including how to respond to armed and unarmed attackers, multiple assailants, and high-stress situations. Beyond physical techniques, Krav Maga Pro also emphasizes the development of mental toughness, situational awareness, and the strategic use of the environment for self-protection. Its comprehensive approach ensures that users not only learn how to defend themselves but also gain confidence and improve their overall physical fitness.


Krav Maga Pro Key Features

Personalized Training Plans: Krav Maga Pro offers customized training programs that adapt to the user’s skill level and goals. This feature ensures that beginners can start with the basics while more experienced practitioners can focus on refining their techniques and tackling advanced challenges.

Extensive Video Library: The app boasts an extensive collection of high-quality instructional videos led by certified Krav Maga instructors. These videos cover a wide range of techniques and scenarios, providing users with a deep understanding of each movement and its application.

Interactive Learning Experience: Krav Maga Pro integrates interactive elements such as quizzes and progress tracking to enhance the learning experience. This helps users to stay engaged and motivated throughout their training journey.

Community Support: Users have access to a supportive community of fellow Krav Maga practitioners. This feature allows for the exchange of tips, experiences, and encouragement, fostering a sense of camaraderie and mutual growth.

Flexible Training Schedule: Recognizing the busy lives of its users, Krav Maga Pro offers the flexibility to train anytime, anywhere. This convenience ensures that users can consistently practice and improve their skills without the constraints of traditional class schedules.



7. Krav Maga Training

Krav Maga Training

Krav Maga Training is a Krav Maga app designed to provide users with the tools and knowledge to learn the self-defense system of Krav Maga. This Krav Maga app caters to both beginners and more experienced martial artists, offering a range of videos that cover various techniques for blocking, punching, and kicking. It aims to enhance physical coordination, balance, and provide a comprehensive training experience that can also contribute to improved confidence, self-control, and decision-making under pressure.


What does Krav Maga Training do?

Krav Maga Training serves as a virtual instructor, guiding users through the intricacies of Krav Maga, a martial art known for its practicality and effectiveness in real-world self-defense situations. The Krav Maga app includes a collection of instructional videos that demonstrate techniques step-by-step, allowing users to learn at their own pace. It emphasizes the development of quick reflexes, situational awareness, and the ability to respond effectively to threats. By focusing on these areas, Krav Maga Training helps users build a solid foundation in self-defense while also promoting physical fitness and mental resilience.


Krav Maga Training Key Features

Video Tutorials: The app provides a vast library of high-quality videos that demonstrate Krav Maga techniques with clarity. Each video is designed to be easy to follow, ensuring that users can understand and replicate the movements shown.

Self-Defense Techniques: Users learn practical self-defense skills that can be applied in various threatening situations. The app covers defenses against different types of attacks, including those involving weapons.

Physical Fitness: Beyond self-defense, the app also contributes to the user’s overall physical fitness, with exercises that improve strength, flexibility, and cardiovascular health.

Mental Conditioning: Krav Maga Training emphasizes the importance of mental fortitude, teaching users how to remain calm and make quick decisions under stress, which is a critical aspect of self-defense.

Accessibility: With the convenience of learning from anywhere at any time, the app makes it possible for users to practice Krav Maga without the need for a physical dojo or training center.


FAQs on Krav Maga App

What is a Krav Maga App?

A Krav Maga app is a digital platform designed to offer users access to Krav Maga training materials, techniques, and resources directly from their mobile devices or computers. These apps typically feature instructional videos, detailed descriptions of techniques, progress tracking, and sometimes even interactive elements that allow users to mark their progress, set training goals, and connect with a community of Krav Maga practitioners. Some apps are developed by leading Krav Maga organizations and instructors, ensuring that the content is authoritative and follows the principles of this self-defense system closely.

How can a Krav Maga App benefit beginners with no martial arts experience?

For beginners with no prior martial arts experience, a Krav Maga app can serve as an accessible entry point into the world of self-defense. These apps often start with the basics, introducing users to fundamental stances, strikes, and defensive maneuvers in a structured manner. This gradual approach helps build a solid foundation without overwhelming newcomers. Additionally, the flexibility to learn at one’s own pace and revisit complex techniques through video tutorials can enhance understanding and retention. Importantly, these apps can instill confidence in beginners, encouraging them to explore further training or even join physical classes to complement their digital learning experience.

What features does the best Krav Maga Apps offer?

The best Krav Maga app offers a comprehensive suite of features designed to provide a holistic training experience. Key features include high-quality video tutorials led by experienced instructors, covering a wide range of techniques from basic to advanced levels. Interactive progress tracking allows users to monitor their development and set goals. A well-structured curriculum that mirrors the belt grading system used in physical Krav Maga training gives users a clear path to follow. Additionally, some apps include features like daily workout plans, specific self-defense scenarios, and the ability to connect with a community of practitioners for support and motivation. The combination of these features creates an engaging and effective learning environment for users at all levels.

How does a Krav Maga App integrate with physical training?

A Krav Maga app can complement physical training by serving as a supplementary resource for practitioners. Users can review techniques and concepts covered in their physical classes, allowing for additional practice and reinforcement of learning outside the dojo. The app can also offer specialized content that might not be covered extensively in class, such as specific self-defense scenarios or advanced techniques. For instructors, apps can provide a structured curriculum and teaching aids to enhance lesson planning and delivery. Furthermore, for students unable to attend regular classes due to scheduling conflicts or geographical limitations, a Krav Maga app can ensure continuous learning and progress in their training.

How do Krav Maga Apps ensure the quality and authenticity of their content?

Krav Maga apps ensure the quality and authenticity of their content through several key measures. Many apps are developed in collaboration with certified Krav Maga instructors, organizations, or even the founders of specific Krav Maga systems. This direct involvement guarantees that the techniques and training methods are accurate and align with the core principles of Krav Maga. Additionally, content is often vetted and approved by experienced practitioners before release. High production values in video tutorials ensure clarity and ease of understanding, while regular updates and feedback mechanisms allow for continuous improvement and adaptation to user needs. By adhering to these standards, Krav Maga apps maintain the integrity and effectiveness of the training they offer.



The Krav Maga app represents a significant advancement in the accessibility and practice of this self-defense system. By offering detailed instructional content, interactive features, and the flexibility to learn at one’s own pace, this app opens up Krav Maga training to a wider audience than ever before. Whether for beginners seeking an introduction to self-defense, experienced practitioners aiming to refine their skills, or instructors looking for resources to enhance their teaching, Krav Maga apps provide valuable support. As technology continues to evolve, the potential for these apps to further enrich the learning and practice of Krav Maga is immense, promising an exciting future for digital martial arts training.