September 2, 2020

Good morning and Happy Wednesday!
YouTube is filled with contagious laughter compilations, and within them you will often find a video containing a hysterically laughing Spaniard. This Spanish man has been cracking people up YouTube for over a decade now.
As I was looking for one of the funniest versions on YouTube, I found this video called: Who Is This Laughing Spanish Man?.
It was published on August 31, a couple of days ago and already have tens of thousands of views.
As the video producer begins to share about this funny Spanish guy, on 1:28 minutes, he starts to promote this ‘Manscaping’ trimming device, as this video he made is ‘Sponsored by the Manscaped’ company.
This is an interesting business model: you can curate information online and turn it to a successful video overnight and into an advertising getting tens of thousands of views for free.
One of the most known version of this video was about Apple Engineer Talks about the New 2015 Macbook (hilarious).
Have an Awesome Wednesday!
— Itay Paz
Source: buildfire
Most marketers, business owners, executives are struggling to master on measuring the effectiveness of their digital marketing efforts and knowing their actual return on their online marketing investment.
To be sure, there are literally hundreds of numbers, statistics, and analytical combinations you could track to give you insight into your marketing efforts and customer behavior, and not every metric is relevant to your marketing plan. That said, there are a few key metrics in three broad categories (traffic, conversions, and revenue) that are universally applicable to judging your digital marketing success. Here are 18 important digital marketing metrics to watch.
Read more here.
More Information:
The 10 Social Media KPIs You Really Should Be Tracking And Monitoring (IMPACT)
The 9 Most Important SEO KPIs You Should Be Tracking (SEJ)
How to Plan a Marketing Calendar That Actually Works [Template] (CoSchedule)
Source: CognitiveSEO
As we’re still in 2020, you can affect your results by adding new digital marketing activities and improving the ones you’re already vested in using these most effective 40 digital marketing tactics and techniques to kickass.
Read more here.
More Information:
Unmasking The Hidden Digital Marketing Strategies of 9 Successful Startups (CognitiveSEO)
The 16 Best Marketing Strategies to Try in 2020 (WordStream)
Source: Google
In a quiet move, Google has removed both the Labeled for Reuse and Labeled for Reuse with Modification features from its image search tools.
The new option, amidst the others that were removed in the image search tools usage rights, is Creative Commons Licenses.
Read more here.
More Information:
Learn how to find image licensing information on Google Images (Google)
Source: Zoom
As more meetings are done virtually, many times you see people in an office or relaxing on the beach with an Appletini, when they are actually at home.
The Zoom meeting solution supports adding your own backgrounds to a meeting (as well as other many including Skype).
You can do it easily too.
Enabling Virtual Background On Zoom (Zoom)
Get The Best 300 Zoom Virtual Backgrounds (Medium)
10 Zoom Backgrounds HubSpotters Love (HubSpot)
The e-learning and online course market are soaring to new heights and estimated to be worth $325 billion by 2025.
With the acceleration of online learning due to social distancing, this industry is experiencing huge growth and there is no doubt you should not ignore it.
Today, there are many great online courses to help you get a nice chunk of it.
Read more here.
Google Officially Launches ‘Licensable’ Image Label And Filter In Image search (SEL)
Facebook Responds to ‘Counterproductive’ Australian News Content Revenue-Sharing Regulation (Social Media Today)
Google Announces Home Activities Rich Results (SEJ)
Targeted Facebook ads are about to lose a big audience: iPhone owners (Digital Trends)
Paper Beats App: How This Software Company Uses Analog Tools To Get Things Done (Zapier)
Search Engine Algorithms: A Very Basic Primer for Non-Marketers (SEJ)
Source: Super Office
Email marketing is the most effective marketing channel and for every $1 you spend, you can expect a return on your investment of $51. Are you achieving a high ROI from your email marketing campaigns?
With 3 unique email marketing strategies, you’ll go behind-the-scenes and learn from case studies on how we used email marketing to achieve a 94% open rate and 30% click through rate.
Read more here.
Source: Webfx
Discover the difference between coming soon vs maintenance mode, so you can choose & create the best option for your needs.
Read more here.
More Information:
25 Beautiful Examples of “Coming Soon” Pages (WebFX)
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