
Itay Paz

January 19, 2024

Zacks is a renowned AI stock prediction software that offers a comprehensive suite of tools for investors. It’s designed to provide accurate and timely predictions, helping users make informed decisions about their investments. Zacks uses a unique, quantitative stock-rating system that heavily relies on Earnings per Share (EPS) related metrics, such as revisions to a company’s projected earnings. This system is purely mathematical, ensuring that the predictions are not influenced by the biases or preferences of individual analysts.


Zacks Facts

Starting Price: Free
Pricing Model: Per Month
Free Trial: Yes
Free Plan: Available

Zacks Review: Features, Pricing Plans & Cons


What is Zacks?

Zacks Investment Research, founded in 1978, is a leading provider of independent research and investment-related content. It’s best known for its extensive array of consensus earnings-per-share (EPS) estimates and its unique, quantitative approach to stock rating. Zacks uses a proprietary system, Zacks Rank, to identify the best-performing stocks to invest in. The system is based on the belief that earnings estimate revisions are the most powerful force impacting stock prices. Zacks offers a premium service that provides access to special stock screeners and other tools for a yearly fee.


How Does Zacks Work?

Zacks works by collecting electronic data feeds and printed research on more than 8,500 North American publicly traded companies from 185 brokerage firms daily. By combining and aggregating the opinions of thousands of analysts, Zacks can identify expert consensus on the earnings potential of certain stocks. The Zacks Rank system uses this information to rate stocks based on their earnings potential. The system is purely mathematical, ensuring that the ratings are not influenced by the biases or preferences of individual analysts.



Zacks Features

Zacks Rank: Zacks Rank is a proprietary system that rates stocks based on their earnings potential, providing investors with a reliable tool for making informed decisions.

Consensus Earnings Estimates: Zacks collects and aggregates the opinions of thousands of analysts, providing a comprehensive view of the earnings potential of certain stocks.

Premium Service: Zacks offers a premium service that provides access to special stock screeners and other tools, enhancing the user’s investment strategy.

Data Collection: Zacks collects electronic data feeds and printed research on more than 8,500 North American publicly traded companies, ensuring a wide coverage of the market.

Independent Research: Zacks provides independent research and investment-related content, ensuring unbiased and reliable information for its users.

Free Plan: Zacks offers a free plan that allows users to access basic features, making it a cost-effective solution for beginners.


Zacks Pros and Cons

Now that we’ve covered the features of Zacks, let’s delve into the pros and cons of this AI stock prediction software to give you a balanced view of what it offers.


Zacks Pros

Wide Coverage: Zacks covers more than 8,500 North American publicly traded companies, providing a broad spectrum of investment opportunities.

Reliable Predictions: The Zacks Rank system provides reliable stock ratings based on earnings potential, aiding in informed investment decisions.

Comprehensive Data: Zacks aggregates the opinions of thousands of analysts, providing a comprehensive view of the earnings potential of stocks.

Premium Tools: The premium service offers access to special stock screeners and other tools, enhancing the user’s investment strategy.


Zacks Cons

Subscription Cost: The cost of the premium service may be a barrier for some users, especially those with a limited budget.

Complexity: The extensive data and tools provided by Zacks may be overwhelming for beginners, requiring a learning curve to fully utilize the platform.



Zacks Pricing Plan

Zacks offers 2 pricing plans:

Zacks Premium: This plan provides professional-grade tools to individual investors, featuring daily updates of the Zacks Rank, full access to Zacks Equity Research, Focus List portfolio of 50 stocks for the long haul, Premium Screens and much more. The subscription cost is $249 per year.

Zacks Ultimate: This plan includes all the features of Zacks Premium, plus full access to Zacks’ private portfolios and exclusive recommendation services. The subscription cost is $59 per month or $495 per year.

Zacks accepts credit cards for payment.


Who Should Use Zacks?

Zacks is suitable for both beginner and advanced investors. Beginners can benefit from the comprehensive data and reliable predictions provided by the Zacks Rank system, while advanced investors can take advantage of the professional-grade tools and exclusive access to private portfolios offered in the Zacks Ultimate plan.



Zacks FAQs

What is the Zacks Rank and how does it help investors?

The Zacks Rank is a proprietary stock-rating system that classifies stocks into five categories based on their earnings momentum, with #1 being a ‘Strong Buy’ and #5 being a ‘Strong Sell’. It helps investors by using earnings estimate revisions to predict stock performance, which has been shown to be a strong indicator of future stock movements.

Can Zacks help me if I’m new to investing?

Yes, Zacks provides tools and analyses that are accessible to new investors, such as the Zacks Rank and consensus earnings estimates. These resources can help beginners understand market trends and make more informed investment decisions.

Does Zacks offer resources for advanced investors?

Advanced investors can benefit from Zacks’ in-depth market analysis, proprietary tools like the Zacks Rank, and premium services that offer exclusive investment strategies and recommendations.

What kind of investment strategies does Zacks support?

Zacks supports a variety of investment strategies through its research and tools, including value, growth, and momentum investing. The platform provides resources tailored to different investment approaches, such as stock screeners and portfolio recommendations.

How often is the Zacks Rank updated?

The Zacks Rank is updated daily, ensuring that investors have access to the latest earnings momentum information for stock evaluation and decision-making.

What does the Zacks Premium service include?

Zacks Premium offers subscribers professional-grade tools, including daily updates of the Zacks Rank, full access to Zacks Equity Research reports, the Focus List portfolio, Premium Screens, and more, to enhance their investment strategies.

Is there a trial period for Zacks Premium services?

Zacks offers a free trial for its premium services, allowing users to explore the features and benefits before committing to a subscription.

How does Zacks collect and use analyst estimates?

Zacks collects electronic data feeds and printed research from over 185 brokerage firms, aggregating the opinions of thousands of analysts to provide a consensus view of earnings estimates, which is then used to calculate the Zacks Rank and other investment insights.



Zacks Investment Research provides a robust platform for both novice and seasoned investors, offering a wealth of tools and analyses to guide investment decisions. With its unique Zacks Rank system and comprehensive data aggregation, Zacks empowers users to leverage earnings estimate revisions for stock selection, supported by a variety of resources tailored to different investment strategies.

Visit Zacks Website