11 Top Rated Yoga Apps

Yakov Itai Samelson
March 22, 2024

Top Rated Yoga Apps

Yoga has seamlessly woven itself into the fabric of our wellness routines, offering a sanctuary for both mind and body amidst the hustle and bustle of daily life. With the advent of technology, the ancient practice of yoga has found a new home on our smartphones, making it more accessible than ever. The surge in popularity of yoga apps is a testament to the growing awareness and appreciation for yoga’s profound benefits. These digital platforms have become indispensable tools for millions seeking flexibility, strength, and peace in the comfort of their homes. The demand for top rated yoga apps has skyrocketed, driven by their convenience, variety, and the personalized experience they offer to users of all levels.


11 Top Rated Yoga Apps

  1. Yoga Studio
  2. Simply Yoga Home Instructor
  3. 5 Minute Yoga Workouts
  4. Nandy Yoga for Weight Loss
  5. Daily Yoga
  6. Yoga Down Dog
  7. Yoga Workout
  8. Find What Feels Good Yoga
  9. Glowbe Face Yoga & Massage
  10. Sadhguru Yoga & Meditation
  11. Glo Yoga and Meditation


The Need for Top Rated Yoga Apps

In today’s fast-paced world, finding time to attend a traditional yoga class can be a challenge for many. This is where top rated yoga apps come into play, offering a flexible and efficient solution to maintain regular yoga practice. These apps cater to a wide range of needs, from beginners looking to learn the basics to seasoned yogis seeking to deepen their practice. With features like customizable sessions, progress tracking, and access to expert guidance, yoga apps empower users to cultivate a practice that fits their lifestyle and goals. Moreover, the integration of mindfulness and meditation exercises within these apps addresses the growing need for mental wellness tools, making them a holistic solution for nurturing both physical and mental health. The ability to practice anytime, anywhere, without the need for expensive equipment or studio memberships, makes top rated yoga apps an attractive option for those looking to incorporate yoga into their daily routine.

Yoga Apps


How does Top Rated Yoga Apps work?

Top rated yoga apps provide a platform for users to practice yoga with the guidance of virtual instructors. These apps often feature a variety of yoga sessions, ranging from beginner to advanced levels, and may include different styles of yoga such as Vinyasa, Hatha, or Ashtanga. Users can select sessions based on duration, intensity, or specific focus areas like flexibility, strength, or relaxation. The apps typically use videos, audio cues, and written descriptions to guide users through each pose, ensuring proper form and technique. Some apps also offer progress tracking, personalized workout plans, and community features to connect with other yoga enthusiasts.


How to choose a Top Rated Yoga App?

Choosing a top rated yoga app involves considering several factors to ensure it meets your personal needs and preferences. Start by evaluating the variety of yoga practices offered and check if the app provides sessions that match your skill level and goals. Look for apps with high-quality, clear instructional videos and consider whether you prefer voice-guided sessions or if you’d like to have the option to practice with music. Accessibility features such as offline access and compatibility with various devices can also influence your decision. Additionally, consider the app’s user interface and ease of navigation, as well as any additional features like meditation practices, breathing exercises, or community support. Finally, read user reviews and ratings to gauge the app’s effectiveness and customer satisfaction.


Top Rated Yoga Apps


1. Yoga Studio

Yoga Studio

Yoga Studio is a yoga app that emerges as a comprehensive digital platform designed to cater to yoga enthusiasts of all levels, from beginners to advanced practitioners. This top rated yoga app distinguishes itself through its extensive library of over 190 ready-made yoga videos and meditations, alongside the ability to customize or create your own unique HD video classes. With a focus on accessibility and convenience, Yoga Studio ensures that users can engage in their practice anytime and anywhere, making it a versatile companion for those looking to integrate yoga into their daily routine. The app’s integration with Apple Health and a built-in calendar for tracking sessions and scheduling classes further enhances its utility, providing a holistic approach to yoga practice that is both user-friendly and deeply enriching.


What does Yoga Studio do?

Yoga Studio serves as an all-in-one yoga and meditation app that offers a wide range of features designed to support and enhance the yoga journey of its users. At its core, the app provides beautifully instructed beginner, intermediate, and advanced HD video yoga classes, along with guided audio meditations and a free pose reference guide. It stands out for its ability to offer customization options, allowing users to tailor classes to their specific needs by creating their own unique sequences pose by pose. Additionally, the app facilitates structured practice through class scheduling and provides detailed advice and instructions for over 280 poses, catering to the diverse needs and preferences of its user base. Whether you’re looking to start your yoga journey, deepen your practice, or find a convenient way to maintain consistency, Yoga Studio offers the tools and resources to achieve those goals, making it a great add to the list of top rated yoga apps.


Yoga Studio Key Features

HD Video Classes and Meditations: Yoga Studio boasts an expansive collection of over 190 high-definition video classes and meditations, ensuring there’s always something new to explore. This feature caters to a wide range of preferences and skill levels, making it easy for users to find classes that match their current practice or help them explore new styles.

Customization and Creation: One of the app’s standout features is the ability to customize or create your own unique HD video classes. Users can select poses and sequence them to their liking, offering a personalized yoga experience that can be tailored to specific goals, preferences, or needs.

Class Scheduling: To help users stay consistent with their practice, Yoga Studio includes a class scheduling feature. This allows for the planning and scheduling of yoga sessions in advance, integrating seamlessly with users’ calendars to provide timely reminders.

Pose Library: The app contains a comprehensive library of 280 poses, complete with detailed advice and instructions. This resource is invaluable for both beginners seeking to learn new poses and experienced practitioners looking to refine their technique.

Integration with Apple Health: Yoga Studio syncs with Apple Health automatically, enabling users to track their yoga sessions alongside other health and fitness data. This feature supports a holistic view of one’s health and wellness journey.

User-Friendly Interface: Designed with simplicity and ease of use in mind, the app offers a user-friendly interface that makes navigating through its features and finding the right classes a breeze.

Cross-Platform Accessibility: Yoga Studio works not only on iPhones but also on iPads, Macs, and Apple TV, providing users with the flexibility to practice yoga on their preferred device, anytime and anywhere.



2. Simply Yoga Home Instructor

Simply Yoga Home Instructor

Simply Yoga Home Instructor is a user-friendly top rated yoga app designed to bring the benefits of yoga into the comfort of your home. Catering to both beginners and seasoned practitioners, this app stands out for its simplicity and effectiveness. It offers a range of yoga routines demonstrated by certified instructors, making it easy for users to follow along at their own pace. Whether you’re looking to incorporate yoga into your daily routine for relaxation, flexibility, or strength building, Simply Yoga Home Instructor provides a versatile platform to achieve your wellness goals.


What does Simply Yoga Home Instructor do?

Simply Yoga Home Instructor acts as your personal yoga teacher, offering a selection of six level 1 yoga routines that guide you through each pose with video and audio instructions. Ideal for users at all levels, from beginners to advanced, the app allows you to choose your workout length and follow along in the comfort of your home. With routines ranging from 20 to 60 minutes, it integrates seamlessly into any schedule, providing a flexible and accessible way to maintain consistent yoga practice. This top rated yoga app not only helps in improving physical health but also serves as a tool for mental relaxation and stress reduction.


Simply Yoga Home Instructor Key Features

Six Predefined Level 1 Routines: These routines offer a structured approach to yoga, catering to users with different time availabilities and fitness levels.

Great For All Levels: Whether you’re a beginner or an advanced yogi, the app provides content that is accessible and challenging for everyone.

Video & Audio Instructions: Each pose is accompanied by detailed video and audio instructions, ensuring users can follow along accurately and safely.

35+ Poses: A wide variety of poses are covered, allowing users to experience a comprehensive yoga practice that targets different areas of the body.

Customizable Routines: For those looking for more variety, the full version of the app allows users to create custom routines from all available poses, offering a personalized yoga experience.

Ad-Free Option: The full version also offers an ad-free experience, allowing for uninterrupted practice.



3. 5 Minute Yoga Workouts

5 Minute Yoga Workouts

5 Minute Yoga Workouts is a yoga app designed to cater to individuals seeking to integrate yoga into their busy schedules. It offers a variety of quick and accessible yoga sessions, each lasting no more than five minutes. The app is particularly suitable for beginners, providing a wide array of simple yet effective yoga poses accompanied by clear images and detailed instructions to ensure correct form. A built-in timer function helps users maintain the right pose duration, making the practice both quick and effective. This app is ideal for those looking to start their day with energy, take a stress-relieving break at the office, or unwind before bedtime. With regular use, 5 Minute Yoga Workouts can help improve flexibility, increase strength, tone muscles, and reduce stress, all within the span of a few minutes each day.


What does 5 Minute Yoga Workouts do?

5 Minute Yoga Workouts serves as a personal yoga instructor for users who are pressed for time but still wish to maintain a consistent yoga practice. The yoga app’s primary function is to guide users through brief yoga sessions that can be easily slotted into various parts of the day. It aims to make yoga accessible and manageable by breaking down sessions into five-minute intervals, ensuring that even the busiest individuals can find time for physical and mental wellness. The app’s sessions are designed to be effective standalone workouts that can also complement other fitness routines. By promoting regular practice, 5 Minute Yoga Workouts helps users achieve noticeable improvements in their overall well-being.


5 Minute Yoga Workouts Key Features

Simple but Effective Poses: The app includes a selection of poses that are easy to perform yet powerful in their impact. These poses are suitable for beginners and are presented with clarity to ensure users can execute them correctly without prior yoga experience.

Clear Images and Detailed Instructions: Each pose is accompanied by high-quality images and step-by-step instructions, which are crucial for users to understand and perform the poses accurately, maximizing the benefits of their practice.

Timer Function: A built-in timer ensures that each pose is held for the appropriate amount of time, helping users maintain focus and discipline throughout their practice. This feature also keeps the sessions to exactly five minutes, respecting the user’s time constraints.

Quick Yoga Routines: The app’s quick routines are designed to fit into any part of the day, making it possible for users to engage in yoga practice whether they are at home, in the office, or on the go.

Improves Physical Health: Regular use of the app can lead to improved flexibility, increased muscle strength, and better muscle tone, contributing to the user’s physical health.

Reduces Stress: The app also serves as a tool for mental relaxation, helping users to relieve stress and unwind, which is particularly beneficial for those with hectic lifestyles.

Accessibility: 5 Minute Yoga Workouts is free to use, with optional premium features available, making it accessible to a wide audience who may be interested in starting or maintaining a yoga practice.



4. Nandy Yoga for Weight Loss

Nandy Yoga for Weight Loss

Nandy Yoga for Weight Loss is a yoga app designed to cater to individuals looking to integrate yoga into their weight management and fitness routines. It offers a user-friendly platform that combines the ancient practice of yoga with modern technology to provide a convenient and accessible way to achieve physical and mental wellness. The app is tailored for those who may not have the time to attend traditional yoga classes, providing a flexible solution that fits into any schedule. It is particularly beneficial for users with some prior experience in yoga, as it focuses on helping them maintain consistency in their practice and improve their transitions between poses.


What does Nandy Yoga for Weight Loss do?

Nandy Yoga for Weight Loss serves as a personal yoga instructor on your mobile device, guiding you through various asanas and sequences aimed at promoting weight loss and improving overall fitness. The app is structured to help users maintain muscle tone, enhance flexibility, and find inner peace through easy-to-follow yoga sessions. It is an effective tool for those seeking to reduce stress, which is often a contributing factor to weight gain. By incorporating regular yoga practice into one’s lifestyle, the app encourages mindful eating habits and a more active routine, which are essential components of a healthy weight loss journey.


Nandy Yoga for Weight Loss Key Features

Personalized Yoga Sessions: The app offers customized yoga workouts that can be tailored to the user’s experience level and fitness goals, ensuring a personalized yoga journey.

Flexibility and Convenience: With the ability to practice anytime and anywhere, Nandy Yoga for Weight Loss provides a flexible option for busy individuals who struggle to find time for traditional yoga classes.

Stress Reduction: The app includes features that help users manage stress, an important aspect of weight loss and overall well-being.

Mindfulness and Healthy Eating: By promoting mindfulness, the app supports users in making healthier food choices, which is a key factor in achieving and maintaining weight loss.

Muscle Tone and Strength: The yoga sequences are designed to build muscle tone and strength, contributing to a more efficient metabolism and aiding in weight management.

Inner Peace: Beyond physical benefits, the app also focuses on helping users find inner peace and mental clarity through the practice of yoga.



5. Daily Yoga

Daily Yoga

Daily Yoga offers a comprehensive platform for both beginners and advanced yogis aiming to enhance their yoga practice at home or on the go. This top rated yoga app stands out for its extensive library of yoga poses, guided classes, and personalized yoga programs tailored to meet individual fitness goals. With a focus on inclusivity, Daily Yoga caters to users at all levels of experience, providing beginner series to grasp the basics and advanced sequences for those seeking a challenge. The app’s commitment to updating its content weekly ensures a fresh and varied yoga experience, preventing the monotony of repetitive workouts. Additionally, Daily Yoga emphasizes the importance of mental well-being alongside physical fitness, incorporating meditation classes designed to reduce stress and improve overall mental health.


What does Daily Yoga do?

Daily Yoga serves as a personal yoga studio, accessible anytime and anywhere, designed to support users in achieving their health and fitness objectives. This yoga app offers a wide range of services from weight loss and fat burn programs to meditation sessions aimed at stress relief. The app provides personalized yoga plans, adapting to the user’s progress and preferences, with the Smart Coach feature suggesting daily classes to keep the practice engaging and effective. Daily Yoga encourages participation in yoga challenges, fostering a sense of community among its users worldwide. It also allows for the downloading of classes for offline use, making it convenient for users to maintain their practice regardless of internet availability. By integrating with HealthKit, Daily Yoga enables users to track their exercise data, contributing to a holistic view of their health.


Daily Yoga Key Features

Personalized Custom Yoga Program: Tailors yoga sessions to individual goals, ensuring users receive the most relevant and beneficial practice.

Daily Yoga Challenges: Engages users with regular challenges to motivate and enhance their yoga journey, suitable for all levels.

Weekly New Classes: Keeps the content fresh and diverse, preventing the repetition of workouts and maintaining user interest.

Beginner Series: Offers specially designed classes for beginners to learn the basics of yoga in an accessible and supportive environment.

Advanced Sequences: Provides challenging sequences for experienced yogis looking to deepen their practice.

Meditation Classes: Includes guided meditation sessions to support mental well-being and stress reduction alongside physical fitness.

Offline Class Downloads: Allows users to download classes for offline use, making it easy to practice yoga anytime, anywhere.

HealthKit Integration: Enables the tracking of exercise data, offering a comprehensive view of the user’s fitness journey.

Global Yoga Community: Connects users with a worldwide community of yogis, fostering a sense of belonging and mutual support.

Smart Coach Feature: Automatically suggests daily classes based on the user’s progress and goals, simplifying the process of choosing the right class.



6. Yoga Down Dog

Yoga Down Dog

Yoga Down Dog is a versatile and user-friendly app designed to make the practice of yoga accessible and personalized for individuals at any level of experience. It stands out in the digital fitness landscape by offering a wealth of customizable options, allowing users to tailor their yoga sessions to their specific needs and preferences. From selecting the duration, style, and intensity of the practice to choosing the voice of the instructor and the background music, Yoga Down Dog provides a unique experience for each user, ensuring that no two yoga sessions are the same, making it a great addition to the list of the top rated yoga apps.


What does Yoga Down Dog do?

Yoga Down Dog serves as a personal yoga studio right in the comfort of your own home. It eliminates the repetitiveness often associated with pre-recorded yoga classes by generating new, personalized practices every time you roll out your mat. Whether you’re a beginner looking to start your yoga journey or an experienced practitioner seeking to deepen your practice, the app adapts to your level and goals. It offers a variety of yoga types, including Vinyasa, Hatha, and Yin, and even has specialized options like prenatal yoga. With its focus on customization, Yoga Down Dog ensures that users can create a practice that aligns with their daily needs and long-term wellness objectives.


Yoga Down Dog Key Features

Personalization: The core of Yoga Down Dog’s appeal is its ability to create a personalized yoga practice. Users can set their preferred time, level, focus, and even choose from a selection of voices and music to accompany their session. This level of customization means that each practice feels tailored just for them.

Variety of Yoga Styles: The app offers a range of yoga styles, including Vinyasa, Hatha, Gentle, Restorative, and Yin, catering to the diverse preferences and needs of its users.

Boost Feature: For those looking to target specific areas of the body or enhance certain aspects of their practice, the Boost feature allows users to select a primary and secondary focus, such as backbends or low back stretches.

Dynamic Music: The music in Yoga Down Dog changes dynamically with your breathing, adding an immersive quality to the practice that can enhance focus and relaxation.

Multi-Language Support: Catering to a global audience, the app provides yoga practices in multiple languages, making it accessible to non-English speakers.

Liked and Excluded Poses: Users have the ability to “like” or “dislike” poses, influencing the algorithm to include their favorites more often and exclude the ones they don’t want to practice.

Ease of Use: The app’s interface is straightforward, making it easy for users of all tech-savviness levels to navigate and customize their yoga experience.

Affordability: Yoga Down Dog is noted for its competitive pricing, often offering sales and a free trial period that doesn’t require credit card information, making it a risk-free option for those new to the app.



7. Yoga Workout

Yoga Workout

Yoga Workout is a versatile yoga app designed to cater to yoga enthusiasts of all levels, from beginners to advanced practitioners. It offers a wide range of features including high-definition yoga video classes, a 21-day yoga challenge, and yoga workouts of varying durations (10, 20, 30 minutes). The app encourages daily yoga practice through its check-in feature and fosters a sense of community among its users. With its user-friendly interface and comprehensive content, Yoga Workout aims to make yoga accessible and enjoyable for everyone, allowing users to practice yoga anytime, anywhere, without the need for any special equipment.


What does Yoga Workout do?

Yoga Workout serves as a digital yoga studio that brings the experience of practicing yoga to the comfort of your home or any chosen environment. It provides users with an array of yoga lessons tailored for beginners, alongside challenges and workouts that can fit into any schedule, whether you have just 10 minutes or a full half-hour. The app’s daily check-in feature motivates users to maintain a consistent practice, while the community aspect allows for interaction and support among fellow yoga enthusiasts. By offering a variety of yoga routines and challenges, Yoga Workout helps users to improve their flexibility, strength, and mental well-being, making it a comprehensive tool for personal growth and health maintenance.


Yoga Workout Key Features

Yoga Lessons for Beginners: This feature offers a gentle introduction to the practice of yoga, making it accessible for those who are new to yoga or looking to refresh their basics.

21 Day Yoga Challenge: A structured program designed to help users build a consistent yoga practice and experience the benefits of regular yoga over a three-week period.

10,20,30 minutes Yoga Workout: These varied workout durations ensure that even the busiest individuals can find time to practice yoga, catering to different schedules and time constraints.

Do Daily Yoga CheckIn: Encourages users to maintain a daily practice by allowing them to check in after completing their yoga session, fostering a habit of regular practice.

Yoga User Community: Provides a platform for users to connect, share experiences, and support each other in their yoga journey, creating a sense of belonging and community among practitioners.



8. Find What Feels Good Yoga

Find What Feels Good Yoga

Find What Feels Good Yoga is a yoga app that stands out in the crowded digital wellness space by offering a unique blend of yoga practices, community engagement, and personal growth tools. Developed under the guidance of Adriene Mishler, a renowned yoga teacher with a massive online following, this app is designed to cater to a wide range of users, from beginners to advanced practitioners. It provides access to an extensive library of yoga videos, including exclusive content not available elsewhere, and integrates features that encourage daily practice and mindfulness. The app’s focus on making yoga accessible and enjoyable for everyone reflects in its user-friendly interface and the variety of classes offered, covering different styles, durations, and focuses.


What does Find What Feels Good Yoga do?

Find What Feels Good Yoga serves as a comprehensive platform for individuals looking to incorporate yoga and mindfulness into their daily routine. This yoga app offers over 900 videos that cater to all levels of experience, ensuring that whether you’re a complete novice or a seasoned yogi, there’s something to challenge and inspire you. The app includes guided meditations, educational talks on yoga-related topics, and healthy recipes, aiming to support users not just in their physical practice but in their overall well-being. With features like an in-app calendar for tracking progress and creating a personal class schedule, as well as a library for saving favorite classes and playlists, it provides a personalized yoga experience. The app also fosters a sense of community among its users, with monthly themes and a members’ vlog where Adriene shares her personal yoga journey, encouraging interaction and support among members.


Find What Feels Good Yoga Key Features

Extensive Video Library: The app boasts over 900 videos, including nearly 300 exclusive FWFG videos and the entire Yoga With Adriene library, catering to all levels and interests without the distractions of ads.

Community Engagement: It emphasizes community connection through features like community favorites, monthly themes, and a members’ vlog, fostering a supportive environment for users.

Personalization: Despite lacking an onboarding survey for personalized class recommendations, the app allows users to create a class schedule, save favorites, and use search and filter tools to find classes that meet their personal goals.

Educational Content: Beyond yoga classes, the app provides educational talks on yoga-related topics, guided meditations, and healthy recipes, supporting users in their journey towards overall well-being.

Compatibility and Accessibility: Find What Feels Good Yoga is accessible across multiple devices, including iPhone, iPad, Apple TV, and Android devices, with options for offline viewing, making it easy for users to practice anytime, anywhere.

Apple Watch Integration: The app integrates with Apple Watch, allowing users to track workouts, monitor stats like heart rate and calories burned during workouts, and use the watch as a remote for playback control.



9. Glowbe Face Yoga & Massage

Glowbe Face Yoga & Massage

Glowbe Face Yoga & Massage is an app designed to serve as a personal wellness companion, aiming to enhance the user’s appearance and well-being through a holistic approach. It combines face yoga exercises, massage techniques, meditation, and affirmations to provide a comprehensive routine that addresses the needs of the skin, hair, body, and mind. The app offers a personalized program tailored by beauty experts, promising visible results with just 7 minutes of daily practice. It also provides a wealth of information on skincare, haircare, better sleep, and stress management, catering to over a million users who seek a natural and effective method to rejuvenate their appearance and reduce stress.


What does Glowbe Face Yoga & Massage do?

Glowbe Face Yoga & Massage delivers a multifaceted approach to beauty and relaxation, focusing on the muscles of the face that require either relaxation or toning. Users receive a custom course of exercises prepared by beauty experts, designed to be simple and convenient for at-home practice. The app’s goal is to produce visible changes in the user’s appearance and enhance their self-acceptance and stress-coping abilities through regular face yoga sessions, massages, and the practice of meditation and affirmations. It is a tool that encourages users to invest time in self-care and promises a transformation in how they look and feel.


Glowbe Face Yoga & Massage Key Features

Personalized Program: Glowbe Face Yoga & Massage stands out with its personalized programs that are specifically crafted for each user by beauty experts. This feature ensures that the exercises and routines are aligned with the individual’s unique needs and goals.

Daily Practice for Visible Results: The app promotes consistency with exercises that require only 7 minutes a day to achieve noticeable improvements. This commitment to daily practice is designed to fit into the user’s lifestyle easily and effectively.

Comprehensive Wellness Content: Beyond facial exercises, Glowbe offers a plethora of tips and advice on skincare, haircare, and methods to achieve a stress-free life, positioning itself as a holistic wellness resource.

Community of Satisfied Users: With more than 1 million happy users, the app has a strong community base, providing newcomers with a sense of trust and the motivation to join and share in the positive experiences of others.

Subscription Model: Access to the full range of features within Glowbe requires a subscription, with options for monthly or annual payments. This model ensures that users have uninterrupted access to their personalized beauty courses.



10. Sadhguru Yoga & Meditation

Sadhguru Yoga & Meditation

Sadhguru Yoga & Meditation is an app designed to bring the profound yoga and meditation teachings of Sadhguru directly to users worldwide. It serves as a digital gateway to explore various aspects of yoga and meditation, aiming to enhance the physical, mental, and spiritual well-being of its users. The app is celebrated for making the ancient science of yoga accessible to everyone, regardless of their experience level. It offers a wide range of practices, guided meditations, and wisdom that can be integrated into daily life, promoting a sense of peace, health, and inner exploration. Users have praised the app for its transformative impact, noting how it has helped them navigate life’s challenges with greater ease and clarity.


What does Sadhguru Yoga & Meditation do?

Sadhguru Yoga & Meditation acts as a comprehensive tool for self-exploration and well-being. It provides users with access to a vast array of yoga practices, meditations, and wisdom from Sadhguru, designed to address various aspects of human life including health, stress management, and spiritual growth. The app offers guided meditations to help users find inner peace, enhance their concentration, and achieve a state of balance. It also includes yoga practices tailored for different needs, such as improving immunity, achieving success, and fostering overall well-being. Beyond physical practices, the app serves as a platform for learning, offering daily quotes, insightful articles, and videos on a wide range of topics related to spirituality, life, and the human condition.


Sadhguru Yoga & Meditation Key Features

Free Yoga Practices: The app provides a selection of yoga practices suitable for all levels, focusing on various aspects of well-being such as health, immunity, and mental clarity. These practices are designed to be easily integrated into daily routines, offering a practical approach to yoga.

Guided Meditations: Users can explore a variety of guided meditations aimed at reducing stress, enhancing focus, and promoting a sense of inner peace. These meditations cater to beginners and experienced practitioners alike, making meditation accessible to everyone.

Daily Wisdom: The app delivers daily quotes and insights from Sadhguru, offering users a source of inspiration and contemplation. This feature helps keep users engaged and motivated on their path of self-discovery and spiritual growth.

Exclusive Content: Subscribers have access to rare and exclusive videos, talks, and writings from Sadhguru, providing deeper insights into spirituality and mysticism. This content is designed to enrich the user’s understanding and experience of yoga and meditation.

Personalized Experience: The app allows users to track their progress, set reminders for practices, and customize their journey according to their personal goals and preferences. This personalized approach helps users stay committed and benefit fully from their practice.

Multilingual Support: Recognizing the global appeal of Sadhguru’s teachings, the app is available in multiple languages, making it accessible to a wide audience. This feature ensures that language barriers do not hinder anyone’s ability to benefit from the app’s offerings.



11. Glo Yoga and Meditation

Glo Yoga and Meditation

Glo Yoga and Meditation is an online platform that offers a diverse range of yoga, meditation, Pilates, and fitness classes, catering to individuals at various stages of their wellness journey. Whether you’re looking to enhance your physical fitness, find mental clarity, or explore different styles of yoga, Glo provides access to world-class instructors and a library of content that can be accessed from the comfort of your home or while on the move.


What does Glo Yoga and Meditation do?

Glo Yoga and Meditation serves as a comprehensive digital wellness companion, offering users the flexibility to practice at their own pace and according to their personal needs. The app provides a vast selection of on-demand classes and live sessions, enabling users to engage in real-time with a community of like-minded individuals. From beginner to advanced levels, Glo supports a personalized approach to yoga and meditation, ensuring that each user can find the right practice for their lifestyle, goals, and preferences.


Glo Yoga and Meditation Key Features

Wide Variety of Classes: Glo boasts an extensive library of classes across various yoga styles, including Vinyasa, Hatha, and Kundalini, as well as Pilates and fitness workouts. This variety ensures that users can keep their practice fresh and aligned with their evolving wellness goals.

Daily Live Classes: Users can join live classes to experience the energy of a studio session from anywhere. These classes offer the opportunity to practice in sync with others and maintain a regular schedule.

Personalized Collections: The app allows users to create and save personalized collections of their favorite classes, making it easy to return to preferred practices or explore new themes.

Offline Access: For those who travel or have limited internet access, Glo provides the option to download classes and practice offline, ensuring that users can maintain their routine without interruption.

Expert Instructors: Glo’s roster of professional instructors is renowned for their expertise in yoga, Pilates, meditation, and fitness, offering users high-quality guidance and support.

Self-Guided Programs: The app includes guided programs designed to help users achieve specific goals, such as improving sleep or building core strength, providing a structured path to follow.

Health and Activity Tracking: Integration with the Apple Watch allows users to track their progress and activity, contributing to a holistic view of their health and fitness journey.

Compatibility with Streaming Devices: Glo is compatible with Google Chromecast, enabling users to stream classes on larger screens for an immersive experience.

Personalized Class Recommendations: The ‘For You’ section offers tailored class suggestions based on user activity, helping to refine the practice to individual preferences and goals.

Community Connection: Joining live classes and participating in Glo’s global community fosters a sense of connection and motivation, encouraging users to stay engaged with their practice.


FAQs on Top Rated Yoga Apps

What is a Top Rated Yoga App?

Top rated yoga apps are digital tools designed to provide users with yoga sessions, ranging from beginner to advanced levels, through their mobile devices or computers. These yoga apps often feature a variety of yoga practices, including Hatha, Vinyasa, and Ashtanga, among others. They are equipped with features such as personalized workout plans, progress tracking, and sometimes even virtual personal AI coaches to enhance the user experience. The best yoga apps are distinguished by their user-friendly interface, the quality of their content, the expertise of their instructors, and the flexibility they offer to practice anytime and anywhere. The goal of these apps is to make yoga accessible to everyone, regardless of their experience level or busy schedules, promoting physical and mental well-being.

How do I choose the Top Rated Yoga Apps for me?

Choosing the top rated yoga apps involves considering several factors to ensure it meets your personal needs and preferences. Firstly, identify your goals for practicing yoga, whether it’s for relaxation, improving flexibility, strength building, or meditation. Apps like “Yoga for Beginners | Mind+Body” are designed with beginners in mind, offering easy-to-follow workouts and guidance. For those seeking a more personalized experience, look for apps that offer customizable workout plans and virtual personal coaching.

Next, consider the app’s content variety and quality. The best apps provide a wide range of yoga styles and sessions of varying lengths and difficulties, catering to all levels of practitioners. The presence of a comprehensive video library and the expertise of the instructors are crucial for effective practice and learning.

User experience is another important aspect. The app should have an intuitive and attractive interface, making it easy to navigate through different features and find what you’re looking for. Community and social sharing features can also enhance your experience by allowing you to connect with like-minded individuals and share your progress.

Lastly, review the app’s pricing model. Many yoga apps offer a freemium model, with basic content available for free and more advanced features or content unlocked through a subscription. Ensure the app provides good value for the price and consider if the premium features are beneficial to your yoga practice.

What are the benefits of using a Yoga App?

Using a yoga app comes with numerous benefits, making yoga practice more accessible and convenient. One of the primary advantages is the flexibility to practice anytime and anywhere, eliminating the need for a physical yoga studio. This is particularly beneficial for individuals with busy schedules or those who prefer the privacy of their home.

Yoga apps also offer a wide variety of yoga styles and sessions, catering to all levels from beginners to advanced practitioners. This allows users to explore different yoga practices and find what works best for them, all in one platform.

Personalization is another significant benefit. Many yoga apps provide personalized workout plans based on the user’s goals, preferences, and progress. Features like virtual personal AI coaches and activity summaries help tailor the experience to the individual, making it more effective and enjoyable.

Moreover, yoga apps often include progress tracking and community features, enabling users to monitor their improvement over time and connect with a supportive community of fellow yogis. This can be motivating and encouraging, especially for those who appreciate a sense of belonging and accountability in their fitness journey.

Lastly, yoga apps are generally more cost-effective than attending physical classes at a studio. With a single subscription, users can access a vast library of yoga sessions and resources, providing great value for money.



Embracing the digital age, top rated yoga apps have revolutionized the way we practice yoga, making it more accessible, flexible, and personalized than ever before. Whether you’re a beginner looking to start your yoga journey or an experienced practitioner seeking to deepen your practice, there’s a yoga app out there that can cater to your needs. By considering factors such as your goals, the app’s content quality, user experience, and pricing model, you can choose the right app to support your yoga practice. The benefits of using a yoga app, including the ability to practice anytime and anywhere, access to a variety of yoga styles, personalized workout plans, and a supportive community, make it an invaluable tool for anyone looking to improve their physical and mental well-being through yoga. As we continue to navigate our busy lives, yoga apps offer a convenient and effective way to maintain a balanced, healthy lifestyle.