Stepsize AI

Itay Paz

January 22, 2024

Stepsize AI is a tool designed to enhance the software development process by allowing teams to track, prioritize, and resolve technical debt directly from their code editor. It integrates seamlessly with existing workflows, providing actionable insights, and facilitating communication among developers to ensure that technical debt is managed effectively and efficiently.


Stepsize AI Facts

Starting Price: Free
Pricing Model: Per User Per Month
Free Trial: Yes
Free Plan: Available

Stepsize AI Review: Features, Pricing Plans & Cons


What is Stepsize AI?

Stepsize AI is a cutting-edge tool tailored for software development teams aiming to tackle technical debt—a common challenge in the development lifecycle. It operates as a layer within the coding environment, enabling developers to annotate code issues, track them over time, and prioritize fixes without disrupting their workflow. By fostering a culture of continuous improvement, Stepsize AI helps maintain code quality and project velocity. The tool’s features include seamless integration with popular code editors, issue tracking systems, and a user-friendly interface that simplifies debt management. While it streamlines debt resolution, it requires developer buy-in and consistent use to be fully effective.


How Does Stepsize AI Work?

Stepsize AI functions by embedding itself into the development environment, providing a real-time interface for developers to mark problematic code as they encounter it. This proactive approach to identifying technical debt allows for immediate documentation of issues, which can then be categorized, prioritized, and assigned for resolution. The tool integrates with version control systems to track changes and debt evolution, offering insights into the impact of technical debt on the project’s progress. Stepsize AI’s analytics component helps teams make informed decisions about where to allocate resources for maximum efficiency in debt reduction.



Stepsize AI Features

Real-Time Issue Tracking

Stepsize AI provides an interface within the code editor for developers to flag issues as they code, ensuring immediate attention and documentation.

Seamless Integration

The tool integrates with popular code editors and version control systems, allowing for a smooth transition into existing development workflows.

Prioritization and Assignment

Developers can categorize and prioritize technical debt items, assigning them to team members for resolution, streamlining the management process.

Actionable Insights

Stepsize AI analyzes technical debt data to offer actionable insights, helping teams to understand the impact and prioritize effectively.

Communication Enhancement

By facilitating better communication among team members, Stepsize AI ensures that everyone is aligned on technical debt issues and resolutions.

User-Friendly Interface

The tool boasts a user-friendly interface that simplifies the process of managing technical debt, making it accessible for all team members.


Stepsize AI Pros and Cons

When considering the adoption of Stepsize AI, it’s important to weigh its advantages and limitations to determine if it aligns with your team’s needs and development practices.


Stepsize AI Pros

Enhanced Code Quality

Stepsize AI encourages regular maintenance and improvement, leading to higher code quality and fewer long-term issues.

Increased Project Velocity

By managing technical debt proactively, Stepsize AI helps maintain project momentum, avoiding slowdowns caused by accumulated issues.

Improved Developer Productivity

Developers can focus on writing new code rather than backtracking to fix issues, thanks to Stepsize AI’s efficient debt tracking.

Better Resource Allocation

With insights from Stepsize AI, teams can make informed decisions about where to allocate resources for debt resolution.

Streamlined Collaboration

Stepsize AI enhances collaboration by keeping the entire team informed about technical debt, fostering a unified approach to resolution.


Stepsize AI Cons

Learning Curve

New users may face a learning curve as they integrate Stepsize AI into their daily workflow and become accustomed to its features.

Dependent on Developer Buy-In

The effectiveness of Stepsize AI hinges on developer buy-in; without it, the tool’s potential impact on technical debt is diminished.

Integration Complexity

Some teams may find the integration of Stepsize AI into their existing systems more complex than anticipated, which could hinder adoption.



Stepsize AI Pricing Plan

Stepsize AI offers 2 pricing plans:

Team: This plan is ideal for individual teams and costs $29 per month per Jira board or Linear team. It includes a 2-week free trial and allows you to generate your first update for free without requiring card details.

Tailored Setup: Priced the same as the Team plan at $29 per month per Jira board or Linear team, this plan is perfect for larger teams that need extra support with setting up Stepsize AI. It includes a Proof of Concept (POC), Infosec assistance, volume discounts, an extended trial, and bespoke onboarding support.

Stepsize AI accepts credit cards for payment.


Who Should Use Stepsize AI?

Stepsize AI is best suited for software development teams of all sizes looking to manage and reduce technical debt. It is particularly beneficial for teams that use Jira or Linear for project management and are seeking to streamline their technical debt tracking and resolution processes. The tool’s real-time issue tracking and seamless integration make it an excellent choice for teams aiming to maintain high code quality and project velocity.



Stepsize AI FAQs

What is Stepsize AI and how does it benefit software development teams? 

Stepsize AI is a tool that integrates with code editors and issue trackers to help software development teams manage technical debt. It benefits teams by providing real-time issue tracking, prioritization, and actionable insights, which contribute to maintaining high code quality and project velocity.

Can Stepsize AI integrate with my current project management tools? 

Yes, Stepsize AI is designed to seamlessly integrate with popular project management tools such as Jira and Linear. This integration allows for a smooth transition and ensures that technical debt is managed without disrupting existing workflows.

Is Stepsize AI suitable for remote and distributed teams? 

Absolutely, Stepsize AI is well-suited for remote and distributed teams. Its online platform and integration capabilities enable team members to collaborate and manage technical debt regardless of their location.

How does Stepsize AI help in prioritizing technical debt? 

Stepsize AI provides developers with the ability to categorize and prioritize technical debt items. It offers insights into the impact of technical debt on the project, helping teams to allocate resources effectively and tackle the most critical issues first.

Does Stepsize AI offer a free trial or a free plan? 

Yes, Stepsize AI offers a free trial for new users to experience the tool’s capabilities. Additionally, there is a free plan available, making it accessible for teams to start managing their technical debt immediately.

What kind of support does Stepsize AI provide for new users? 

Stepsize AI offers support for new users, including documentation, a knowledge base, and customer support channels. For larger teams or those requiring extra assistance, the Tailored Setup plan includes bespoke onboarding support.

How does Stepsize AI ensure the security of my data? 

Security is a priority for Stepsize AI. Users have control over which boards or teams are included in updates, and the platform is built with security measures to protect data. Stepsize AI also assures that user data is not used to train AI models.

What payment methods does Stepsize AI accept? 

Stepsize AI accepts credit cards as a form of payment for its services. This provides a convenient and secure way for teams to subscribe to the service and manage payments.



Stepsize AI stands out as a valuable tool for software development teams focused on managing and reducing technical debt. Its integration with existing project management tools, support for remote collaboration, and commitment to security make it a practical choice for teams of all sizes. By facilitating real-time issue tracking and providing actionable insights, Stepsize AI supports teams in maintaining code quality and project momentum.

Visit Stepsize AI Website