Spacely AI

Yakov Itai Samelson
March 30, 2024
Spacely AI is a tool designed to assist both individuals and professionals in the field of interior design. It leverages artificial intelligence to provide users with the ability to quickly visualize and render interior spaces. By uploading images and selecting preferred styles, users can generate design inspirations, complete with furniture suggestions and color schemes, which can be practically implemented by contractors or used to explore various design possibilities.


Spacely AI Facts

Starting Price: Free
Pricing Model: Per Month
Free Trial: No
Free Plan: Not Available
Languages: NA
Established: NA

Spacely AI


What is Spacely AI?

Spacely AI is an innovative interior design tool that harnesses the power of artificial intelligence to transform the way users approach the design of their living spaces. It offers a user-friendly platform where homeowners, real estate agents, and interior designers can upload photos of rooms and then select from various styles to receive tailored design suggestions. Spacely AI stands out by providing not just visual inspiration but also practical outputs, including detailed furniture lists and color schemes, which can be directly applied to real-world projects. This makes it a valuable resource for those looking to renovate or stage properties efficiently.


How Does Spacely AI Work?

Spacely AI simplifies the interior design process by allowing users to upload images of their spaces and then choose from a range of styles and room types. The AI analyzes these inputs and generates design suggestions that align with the user’s preferences. These suggestions include a visual representation of the space with recommended furniture placements and color schemes. Users can further customize their designs using various tools provided by the platform, making it possible to achieve a personalized look that resonates with their vision. The process is streamlined to facilitate quick iterations, enabling users to explore multiple design options in a short amount of time.



Spacely AI Features

Real-Time Rendering

Spacely AI’s real-time rendering feature allows users to see immediate changes as they adjust their design preferences, providing a dynamic and interactive design experience that closely mirrors real-life modifications.

Customizable Design Templates

The platform offers a variety of customizable design templates, enabling users to start with a base that closely matches their vision and then tweak it to perfection, ensuring a unique outcome every time.

Extensive Furniture Library

With an extensive library of furniture and decor items, Spacely AI ensures users can find exactly what they need to bring their interior design ideas to life, from classic pieces to the latest trends.

Color Scheme Generator

The color scheme generator aids in creating harmonious color palettes for any space, taking the guesswork out of matching colors and helping to set the desired mood and style effortlessly.

3D Space Planning

This feature allows users to plan and visualize their designs in three dimensions, offering a comprehensive view of how furniture and decor will look in a room, facilitating better spatial planning.

AI-Powered Style Recommendations

Leveraging artificial intelligence, Spacely AI analyzes user preferences to provide personalized style recommendations, making it easier for users to discover and refine their interior design aesthetic.



Spacely AI Pricing Plan

Spacely AI offers 4 pricing plans:

Personal Use Free Plan: This plan is ideal for individuals exploring interior design options, offering basic features without any cost, allowing users to get a feel for the platform’s capabilities.

Personal Use Pro Plan: Priced at $9 per month for an annual subscription or $15 for a monthly subscription, the Pro Plan includes advanced features such as high-resolution rendering and an expanded furniture library, suitable for more in-depth design projects.

Corporate Team Plan: Tailored for small to medium-sized teams, this plan requires contacting the sales department to customize the features and pricing, ensuring that businesses get a package that fits their specific needs.

Corporate Enterprise Plan: Designed for large organizations, this plan also necessitates contacting the sales department for a custom quote, providing a scalable solution that can accommodate extensive design requirements and larger teams.

Spacely AI accepts credit cards, PayPal, and bank wire transfers for payment.


Who Should Use Spacely AI?

Spacely AI is a versatile tool that caters to a wide range of users, from homeowners looking to redecorate their space to professional interior designers seeking a powerful aid in their design process. Real estate agents can also benefit from Spacely AI by creating compelling visualizations for property listings. Additionally, it is an excellent resource for furniture retailers and manufacturers who wish to showcase their products in various settings, enhancing customer engagement and sales.



Spacely AI FAQs

What is Generative AI in the context of Spacely AI?

Generative AI within Spacely AI refers to the technology that enables the software to create detailed and realistic interior design renderings based on user inputs. It uses advanced algorithms to generate designs that are both innovative and aligned with current trends.

How quickly can Spacely AI generate design renderings?

Spacely AI is designed for speed and efficiency, capable of generating design renderings in a matter of seconds. This rapid turnaround time allows users to experiment with different styles and configurations without long waiting periods.

Can Spacely AI be used for professional interior design projects?

Absolutely, Spacely AI is equipped with features that cater to the needs of professional interior designers. Its advanced rendering capabilities and extensive library of furniture and decor make it a valuable tool for creating detailed project visualizations.

Is Spacely AI suitable for users with no design experience?

Yes, Spacely AI is user-friendly and suitable for users of all skill levels, including those with no prior design experience. Its intuitive interface and AI-driven recommendations help guide users through the design process.

What kind of support does Spacely AI offer to its users?

Spacely AI provides customer support to assist users with any questions or issues they may encounter. The level of support may vary depending on the chosen pricing plan.

Does Spacely AI offer a free trial or a free plan?

Spacely AI offers a free plan that allows users to explore basic features of the software. This can be a great way for new users to get acquainted with the tool before committing to a paid subscription.

How does Spacely AI stay updated with the latest interior design trends?

Spacely AI continuously updates its furniture library and design templates to reflect the latest trends in interior design. This ensures that users have access to modern and stylish options for their projects.

Can Spacely AI renderings be used for commercial purposes?

Renderings created with Spacely AI can be used for commercial purposes, making it a useful tool for real estate agents, furniture retailers, and other businesses in the property and design industries.



Spacely AI stands out as a dynamic and versatile interior design tool that caters to a broad audience, from novices to professionals. Its rapid rendering capabilities, extensive design features, and user-friendly interface make it an excellent choice for anyone looking to bring their interior design visions to life.

Visit Spacely AI Website