Itay Paz
March 4, 2024
PLNAR is an innovative AI Measurement App designed to simplify and enhance the process of measuring spaces using just a smartphone. By leveraging advanced AI and AR (Augmented Reality) technologies, PLNAR enables users to create detailed, digital models of rooms, including measurements and 3D representations, without the need for physical measuring tools. This app is particularly useful for professionals in the home improvement, insurance, and real estate industries, offering a quick, accurate, and efficient way to assess and document spaces.



Starting Price: Free
Pricing Model: Per Month
Free Trial: Yes
Free Plan: Available
Languages: English, Spanish
Established: 2017



What is PLNAR?

PLNAR is a cutting-edge application that transforms the way measurements are taken and spaces are assessed. Utilizing the power of artificial intelligence and augmented reality, it allows users to quickly generate accurate room dimensions and create comprehensive 3D models directly from their smartphones. This app is designed to streamline tasks for professionals across various industries, including interior design, construction, and insurance, by providing a tool that not only saves time but also enhances the accuracy of measurements and estimations.


How Does PLNAR Work?

PLNAR operates by guiding the user through a simple process of capturing images of the space using the camera on their smartphone. As the user moves around the room, the app’s AI algorithms work in tandem with AR technology to recognize and map the geometry of the space. It automatically calculates dimensions, including the length, width, and height of walls, as well as the size and position of windows and doors. The user can then review and adjust these measurements if necessary. Once the capturing process is complete, PLNAR generates a detailed 3D model of the room, which can be exported and shared with clients, contractors, or team members. This process not only reduces the potential for human error but also significantly cuts down the time and effort traditionally required for room measurement and documentation.



PLNAR Features

Real-Time Measurements

PLNAR’s real-time measurement capability allows users to obtain instant, accurate dimensions of spaces and objects within them, streamlining the process of space assessment and eliminating the need for manual measurement tools.

3D Room Modeling

With the 3D room modeling feature, PLNAR enables the creation of detailed, digital replicas of physical spaces, offering a comprehensive view that aids in planning, design, and visualization tasks.

AI-Powered Object Recognition

The app’s AI-powered object recognition technology automatically identifies and measures windows, doors, and furniture, simplifying the process of creating accurate room layouts and designs.

Measurement Export and Sharing

PLNAR allows users to easily export and share measurement data and 3D models with clients, contractors, or team members, facilitating seamless collaboration and communication.

User-Friendly Interface

Designed with a user-friendly interface, PLNAR ensures a smooth and intuitive experience, making it accessible for professionals and novices alike to capture and analyze space dimensions.

Augmented Reality (AR) Technology

Leveraging AR technology, PLNAR provides an immersive measurement experience, allowing users to visualize measurements and models in real-time, directly overlaying the physical space.



PLNAR Pricing Plan

PLNAR offers 2 pricing plans: a Free version and a Pro version with in-app purchases.

Free Plan: This plan allows users to access basic features such as real-time measurements and 3D room modeling. It’s designed for casual or one-time users who need to measure spaces without advanced requirements. The Free plan is available at no cost.

Pro Plan: Tailored for professionals who require more advanced features, including AI-powered object recognition, measurement export, and sharing capabilities. The Pro version enhances collaboration and efficiency in projects. Pricing for the Pro plan varies based on the in-app purchases selected, allowing users to customize their subscription according to their needs.

PLNAR accepts credit cards and PayPal for payment.


Who Should Use PLNAR?

PLNAR is ideal for a wide range of users, from homeowners looking to renovate their spaces, to interior designers, architects, and construction professionals seeking an efficient way to measure and visualize rooms. Real estate agents can also benefit from using PLNAR to create detailed property listings. Essentially, anyone in need of accurate room measurements and 3D modeling capabilities without the hassle of traditional measuring tools should consider PLNAR.




What devices are compatible with PLNAR? 

PLNAR is designed to work seamlessly on iOS devices, leveraging the power of Apple’s ARKit to provide an immersive measurement and modeling experience. Users should ensure their device is ARKit-compatible and runs the latest version of iOS to enjoy all the features PLNAR offers.

Can PLNAR be used for outdoor spaces? 

While PLNAR excels in measuring and modeling interior spaces, its current technology is optimized for indoor use. The app relies on AR technology that performs best under controlled lighting conditions, making it less suitable for outdoor measurements.

How accurate are the measurements taken with PLNAR? 

PLNAR provides highly accurate measurements, thanks to its advanced AI and AR technologies. However, the accuracy can depend on various factors, including the device’s camera quality and the user’s ability to follow the app’s guidance during the measurement process.

Is PLNAR suitable for professional use? 

Absolutely. PLNAR is designed to meet the needs of professionals across various industries, including interior design, construction, and insurance. Its ability to generate detailed 3D models and accurate measurements makes it a valuable tool for professionals looking to streamline their workflow.

Does PLNAR offer customer support? 

Yes, PLNAR provides customer support to assist users with any questions or issues they may encounter. This ensures a smooth experience for all users, from novices to professionals, and helps maximize the app’s potential in various projects.

Can PLNAR measurements be exported? 

One of PLNAR’s key features is the ability to export and share measurement data and 3D models. This functionality facilitates collaboration among team members, clients, and contractors, making it easier to communicate project details and requirements.

What is the difference between the Free and Pro versions of PLNAR? 

The Free version of PLNAR offers basic features suitable for casual or one-time users. In contrast, the Pro version provides advanced features, including AI-powered object recognition and enhanced export capabilities, catering to professionals who require more from the app.

How does PLNAR protect user data? 

PLNAR is committed to user privacy and data protection. The app employs robust security measures to ensure that all data, including measurements and 3D models, are securely stored and managed, giving users peace of mind regarding their information’s safety.



PLNAR stands out as a comprehensive solution for measuring and modeling interior spaces, offering a blend of accuracy, efficiency, and ease of use. Its innovative use of AI and AR technologies caters to a wide range of users, from homeowners and DIY enthusiasts to professionals in the design, construction, and insurance industries. With features like real-time measurements, 3D room modeling, and the ability to export and share data, PLNAR simplifies the measurement process, making it accessible to anyone with a compatible iOS device. Whether for personal projects or professional use, PLNAR provides the tools needed to achieve precise measurements and detailed models, streamlining workflows and enhancing project outcomes.

Visit PLNAR Website