
Itay Paz
March 19, 2024
AI Monitoring Tools are essential for businesses seeking to streamline their online monitoring processes. These tools utilize artificial intelligence to track and analyze online activity, providing valuable insights into website performance, social media presence, and competitive landscape. They offer real-time alerts, detailed analytics, and the ability to monitor a vast array of sources, ensuring that businesses can quickly adapt to changes and maintain a robust online presence.


Mention Facts

Starting Price: Free
Pricing Model: Per User Per Month
Free Trial: Yes
Free Plan: Available
Languages: English, Spanish, French, German, Italian
Established: NA


What is Mention?

Mention is a comprehensive AI Monitoring Tool that empowers businesses to keep a vigilant eye on their online presence. With Mention, users can monitor their brand, analyze competitors, and understand audience sentiment across a wide range of digital platforms. The tool’s key features include real-time alerts, in-depth analytics, and the ability to track mentions across social media, news outlets, forums, and more. Mention is designed to help businesses stay informed and react promptly to any online activity related to their brand.


How Does Mention Work?

Mention operates by scanning the web for keywords specified by the user, such as brand names, competitor information, or industry terms. It then aggregates this data, providing a comprehensive view of how and where these keywords are being discussed online. Mention’s AI algorithms analyze the context and sentiment of these mentions, offering insights that help businesses understand their online reputation and the effectiveness of their marketing strategies. Users can set up customized alerts to receive notifications about critical mentions, allowing for immediate action when necessary.



Mention Features

Real-Time Monitoring

Mention’s real-time monitoring capability ensures that businesses are immediately informed of any mentions of their brand, products, or keywords across the internet, enabling prompt responses.

Competitive Analysis

With Mention, companies can gain insights into their competitors’ online strategies by tracking their mentions and online presence, which is crucial for staying ahead in the market.

Sentiment Analysis

The tool’s sentiment analysis feature interprets the tone of conversations and mentions, helping businesses understand public perception and react accordingly.

Influencer Identification

Mention helps identify key influencers and opinion leaders in the industry, allowing businesses to engage with them and leverage their reach for marketing purposes.

Customizable Alerts

Users can set up personalized alerts based on specific keywords, topics, or sources, ensuring they receive relevant notifications that align with their monitoring needs.

Detailed Analytics

The platform provides comprehensive analytics that break down mention volume, sources, and trends over time, offering actionable insights for strategic decision-making.



Mention Pricing Plan

Mention offers 3 pricing plans:

Solo Plan: This plan is designed for individual users focusing on basic monitoring needs. It includes monitoring for up to 3 social accounts and 1 user, with alerts and monthly reports. The Solo Plan is priced at $29 per month, with a discounted rate of $25 per month when billed annually.

Pro Plan: Aimed at small to medium-sized businesses, the Pro Plan offers advanced features such as unlimited social accounts, keyword alerts, sentiment analysis, and competitive analysis for up to 3 users. This plan is priced at $99 per month, with an annual option at $83 per month.

Enterprise Plan: For larger organizations requiring comprehensive monitoring and analytics, the Enterprise Plan includes custom solutions, dedicated account management, API access, and team collaboration features for an unlimited number of users. Pricing for the Enterprise Plan is customized based on the specific needs of the business.

Mention accepts credit cards, PayPal, and bank wire transfers for payment.


Who Should Use Mention?

Mention is ideal for a wide range of users, from individual bloggers and influencers to small businesses, marketing agencies, and large corporations. Its versatile monitoring and analytics capabilities make it suitable for anyone looking to track their online presence, manage brand reputation, engage with influencers, and gain insights into their competitive landscape. Whether you’re looking to monitor your brand’s social media mentions, analyze market trends, or understand customer sentiment, Mention provides the tools necessary to achieve your goals.



Mention FAQs

What types of online content can Mention monitor? 

Mention can monitor a wide array of online content including social media platforms like Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram, as well as forums, blogs, news websites, and review sites. Its comprehensive coverage ensures that businesses can track their online presence across the digital landscape.

How does Mention’s sentiment analysis work? 

Mention’s sentiment analysis uses advanced algorithms to assess the tone of mentions and conversations about your brand or keywords online. It categorizes them into positive, negative, or neutral sentiments, helping businesses understand public perception and respond appropriately.

Can Mention identify influencers relevant to my industry? 

Yes, Mention can identify key influencers and opinion leaders within your industry. It analyzes the reach and engagement of individuals talking about your brand or related topics, allowing you to connect with those who can amplify your message effectively.

Is Mention suitable for businesses of all sizes? 

Absolutely, Mention is designed to cater to the needs of businesses of all sizes. From solo entrepreneurs and small businesses to large corporations, Mention offers scalable solutions and customizable plans to fit various monitoring and analytics needs.

How does Mention help in crisis management? 

Mention helps in crisis management by providing real-time alerts for mentions that could indicate a potential crisis. This allows businesses to quickly assess the situation and respond promptly to mitigate any negative impact on their brand reputation.

Can Mention track competitor activity? 

Yes, Mention enables businesses to monitor their competitors’ online activity. By tracking mentions and analyzing content related to competitors, businesses can gain insights into their strategies, public perception, and areas where they may have a competitive edge.

How customizable are Mention’s alerts? 

Mention’s alerts are highly customizable. Users can set up alerts based on specific keywords, phrases, or topics, and refine them by language, source, and sentiment. This ensures that businesses receive relevant notifications that align with their monitoring objectives.

What kind of analytics and reports does Mention provide? 

Mention offers detailed analytics and reports that provide insights into mention volume, sentiment analysis, source distribution, and trend analysis. These reports help businesses track their performance over time, understand audience behavior, and make data-driven decisions.



Based on the comprehensive features and capabilities of Mention, it’s clear that this tool is a powerful asset for any business looking to monitor and manage their online presence effectively. With its ability to track a wide range of online content, perform sentiment analysis, identify influencers, and provide detailed analytics, Mention is well-equipped to help businesses of all sizes stay informed and responsive in the digital age. Whether you’re looking to manage your brand reputation, engage with your audience, or keep an eye on the competition, Mention offers the tools and insights needed to succeed.

Visit Mention Website