
Itay Paz
February 15, 2024
Foodvisor is an innovative app designed to simplify the process of tracking your diet and nutritional intake. By leveraging the power of artificial intelligence, Foodvisor allows users to photograph their meals and receive instant feedback on the calorie count and nutritional content. This technology aims to make the task of maintaining a healthy diet more accessible and less time-consuming, catering to those who are conscious about their eating habits but may not have the time or knowledge to track every detail manually.


Foodvisor Facts

Starting Price: Free
Pricing Model: Per Month
Free Trial: Yes
Free Plan: Available
Languages: English, French, German, Spanish
Established: 2015


Foodvisor Features

Image Recognition Technology:
Foodvisor’s image recognition technology allows users to simply take a photo of their meal for instant nutritional analysis. This feature eliminates the need for manual logging, making dietary tracking more accessible and efficient.

Personalized Diet Plans:
The app offers personalized diet plans tailored to each user’s unique health goals. These plans are designed by registered dietitians, ensuring they are balanced, nutritious, and suitable for long-term adherence.

Progress Tracking:
Foodvisor provides a comprehensive progress tracking feature, enabling users to monitor their dietary intake and health progress over time. This feature supports goal setting and helps users stay motivated on their health journey.

Nutritionist Support:
Premium users have the option to connect with registered dietitians for personalized advice. This feature provides users with professional guidance, enhancing the effectiveness of their dietary efforts.

Multi-Language Support:
Foodvisor supports multiple languages, including English, French, German, and Spanish. This feature makes the app accessible to a wider audience, promoting healthier eating habits globally.

Free Plan Availability:
Foodvisor offers a free plan that provides access to basic features, making dietary tracking and healthier eating more accessible to everyone, regardless of their budget.

Foodvisor Pricing Plan

Foodvisor offers a variety of pricing plans to accommodate the needs of different users. The app is free to download and includes in-app purchases for those who wish to access additional features. For users looking to enhance their experience, Foodvisor provides several subscription options:

This plan is ideal for users seeking flexibility without a long-term commitment. Priced at $29.99 per month, it includes full access to the app’s features on a month-to-month basis.

Every Three Months:
For users who are committed to their health journey but prefer not to subscribe annually, this plan costs $38.99 every three months, offering a balance between cost savings and commitment.

The annual subscription is the most cost-effective option for dedicated users. While specific pricing for the annual plan is not provided, it typically offers a significant discount compared to the monthly rate.

Each plan includes access to Foodvisor’s comprehensive food tracking and analysis, personalized diet plans, progress tracking, and the option to consult with registered dietitians. Premium features may also include more detailed analysis, diet plans, and direct communication with nutrition experts.

Foodvisor accepts credit cards and payments are made via the user’s iTunes account for iOS users.

Who Should Use Foodvisor?

Foodvisor is designed for anyone looking to gain better insight into their eating habits and nutritional intake. Whether you’re aiming to lose weight, follow a specific diet, or simply maintain a healthier lifestyle, Foodvisor’s intuitive technology makes it a suitable companion. It’s especially beneficial for individuals who find manual food logging tedious and time-consuming, as the app’s image recognition and AI capabilities streamline the process. With personalized diet plans and access to nutritionists, it’s also a great tool for those seeking tailored dietary advice to meet their unique health goals.


Foodvisor FAQs

How does Foodvisor’s image recognition technology work?

Foodvisor’s image recognition technology utilizes advanced algorithms and deep learning to analyze photos of your meals. When you take a picture of your food, the app identifies the items on your plate and estimates their quantities. This process involves comparing the captured image against a vast database of food items to accurately determine the type of food and its nutritional content. This innovative approach allows for quick and efficient logging of meals, providing users with immediate feedback on their dietary intake.

Can Foodvisor help me with a specific diet plan?

Yes, Foodvisor is designed to support various diet plans by offering personalized dietary advice. When you set up your profile, you can specify your dietary preferences, restrictions, and goals, such as weight loss, muscle gain, or maintaining a healthy lifestyle. Based on this information, Foodvisor tailors your diet plan to suit your specific needs, incorporating suitable food recommendations and nutritional guidance. This customization makes it an ideal tool for following specific diets, such as keto, vegan, or gluten-free.

Is Foodvisor suitable for people with food allergies?

Foodvisor can be a helpful tool for individuals with food allergies by providing detailed information about the nutritional content of meals. Users can log their meals using the image recognition feature and manually enter any specific food items to ensure accuracy. While the app offers comprehensive data on various foods, it’s important for users with severe allergies to double-check food labels and consult with healthcare professionals to avoid allergenic foods.

How accurate is the nutritional information provided by Foodvisor?

Foodvisor strives to provide accurate nutritional information by using sophisticated image recognition technology and a comprehensive database of food items. However, the accuracy can vary depending on the quality of the photo, the visibility of the food, and the app’s ability to correctly identify and quantify the items. While Foodvisor offers a convenient way to track nutritional intake, users seeking precise data may need to complement the app’s information with manual logging or consultation with a nutritionist.

Can I track my progress over time with Foodvisor?

Yes, Foodvisor includes a progress tracking feature that allows users to monitor their dietary habits and health goals over time. The app provides detailed reports on calorie intake, macronutrient distribution, and other nutritional metrics. Users can set specific goals and view their progress through charts and graphs, making it easier to stay motivated and make informed decisions about their diet and lifestyle.

Does Foodvisor offer support from registered dietitians?

Premium users of Foodvisor have the option to connect with registered dietitians for personalized dietary advice. This feature enables users to receive professional guidance tailored to their individual health goals and dietary needs. The dietitians can help with meal planning, addressing nutritional deficiencies, and offering strategies for overcoming dietary challenges, enhancing the overall effectiveness of the app.

Is there a community aspect to Foodvisor?

While Foodvisor primarily focuses on individual dietary tracking and personalized advice, the app encourages a sense of community through its blog and social media channels. These platforms offer users the opportunity to share their experiences, tips, and success stories. However, the app itself does not feature a direct community or social networking function for users to interact within the app.

How does the free plan of Foodvisor compare to the premium subscription?

Foodvisor’s free plan offers basic features such as meal logging, nutritional analysis, and progress tracking. This plan is suitable for users who are looking for a straightforward way to monitor their dietary habits. The premium subscription, on the other hand, provides additional benefits, including personalized diet plans, detailed nutritional analysis, and direct access to registered dietitians. The premium features offer a more comprehensive approach to dietary management and personalized support.



Based on its innovative features and user-friendly interface, Foodvisor stands out as a valuable tool for anyone looking to improve their dietary habits and achieve their health goals. Whether you’re aiming for weight loss, adhering to a specific diet, or simply seeking to maintain a balanced lifestyle, Foodvisor offers personalized support and practical solutions. Its image recognition technology, coupled with expert advice from registered dietitians, makes it easier than ever to track and analyze your nutritional intake. For those interested in exploring what Foodvisor has to offer, visiting the official website provides a great starting point.

Visit Foodvisor Website