14 Best Newsletter Software

Itay Paz
May 13, 2024

Best Newsletter Software

Selecting the best newsletter software is a critical decision for businesses and marketers aiming to enhance their email marketing strategies. The right software can transform how organizations engage with their audience, offering a suite of tools to create, distribute, and analyze the impact of their email campaigns. With the best newsletter software, companies can ensure their newsletters are not only visually appealing but also tailored to meet the unique preferences of their subscribers. This personalization is key to increasing open rates, click-through rates, and ultimately, the conversion rates that drive business growth. The software’s ability to integrate with other marketing tools and provide actionable insights through analytics makes it an indispensable asset for any marketing team. By leveraging the best newsletter software, businesses can craft compelling content that resonates with their audience, fostering stronger relationships and promoting brand loyalty.


The Need for Best Newsletter Software

In the competitive landscape of digital marketing, the need for the best newsletter software cannot be overstated. Email newsletters are a direct line of communication with customers, offering a platform to share updates, insights, and promotions. However, with the average person receiving numerous emails daily, standing out in a crowded inbox is a challenge that requires sophisticated tools and strategies. The best newsletter software addresses this challenge by providing features such as customizable templates, segmentation capabilities, and automation workflows. These features enable marketers to create personalized and relevant content that captures the attention of their audience. Moreover, the software’s analytics tools are crucial for understanding subscriber behavior, allowing marketers to refine their approach and improve engagement over time. As businesses strive to maintain a competitive edge, investing in the best newsletter software is not just a luxury—it’s a necessity for ensuring that every newsletter adds value to the recipient and contributes to the company’s overall marketing objectives.

Newsletter Software


14 Best Newsletter Software

  1. Activetrail
  2. beehiiv
  3. Substack
  4. drip
  5. Moosend
  6. MailChimp
  7. Omnisend
  8. Brevo
  9. Campaign Monitor
  10. GetResponse
  11. Mailjet
  12. Keap
  13. AWeber
  14. ConvertKit


How does Best Newsletter Software work?

The Best newsletter software streamlines the process of creating and distributing email newsletters, a crucial tool for digital marketing and communication strategies. At its core, the best newsletter software offers a user-friendly interface that allows individuals or businesses to design, send, and track email campaigns with ease. The software typically includes templates and drag-and-drop editors, making it simple to create visually appealing emails without the need for advanced design skills.

Once a newsletter is ready, the software automates the sending process, distributing emails to a list of subscribers at predetermined times. This automation ensures timely delivery and can be scheduled to match the audience’s peak engagement times, increasing the likelihood of the emails being opened and read.

Moreover, analytics and reporting features are integral components of newsletter software. These tools provide insights into the performance of email campaigns, tracking metrics such as open rates, click-through rates, and conversion rates. This data is invaluable for refining strategies, segmenting audiences more effectively, and tailoring content to meet the interests and needs of subscribers.


How to choose the Best Newsletter Software?

Choosing the best newsletter software requires careful consideration of several key factors to ensure it meets your specific needs. The first aspect to consider is the ease of use. The platform should have an intuitive interface and provide robust support and tutorials to help you get started quickly. This is particularly important if you lack technical expertise or design skills.


Another critical factor is the software’s design capabilities. Look for software that offers a wide range of customizable templates and a flexible editor. This will allow you to create newsletters that not only look professional but also align with your brand’s identity.

Email deliverability is also a paramount concern. The best newsletter software ensures high deliverability rates, meaning your emails reach your subscribers’ inboxes and not their spam folders. This is achieved through reputable sending practices and compliance with email regulations.

Integration capabilities should not be overlooked. The software should seamlessly integrate with your existing tools and platforms, such as CRM systems, social media, and e-commerce platforms. This integration enhances the efficiency of your marketing efforts and provides a more cohesive user experience.

Lastly, consider the scalability of the software. As your subscriber list grows, the software should be able to handle an increasing volume of emails without compromising performance. Additionally, look for flexible pricing plans that can accommodate your business’s growth without incurring unnecessary costs.

In summary, selecting the best newsletter software involves evaluating its usability, design capabilities, deliverability rates, integration options, and scalability. By carefully considering these factors, you can choose a platform that not only meets your current needs but also supports your future growth.


Email Newsletter Software


1. Activetrail


Activetrail is a comprehensive email marketing platform and newsletter software designed to assist businesses in engaging their audience through personalized, visually appealing, and responsive email campaigns. It offers a suite of tools that enable users to create professional landing pages, send SMS online, and gather critical feedback from customers in real time. The platform emphasizes the importance of lead nurturing, providing features that help businesses convert cold leads into ready-to-purchase prospects through strategic automated customer journeys, taking it to the top of the list of the best newsletter software.


What does Activetrail do?

Activetrail serves as a multifaceted email marketing solution that supports businesses in building and maintaining strong relationships with their customers. It facilitates the creation of automated customer journeys that are both visual and personalized, aiming to guide leads from initial contact to purchase readiness. The platform also allows for the crafting of mobile-responsive email campaigns, the development of landing pages optimized for lead conversion, and the dispatch of SMS messages to a wide audience. Additionally, Activetrail offers tools for gathering real-time feedback, enabling businesses to make informed decisions based on customer insights.


Activetrail Key Features

Automated Customer Journeys: This feature allows users to design personalized paths for their customers, enhancing engagement and guiding leads towards conversion through strategic communication.

Professional Landing Pages: Activetrail provides tools to create landing pages that are optimized for converting visitors into leads, with a focus on professional design and user experience.

SMS Marketing: The platform enables the sending of SMS messages directly to customers, leads, and employees, facilitating a broader range of communication strategies.

Mobile Responsive Email Campaigns: Users can easily build email campaigns that look great on any device, ensuring messages are effectively delivered and displayed.

Real-Time Feedback: Activetrail offers mechanisms to collect and analyze feedback from customers in real time, providing valuable insights for business decision-making.


Activetrail Pricing Plans

There are three main pricing plans available on Activetrail. Each plan is designed to cater to different business needs and scales, from small startups to large enterprises.

Basic Plan: This plan is ideal for small businesses or individuals just starting with email marketing. It includes access to essential features like email campaigns and landing pages. The price for the Basic Plan starts at $9 per month ($8 per month when billed annually).

Plus Plan: Designed for growing businesses, the Plus Plan includes everything in the Basic Plan, along with advanced features like automation and SMS marketing. The price for the Plus Plan starts at $14 per month ($11 per month when billed annually).

Premium Plan: The Premium Plan offers comprehensive features for large businesses or those needing extensive email marketing capabilities, including advanced automation, dedicated support, and more. The price for the Premium Plan starts at $351 per month ($298 per month when billed annually).



2. beehiiv


beehiiv is a newsletter software designed to cater to the needs of modern digital publishers and content creators. It offers a suite of tools that simplify the process of creating, publishing, growing, and monetizing email newsletters. With a focus on ease of use and powerful features, beehiiv enables users to launch their newsletter projects without the need for coding or complex integrations. The platform prides itself on providing seamless writing and design experience, alongside capabilities that support significant subscriber growth and revenue generation.


What does beehiiv do?

beehiiv serves as a one-stop solution for newsletter creators looking to make an impact in the digital space. It facilitates the creation of engaging content with its advanced editing and design tools, ensuring that newsletters stand out in subscribers’ inboxes. Beyond content creation, beehiiv offers robust publishing options, allowing users to easily launch and manage their newsletters and associated websites. The platform also includes features aimed at audience growth, such as a recommendation network and optimized deliverability. For monetization, beehiiv provides tools that mimic having a full sales and revenue team, enabling creators to generate income through their newsletters with minimal effort.


beehiiv Key Features

Powerful Editing and Design Tools: beehiiv offers an unparalleled writing and design experience, making it easy for creators to produce visually appealing and engaging newsletters.

No-Code Publishing: The platform allows users to launch newsletters and websites without any coding knowledge, ensuring a smooth setup process.

Growth Tools: beehiiv includes features designed to help newsletters reach a wider audience, such as optimized deliverability and a recommendation network.

Monetization Capabilities: With beehiiv, creators can easily monetize their newsletters, benefiting from tools that support advertising, premium subscriptions, and more.


beehiiv Pricing Plans

There are four main pricing plans available on beehiiv.

Launch: This plan is ideal for new creators, offering up to 2,500 subscribers, unlimited sends, and web hosting at no cost.

Grow: For $49/month ($42/month when billed annually), this plan supports up to 10,000 subscribers and adds features like custom domains, premium subscriptions, and audience engagement tools.

Scale: At $99/month ($84/month when billed annually), the Scale plan caters to larger audiences with up to 100,000 subscribers and includes advanced features like ad networks, referral programs, and beehiiv AI.

Enterprise: This custom plan is designed for newsletter powerhouses, offering scalable solutions, more subscribers, dedicated support, and advanced security features. Pricing is tailored to the specific needs of the business.



3. Substack


Substack is an innovative newsletter software platform designed to empower writers and content creators by providing a streamlined way to publish newsletters and blogs. It simplifies the process of connecting with an audience by integrating a blog, newsletter, and payment system into one user-friendly interface. This service is particularly attractive for those seeking to monetize their content directly through subscriber payments, while maintaining ownership of their intellectual property and subscriber relationships.


What does Substack do?

Substack facilitates the creation and distribution of digital content without the need for technical expertise. It offers a unique approach to content delivery by allowing creators to publish directly to the web, email, and its app, ensuring that they can reach their audience across multiple channels. The platform supports a direct monetization model, where creators can offer free or paid subscriptions to their content, with Substack taking a percentage of the revenue generated from paid subscribers.


Substack Key Features

Simplicity of Use: Substack’s interface is designed to be intuitive, allowing creators to focus on content rather than the technical aspects of newsletter and blog publication.

Direct Monetization: Creators can earn revenue directly from their audience through paid subscriptions, with Substack handling the billing and administration.

Content Ownership: Users retain full ownership of their content and mailing lists, with the ability to import and export their data as needed.

Audience Growth: Substack promotes audience expansion by leveraging its network, where a significant portion of new subscriptions originate.

Integrated Platform: The service combines a blog, newsletter, payment system, and customer support, streamlining the content distribution process.


Substack Pricing Plans

Substack offers a straightforward pricing structure with two main plans available for content creators.

Free Plan: This plan allows creators to publish content and grow their audience without any upfront costs. Substack only earns revenue when the creator does, taking a 10% cut from paid subscriptions.

Paid Plan: Under this plan, creators can set up paid subscriptions for their content. The features are like the Free Plan, but with the added ability to generate income directly from subscribers. The cost to the creator is a 10% commission on subscription revenues.



4. drip


Drip is an advanced email marketing software and automation platform designed to cater to the needs of e-commerce businesses and digital marketers. It offers a suite of tools to help users create personalized and effective email marketing campaigns that engage customers at various stages of their buying journey. With its focus on e-commerce, Drip provides specialized features for customer segmentation, behavioral email automation, and performance tracking to ensure that businesses can maximize their email marketing efforts and drive sales.


What does drip do?

Drip empowers businesses to automate their email marketing processes with a high degree of personalization and efficiency. It allows users to design targeted email campaigns based on customer behavior, preferences, and purchase history, ensuring that each message is relevant and timely. The platform also offers comprehensive analytics to track the performance of email campaigns, enabling businesses to make data-driven decisions. Additionally, Drip integrates with a wide range of e-commerce platforms and other marketing tools, making it a versatile solution for managing multi-channel marketing strategies.


drip Key Features

Visual Email Builder: Drip’s visual email builder allows users to create beautifully designed emails without needing any coding skills. The drag-and-drop interface makes it easy to customize templates and add elements like images, buttons, and personalized content blocks.

Automation Workflows: With Drip, users can set up complex automation workflows that trigger emails based on specific customer actions, such as making a purchase or abandoning a cart. These automated sequences help nurture leads and encourage repeat purchases.

Advanced Segmentation: Drip offers advanced segmentation capabilities, enabling businesses to group their customers based on various criteria, including purchase history, engagement level, and demographics. This allows for highly targeted and effective email campaigns.

A/B Testing: To optimize email performance, Drip provides A/B testing tools that allow users to test different versions of their emails. This feature helps identify the most effective subject lines, content, and calls to action.

Comprehensive Analytics: Drip’s analytics dashboard offers detailed insights into campaign performance, including open rates, click-through rates, and conversion metrics. This data helps businesses refine their email strategies for better results.


drip Pricing Plans

Drip offers a range of pricing plans to accommodate businesses of different sizes and needs.

Basic Plan: This plan is designed for small businesses and includes features like email campaigns, automation workflows, and basic segmentation. Pricing starts at $19/month for up to 500 contacts.

Pro Plan: Aimed at growing businesses, the Pro Plan offers advanced features such as A/B testing, deeper segmentation, and priority support. Pricing starts at $122/month for up to 2,500 contacts.

Enterprise Plan: For large businesses with extensive email marketing needs, the Enterprise Plan provides custom solutions, dedicated account management, and advanced integrations. Pricing is customized based on the specific requirements of the business.



5. Moosend


Moosend is an email marketing automation platform designed to help businesses of all sizes create, send, and track email campaigns with ease. It offers a range of tools to enhance marketing strategies, including a user-friendly drag-and-drop email editor, automation workflows, and detailed analytics to monitor campaign performance. Moosend aims to provide a cost-effective solution for email marketing while maintaining a high level of functionality and user experience.


What does Moosend do?

Moosend is a newsletter software for managing email marketing campaigns, automating marketing processes, and engaging with customers through personalized communication. It allows users to design newsletters, set up automated email sequences, segment their audience for targeted campaigns, and gain insights into their marketing efforts with advanced reporting features. Moosend’s platform is built to support businesses in nurturing leads, converting prospects into customers, and building lasting relationships with their audience through effective email marketing strategies.


Moosend Key Features

Drag-and-Drop Email Editor: Moosend’s intuitive email editor enables users to create professional-looking emails without any coding knowledge.

Automation Workflows: Users can set up multi-step marketing automation workflows to deliver timely and relevant content to their subscribers.

List Segmentation: This feature allows for precise targeting by segmenting email lists based on subscriber behavior and preferences.

Real-Time Analytics: Moosend provides detailed reports and analytics to help users understand campaign performance and make data-driven decisions.

Landing Pages and Subscription Forms: The platform includes tools to create custom landing pages and forms to capture leads and grow email lists.

Personalization: Moosend supports dynamic content and personalization to make each email feel tailored to the individual recipient.


Moosend Pricing Plans

Moosend offers three main pricing plans to accommodate the needs of different businesses.

Free Trial: This plan allows users to test the full range of Moosend’s features at no cost for a limited period.

Pro Plan: Starting at $9 per month, the Pro Plan includes access to landing pages, transactional emails, and SMTP server, catering to growing businesses with advanced needs.

Enterprise Plan: Tailored for larger organizations, this custom-priced plan offers additional features like a dedicated account manager, priority support, and strategic optimization services.

Credit Packs: For businesses with irregular sending schedules, Moosend also provides a pay-as-you-go option with credit packs starting at $1 per 1,000 credits, allowing full access to all features without a monthly subscription.



6. MailChimp


MailChimp is a newsletter software and email marketing service and newsletter software that provides users with tools for email design, campaign sending, and subscriber management. It’s designed to help businesses of all sizes engage with their audience through email newsletters, automated messages, and targeted campaigns. With its user-friendly interface, extensive template library, and robust analytics, MailChimp supports marketers in creating effective email marketing strategies that can drive sales and increase customer loyalty.


What does MailChimp do?

MailChimp serves as a versatile platform that enables users to create, send, and track email campaigns with ease. It offers a wide range of features including customizable email templates, audience segmentation for targeted campaigns, automated marketing workflows, and detailed analytics to measure campaign performance. Additionally, MailChimp integrates with various e-commerce and CRM tools, allowing businesses to synchronize their marketing efforts across different channels and gain deeper insights into their customer base.


MailChimp Key Features

Customizable Email Templates: MailChimp provides a vast selection of email templates that users can customize to match their brand identity. This feature allows for the creation of visually appealing emails without the need for advanced design skills.

Audience Segmentation: This feature enables users to divide their email list into targeted groups based on specific criteria such as behavior, demographics, or purchase history. Segmentation helps in delivering more relevant content to subscribers, improving engagement rates.

Automated Marketing Workflows: MailChimp offers automation tools that allow users to set up triggered emails based on subscriber actions. This includes welcome emails, birthday messages, and follow-up emails, helping businesses maintain engagement with minimal effort.

Analytics and Reporting: With detailed reports on campaign performance, users can track metrics such as open rates, click-through rates, and conversions. This data is crucial for understanding the effectiveness of email marketing efforts and making informed decisions.

Integrations: MailChimp integrates with a wide range of e-commerce, CRM, and social media platforms. This connectivity enables users to streamline their marketing processes and leverage data from multiple sources for more personalized campaigns.


MailChimp Pricing Plans

MailChimp offers four pricing plans.

Free Plan: This plan is ideal for new businesses or individuals just starting with email marketing. It allows up to 2,000 contacts and 10,000 sends per month with a daily limit of 2,000. Price: $0

Essentials Plan: Targeted at small businesses looking for more professional features, this plan includes all the basics plus A/B testing, custom branding, and 24/7 support. It allows up to 50,000 contacts and starts at $13 per month.

Standard Plan: Designed for growing businesses that need advanced automation and analytics features. This plan includes everything in Essentials, plus advanced audience insights and retargeting ads. It allows up to 100,000 contacts and starts at $20 per month.

Premium Plan: This is the most advanced plan, suitable for large organizations requiring sophisticated marketing tools. It includes all features available in MailChimp, along with multivariate testing and phone support. It allows more than 200,000 contacts and starts at $350 per month.



7. Omnisend


Omnisend is an email marketing platform designed specifically for ecommerce businesses looking to streamline their marketing efforts. It offers a suite of tools that enable users to create, automate, and personalize their marketing campaigns across multiple channels, including email, SMS, and social media. With its focus on ecommerce, Omnisend provides features that help businesses increase their sales and engage customers more effectively, making it a go-to solution for online retailers aiming to boost their marketing efficiency and ROI.


What does Omnisend do?

Omnisend empowers ecommerce businesses by providing a robust platform that simplifies the creation and management of marketing campaigns. It allows users to automate their email marketing efforts, send targeted SMS messages, and create cohesive social media campaigns, all from a single interface. By leveraging customer data, Omnisend enables personalized and segmented marketing strategies that resonate with audiences, driving higher engagement rates and conversions. The platform also offers detailed analytics and reporting tools, giving businesses insights into their marketing performance and helping them make data-driven decisions to optimize their strategies.


Omnisend Key Features

Automated Workflows: Omnisend allows users to set up automated email and SMS marketing campaigns that trigger based on specific customer behaviors, such as cart abandonment or purchase history, enhancing the relevance and timeliness of communications.

Segmentation and Personalization: The platform offers advanced segmentation capabilities, enabling businesses to tailor their messages based on customer data, ensuring that each communication is highly relevant to the recipient.

Multi-channel Campaigns: With Omnisend, users can create and manage campaigns across email, SMS, and social media channels from a single dashboard, providing a unified brand experience for customers.

Pre-Built Templates and Drag-And-Drop Editor: Omnisend offers a variety of customizable templates and a user-friendly drag-and-drop editor, making it easy to create professional-looking emails and landing pages without needing coding skills.

Analytics and Reporting: The platform provides comprehensive analytics and reporting features, allowing businesses to track the performance of their campaigns and gain insights into customer behavior and preferences.


Omnisend Pricing Plans

Omnisend offers three pricing plans.

Free Plan: This plan is ideal for small businesses or those just starting out with email marketing. It includes basic features such as email campaigns, signup forms, and up to 500 emails per month at no cost.

Standard Plan: Starting at $16 per month, the Standard plan offers more advanced features, including automation, segmentation, and SMS campaigns, making it suitable for growing businesses looking to enhance their marketing efforts.

Pro Plan: Priced from $59 per month, the Pro plan provides all the features of the Standard plan, plus unlimited emails, advanced reporting, and priority support, catering to high-volume senders and ecommerce stores needing comprehensive marketing tools.



8. Brevo


Brevo is an all-encompassing marketing platform designed to streamline customer relationship management through a variety of channels including Email, SMS, Chat, and more. It caters to over 500,000 customers globally, offering tools for email marketing, marketing automation, SMS & WhatsApp campaigns, sales and pipeline management, meeting and call recordings, chat, phone, a universal inbox, customer data platform, scoring library, customer analytics & BI, messaging API, and CMS integration. Brevo is recognized for its excellence and is highly regarded by its user base, making it a great addition to the list of the best newsletter software.


What does Brevo do?

Brevo provides a suite of newsletter and email marketing tools designed to enhance customer relationship management across multiple channels. It enables businesses to engage with their customers through targeted email marketing, automated marketing campaigns, and manage sales pipelines efficiently. Additionally, Brevo offers capabilities for SMS and WhatsApp campaigns, facilitating broader communication strategies. Its platform also includes features for organizing meetings, tracking deals automatically, and recording calls, alongside a conversations platform that supports chat and phone interactions. With its universal inbox, multi-table data model, and customer analytics, Brevo aims to offer a holistic view of customer data, making it easier for businesses to make informed decisions and personalize their marketing efforts.


Brevo Key Features

Email Marketing: Brevo’s platform allows for the creation and management of email campaigns to engage with customers effectively.

Marketing Automation: Automate marketing campaigns to ensure timely and relevant communication with your audience.

SMS & Whatsapp Campaigns: Extend your reach by incorporating SMS and WhatsApp into your marketing strategy.

Sales Platform: Manage your sales pipeline, track deals automatically, and record meetings and calls to streamline the sales process.

Conversations Platform: Engage with customers directly through chat and phone, supported by a universal inbox for efficient communication management.

Customer Data Platform: A multi-table data model and scoring library provide a comprehensive view of customer data for targeted marketing efforts.

Customer Analytics & BI: Gain insights into customer behavior and preferences to inform your marketing strategy.

Messaging API: Integrate email, SMS, and WhatsApp messaging into your applications for seamless communication.

CMS integration: Easily integrate with your content management system to streamline content delivery and marketing efforts.


Brevo Pricing Plans

Brevo offers four pricing plans to fit the needs of businesses of all sizes:

Free Plan: The Free plan is Brevo’s forever-free plan that includes 300 emails per day, unlimited contacts, customizable email templates, a drag-and-drop editor, transactional emails, and SMS & WhatsApp campaigns.

Starter Plan: The Starter plan starts at $25 per month and includes everything in the Free plan, plus unlimited monthly emails (starting from 20,000), the ability to remove the Brevo logo (as an add-on), basic reporting and analytics, and email support.

Business Plan: The Business plan starts at $65 per month and includes everything in the Starter plan, plus unlimited marketing automation, A/B testing, advanced statistics, multi-user access, send time optimization, and phone support.

Enterprise Plan: The Enterprise-focused Brevo Plus plan has custom pricing and includes everything in the Business plan, plus sub-account management, enterprise-grade security, advanced integrations, exclusive features, tailored onboarding, and personalized support.



9. Campaign Monitor

Campaign Monitor

Campaign Monitor is an email marketing and newsletter software and a newsletter SaaS designed to help businesses create, send, and optimize email campaigns. With a focus on simplicity and effectiveness, it offers a range of features tailored to both beginners and experienced marketers. The platform emphasizes the importance of design, allowing users to craft visually appealing emails that engage their audience. Additionally, Campaign Monitor provides detailed analytics to track the performance of email campaigns, enabling users to make data-driven decisions to improve their marketing strategies.


What does Campaign Monitor do?

Campaign Monitor streamlines the process of email marketing by providing a suite of tools that facilitate the creation, sending, and monitoring of email campaigns. It allows users to select from a variety of pre-designed templates or create custom emails from scratch using a drag-and-drop builder. The platform also offers automation features, enabling marketers to set up triggered emails based on subscriber actions or milestones. With robust reporting and analytics, Campaign Monitor gives insights into campaign performance, subscriber engagement, and behavior, helping marketers refine their strategies for better results.


Campaign Monitor Key Features

Email Templates: Campaign Monitor offers a wide selection of professionally designed email templates that are fully customizable, allowing users to align their emails with their brand identity.

Automation: The platform provides powerful automation capabilities, enabling users to send targeted emails based on subscriber behavior, preferences, and lifecycle stages.

Segmentation: With advanced segmentation features, Campaign Monitor allows marketers to divide their audience into specific groups based on demographics, behavior, and engagement, ensuring more personalized and effective email campaigns.

Analytics and Reporting: Detailed analytics and reporting tools are available to track the performance of email campaigns, offering insights into open rates, click-through rates, and subscriber activity.

A/B Testing: Marketers can use A/B testing to compare different versions of their emails, helping them understand what content, design, or subject lines resonate best with their audience.


Campaign Monitor Pricing Plans

Campaign Monitor offers three main pricing plans to cater to a variety of business needs and budgets.

Lite Plan: This plan is designed for businesses just getting started with email marketing. It includes all the core features needed to create and send emails, with prices starting at $11 per month.

Essentials Plan: Aimed at businesses looking to ramp up their email marketing efforts, this plan offers unlimited emails and advanced features like time zone sending and spam testing. Pricing begins at $99 per month.

Premier Plan: This top-tier plan is tailored for organizations requiring sophisticated marketing capabilities, including advanced segmentation and premier phone support. Prices start at $149 per month.



10. GetResponse


GetResponse is an all-encompassing email marketing platform designed to help businesses grow their audience, engage with customers, and drive sales through effective online marketing campaigns. Offering a suite of tools including email marketing, automation, landing pages, and webinars, GetResponse caters to a wide range of marketing needs from simple email campaigns to complex automation workflows. With its user-friendly interface and comprehensive feature set, GetResponse aims to provide businesses of all sizes with the tools they need to create, launch, and manage marketing campaigns that resonate with their audience and yield tangible results.


What does GetResponse do?

GetResponse serves as a multifunctional marketing platform that enables users to create and send email newsletters, set up automated email sequences, design and publish landing pages, and host webinars. It’s designed to facilitate the entire marketing funnel, from lead generation to conversion and customer retention. By integrating various marketing tools into one platform, GetResponse simplifies the process of engaging with an audience, nurturing leads, and converting them into loyal customers. The platform’s capabilities extend to detailed analytics and reporting, allowing marketers to track the performance of their campaigns and make data-driven decisions to optimize their marketing strategies.


GetResponse Key Features

Email Marketing: GetResponse provides a robust email marketing tool that allows users to design, send, and track email campaigns with ease. The platform offers a wide range of customizable email templates, a drag-and-drop editor, and advanced segmentation options to target specific audience segments.

Automation: With GetResponse’s automation features, businesses can create workflows to automate their marketing messages based on subscriber behavior, significantly improving engagement and conversion rates.

Landing Pages: Users can create high-converting landing pages without any coding knowledge using GetResponse’s landing page builder, which includes a variety of templates and testing capabilities to optimize page performance.

Webinars: GetResponse offers integrated webinar hosting capabilities, making it easy for businesses to conduct live presentations, product demos, and training sessions, further enhancing their engagement and lead generation efforts.

Analytics and Reporting: The platform provides comprehensive analytics and reporting tools, giving users insights into the performance of their email campaigns, landing pages, and webinars, enabling them to make informed decisions to improve their marketing strategies.


GetResponse Pricing Plans

GetResponse offers four pricing plans to accommodate the needs of different businesses, from small startups to large enterprises.

Free Plan: This plan includes basic features such as email marketing, website builder, and landing pages, suitable for new businesses just starting out. It’s available at no cost.

Basic Plan: Aimed at businesses looking to grow their audience, this plan includes email marketing, autoresponders, unlimited landing pages, and one sales funnel. Pricing starts at $15 per month.

Plus Plan: Designed for businesses ready to boost their results with automation, this plan includes everything in the Basic plan plus automation builders, webinars (up to 100 attendees), and five sales funnels. Pricing starts at $49 per month.

Professional Plan: For businesses seeking advanced solutions for scaling, this plan offers unlimited automation builders, web push notifications, paid webinars, unlimited sales funnels, and webinar funnels. Pricing starts at $99 per month.

Max Plan: This custom pricing plan is tailored for businesses that require advanced features, dedicated support, and customizable solutions. Pricing starts at $1099 per month.



11. Mailjet


Mailjet is an email marketing solution designed to help businesses of all sizes manage their email campaigns and communication strategies effectively. With a focus on simplicity and efficiency, Mailjet offers tools for creating, sending, and analyzing email campaigns, ensuring that businesses can reach their audience with personalized and engaging content. Its cloud-based platform integrates seamlessly with various CMS and e-commerce platforms, making it a versatile choice for marketers looking to enhance their email marketing efforts.


What does Mailjet do?

Mailjet is a dynamic email service provider that enables users to design, send, and track email marketing campaigns and transactional emails. It provides a suite of tools to create responsive email designs, manage contact lists, segment audiences, and analyze campaign performance. Mailjet’s platform is built to support collaboration, allowing teams to work together on email campaigns in real-time. Additionally, it emphasizes deliverability, offering features to improve email sender reputation and ensure emails reach the inbox. With GDPR compliance and robust integration capabilities, Mailjet caters to businesses aiming to streamline their email communication processes while adhering to data protection standards.


Mailjet Key Features

Drag-And-Drop Email Builder: This feature allows users to easily create beautiful, responsive emails without needing extensive coding knowledge. The intuitive interface makes it simple to customize templates or build emails from scratch.

Real-Time Collaboration: Teams can collaborate on email campaigns directly within the platform, making it easier to create cohesive and effective communications. This includes commenting, editing, and approving emails together.

Advanced Segmentation and Personalization: Mailjet enables users to segment their contact lists based on various criteria and personalize emails to enhance engagement and improve campaign performance.

A/B Testing: Users can test different versions of their emails to see which performs better, allowing for data-driven decisions that can improve open rates and conversions.

Detailed Analytics: Mailjet provides comprehensive insights into campaign performance, including open rates, click-through rates, and more, helping users understand their audience’s behavior and refine their strategies.


Mailjet Pricing Plans

Mailjet offers four pricing plans to accommodate the needs of different businesses.

Free Plan: Includes basic features such as the advanced email editor, APIs, basic statistics, and allows sending up to 6,000 emails per month at no cost.

Essential Plan: Priced at $15/month for up to 15,000 emails, this plan removes the Mailjet logo from emails, offers online customer support, and includes 50 email previews per month among other features.

Premium Plan: Starting at $25/month for up to 15,000 emails, this plan adds advanced features like A/B testing, marketing automation, and dynamic content, catering to businesses with more sophisticated email marketing needs.

Custom Plan: Tailored for businesses with unique requirements, this plan offers customizable features and pricing. Interested users need to contact Mailjet for more details and pricing information.



12. Keap


Keap is a CRM, sales, and marketing automation software designed to help small businesses streamline their operations, enhance customer relationships, and boost sales. It integrates various functionalities into a single platform, making it easier for businesses to manage their contacts, automate marketing campaigns, process payments, and track their success. With its user-friendly interface and robust feature set, Keap aims to simplify the complexities of running a small business by providing tools that automate repetitive tasks, organize customer information, and facilitate communication.


What does Keap do?

Keap assists businesses in managing customer relationships and automating marketing and sales processes to increase efficiency and drive growth. It offers a centralized platform where businesses can store and manage contact information, track customer interactions, and automate communication through email and text messages. Keap’s automation capabilities allow for the creation of personalized customer journeys, ensuring timely follow-ups and nurturing leads through the sales funnel. Additionally, it supports payment processing and invoicing, making it easier for businesses to manage transactions and maintain financial records. By consolidating these functionalities, Keap helps businesses save time, improve customer engagement, and ultimately, increase revenue.


Keap Key Features

Contact Management: Keap provides a comprehensive system for storing and organizing contact information, including details like phone numbers, email addresses, and interaction histories. This feature enables businesses to maintain a detailed record of their interactions with each customer, facilitating personalized communication and better customer service.

Email Marketing: With Keap, businesses can design and send targeted email campaigns to their contacts. This feature supports the creation of custom email templates, segmentation of contact lists, and tracking of email performance, helping businesses to engage their audience effectively and measure the success of their campaigns.

Sales and Marketing Automation: Keap automates repetitive tasks related to sales and marketing, such as follow-up emails, appointment scheduling, and lead nurturing. This feature streamlines the sales process, ensures consistent communication with leads and customers, and helps businesses move prospects through the sales funnel more efficiently.

Payment Processing: Keap simplifies the invoicing and payment process by allowing businesses to create and send invoices directly from the platform and accept payments through integrated payment gateways. This feature helps businesses manage their finances more effectively and ensures timely payment collection.

Analytics and Reporting: Keap offers detailed analytics and reporting tools that provide insights into sales performance, marketing campaign effectiveness, and customer behavior. Businesses can use this information to make data-driven decisions and optimize their strategies for better results.


Keap Pricing Plans

Keap offers three pricing plans to accommodate the varying needs and budgets of small businesses.

Pro Plan: Targeted at growing businesses, the Pro plan offers advanced sales and marketing automation, additional CRM capabilities, and more extensive reporting for $159 per month.

Max Plan: Geared towards established businesses looking for comprehensive features, the Max plan includes all the functionalities of the Pro plan, along with advanced automation and analytics, for $299 per month.

Ultimate Plan: Designed for new or smaller businesses, this plan includes basic CRM features, email marketing, and payment processing for $229 per month.



13. AWeber


AWeber is an established email marketing service provider that offers a suite of tools designed to help small businesses and entrepreneurs create and manage email campaigns, automate marketing processes, and engage with their audience effectively. With a focus on simplicity and ease of use, AWeber supports users in their efforts to grow their email lists, design professional-looking emails, and track the success of their marketing efforts.


What does AWeber do?

AWeber provides a platform for users to craft email marketing campaigns that can enhance customer engagement and drive sales. It allows for the creation of custom email templates, automation of email sequences, and management of subscriber lists. AWeber also offers analytics to track the performance of email campaigns, giving insights into open rates, click-through rates, and overall effectiveness. Additionally, it integrates with various online tools and services, expanding its functionality and streamlining marketing workflows.


AWeber Key Features

Drag-and-Drop Email Builder: AWeber’s user-friendly email builder enables users to easily create custom emails with a drag-and-drop interface, no coding required.

Autoresponder Follow-Ups: This feature allows for the automation of email sequences, ensuring timely follow-up with subscribers.

Email Analytics: AWeber provides detailed reports on the performance of email campaigns, including open rates, click-through rates, and subscriber activity.

List Segmentation: Users can segment their email lists based on subscriber behavior and preferences, allowing for targeted and personalized email campaigns.

Sign-Up Forms: AWeber offers customizable sign-up forms that can be embedded on websites or social media to capture new subscribers.

Integrations: With a wide range of integrations, AWeber connects with other tools such as CRM systems, eCommerce platforms, and social media, creating a cohesive marketing ecosystem.


AWeber Pricing Plans

AWeber offers a total of four pricing plans to accommodate the needs of different users.

Free Plan: This plan is suitable for new businesses and includes basic features such as 1 email list, 3,000 email sends per month, sign-up forms, and email templates. Price: $0.

Pro Plan: Aimed at growing businesses, the Pro Plan offers unlimited email lists, advanced analytics, split testing, behavioral automation, and removes AWeber branding. Price starts at $19.99/month for up to 500 subscribers.

Plus Plan: Designed for businesses looking to scale, this plan includes all Pro features, plus advanced audience insights, web push notifications, and eCommerce solutions. Price varies based on the number of subscribers.

Unlimited Plan: For large businesses with over 100,000 subscribers, this plan offers a fixed price for unlimited email sends and includes personalized account management and advanced reporting. Price: Custom, contact AWeber for details.



14. ConvertKit


ConvertKit is a marketing platform designed specifically for creators, offering a suite of tools aimed at helping them connect with their audience and monetize their crafts. With a focus on simplicity and effectiveness, ConvertKit facilitates the creation, sharing, and selling of digital products and subscriptions. It supports creators through email marketing, automation, and various monetization tools, all integrated into a user-friendly interface. This platform is trusted by over 600,000 creators worldwide, who collectively send more than 2.5 billion emails each month, showcasing its reliability and scale.


What does ConvertKit do?

ConvertKit serves as a complete marketing tool for creators, enabling them to grow their audience, automate their marketing efforts, and sell digital products with ease. It offers customizable landing pages, sign-up forms, and link pages that help creators showcase their work uniquely. The platform also features a vast network of creators, providing opportunities for users to reach new audiences and grow their subscriber list through recommendations. Additionally, ConvertKit simplifies email marketing with its intuitive email editor and powerful sales funnels, making it easier for creators to connect with their audience and promote their products effectively.


ConvertKit Key Features

Customizable Landing Pages: ConvertKit offers a variety of templates for landing pages, sign-up forms, and link pages, allowing creators to design unique and engaging entry points for their audience.

Email Marketing and Automation: The platform provides an intuitive email editor and automation tools, enabling creators to craft compelling emails and set up automated marketing sequences.

Monetization Tools: ConvertKit simplifies the process of selling digital products and subscriptions, offering tools that help creators market and sell their work directly to their audience.

Creator Network: Users can tap into ConvertKit’s extensive network of creators for collaboration opportunities and to expand their reach through recommendations.

Free Migration Service: For creators moving from another platform, ConvertKit offers a free migration service, transferring subscribers, forms, templates, and automated funnels to the new account seamlessly.


ConvertKit Pricing Plans

There are three main pricing plans available on ConvertKit, catering to creators at different stages of their journey.

Free Plan: Aimed at new creators building their list, this plan supports up to 1,000 subscribers and includes features like unlimited landing pages, forms, and broadcasts. It’s a great starting point for those new to email marketing.

Creator Plan: Designed for growing creators who are automating their work, this plan includes additional features like audience tagging and segmentation, automated email sequences, and access to third-party integrations. Pricing varies based on the number of subscribers, starting at $29/month for up to 1,000 subscribers.

Creator Pro Plan: Tailored for established creators looking to scale their business, this plan offers advanced features such as subscriber scoring, advanced reporting, and unlimited team members. It also provides priority support. Pricing starts at $59/month for up to 1,000 subscribers.


FAQs on Best Newsletter Software

What is the Best Newsletter Software?

The best newsletter software is a tool that enables businesses, organizations, and individuals to create, send, and manage email campaigns effectively. It offers a range of features designed to simplify the process of designing newsletters, segmenting audiences, automating email delivery, and analyzing the performance of email campaigns. The ideal newsletter software should be user-friendly, offer customizable templates, support automation, provide detailed analytics, and integrate seamlessly with other marketing tools and platforms.

How Does Newsletter Software Benefit Businesses?

Newsletter software benefits businesses by enhancing their email marketing efforts. It allows for the efficient management of email lists, ensuring that messages are sent to the right audience at the right time. By automating repetitive tasks, businesses can save time and focus on creating more engaging content. Newsletter software also provides analytics, giving insights into open rates, click-through rates, and subscriber behavior, which can inform future marketing strategies. Additionally, it helps in maintaining compliance with email regulations, protecting businesses from potential legal issues.

What Features Should You Look for in Newsletter Software?

When selecting newsletter software, look for features that align with your marketing goals. Key features include customizable templates that allow for brand consistency, automation capabilities for scheduling and sending emails based on specific triggers, segmentation options for targeting specific groups within your audience, and comprehensive analytics for tracking performance. Integration with CRM and other marketing tools is also crucial for a streamlined workflow. Additionally, consider the software’s scalability, ease of use, and customer support services.

Can Newsletter Software Improve Customer Engagement?

Yes, newsletter software can significantly improve customer engagement. By enabling personalized and targeted email campaigns, businesses can communicate more effectively with their audience. Personalization features allow for the inclusion of the recipient’s name, preferences, and past interactions, making each email feel tailored to the individual. Automation features ensure timely delivery of relevant content, fostering a sense of connection. Engaging newsletters can drive traffic to websites, increase conversions, and build a loyal customer base.

How to Measure the Success of Your Email Campaigns Using Newsletter Software?

Measuring the success of your email campaigns using newsletter software involves analyzing key performance indicators (KPIs) provided by the software’s analytics features. Important metrics to monitor include open rates, which indicate how many recipients opened the email, click-through rates, showing how many clicked on links within the email, conversion rates, measuring the percentage of recipients who took the desired action, and bounce rates, highlighting emails that weren’t delivered. Analyzing these metrics over time can help refine strategies and improve the effectiveness of future campaigns.



Selecting the best newsletter software is crucial for the success of your email marketing campaigns. It not only streamlines the process of creating and sending newsletters but also provides valuable insights into subscriber behavior and campaign performance. By choosing a software that offers a comprehensive set of features, including customization, automation, segmentation, and analytics, businesses can enhance their communication with their audience, improve customer engagement, and achieve their marketing objectives. Remember, the key to successful email marketing lies in delivering relevant, engaging content to the right audience at the right time, and the right newsletter software can make this task much more manageable.