10 Best AI Golf Swing Analyzers

Yakov Itai Samelson
March 2, 2024
Golf enthusiasts are always looking for ways to improve their game, and with the advent of technology, there are more tools than ever to help with that goal. Among the most innovative and effective tools are AI Golf Swing Analyzers. These sophisticated systems use artificial intelligence to analyze and improve your golf swing, offering personalized feedback and actionable insights. Whether you’re a seasoned pro or a weekend warrior, understanding the nuances of your swing is crucial for improvement, and AI technology is revolutionizing the way golfers approach this aspect of their game.


The Need for AI Golf Swing Analyzer

Golf is a game of precision and skill, where even the smallest adjustments can lead to significant improvements in performance. This is where AI Golf Swing Analyzers come into play. They provide detailed analysis of a golfer’s swing, identifying both strengths and areas that need improvement. With the help of AI, golfers can receive instant feedback on their technique, something that was traditionally only possible with a personal coach. This technology democratizes high-level golf instruction, making it accessible to anyone with a smartphone. The instant feedback and tailored drills offered by AI Golf Swing Analyzers can lead to rapid improvements, as they allow golfers to practice more effectively and efficiently.

AI Golf Swing Analyzers


How does AI Golf Swing Analyzer work?

AI Golf Swing Analyzer leverages the power of machine learning and computer vision to dissect every aspect of a golfer’s swing. By simply using the camera on a smartphone, the analyzer can capture and interpret the complex movements of a golf swing in real-time. It examines factors such as posture, grip, alignment, and the swing path, providing visual and verbal feedback. This feedback often includes comparisons to ideal swing models or suggestions for drills that target specific weaknesses. The AI’s ability to process and analyze vast amounts of data quickly means that golfers can get a level of analysis that was once only available through expensive coaching sessions or advanced equipment.


10 Best AI Golf Swing Analyzer

  1. Golf AI
  2. Golf Fix AI Golf Analyzer
  3. Swing Profile Golf Analyze
  4. Sparrow AI Golf Swing Analyze
  5. Swing Tune-Up
  6. Golf BPM
  7. Mirror Vision
  8. Blast Golf
  9. Golf Swing Trainer
  10. Onform


How to Choose the Best AI Golf Swing Analyzer?

Selecting the best AI Golf Swing Analyzer involves considering several key factors. Firstly, the accuracy of the analysis is paramount. The best analyzers use sophisticated algorithms and have been validated against established golf instruction standards. Secondly, ease of use is important, the app should be intuitive, allowing for quick setup and analysis without a steep learning curve. Thirdly, consider the depth of feedback provided. The best analyzers offer detailed insights into every aspect of the swing, along with actionable advice on how to improve. Additionally, the ability to track progress over time can be incredibly beneficial, as it allows golfers to see how their swing evolves with practice. Lastly, consider the community and support offered by the app. Some analyzers allow you to share your swing with coaches or friends for additional feedback, which can be a valuable resource for improvement.


AI Golf Swing Analyzer


1. Golf AI

Golf AI

Golf AI represents a significant stride in the intersection of technology and sports, particularly for golf enthusiasts looking to enhance their game. This AI golf swing analyzer app leverages the power of artificial intelligence to provide instant golf swing analysis without the need for additional sensors, relying solely on your smartphone’s camera. It’s designed to be user-friendly, making the sport more accessible to players of all levels. By offering personalized drills and tips, Golf AI aims to improve your swing technique and overall performance on the course. It also includes a feature to track your training progress, ensuring that you have a clear view of your improvement over time.


What does Golf AI do?

Golf AI is an AI golf swing analyzer that serves as a personal golf coach tucked away in your pocket. By simply taking a video of your swing, the app uses AI technology to analyze your form and provide a comprehensive Swing Score along with a customized Action Plan. The app’s goal is to streamline the improvement process, offering visual and verbal feedback as well as guided drills tailored to your specific needs. This instant feedback mechanism allows for rapid iteration and improvement of your swing, potentially leading to a better golfing experience and lower scores. Golf AI eliminates the need for traditional, often expensive, coaching methods and provides a modern, efficient alternative for players aiming to enhance their skills.


Golf AI Key Features

Instant Swing Analysis: Golf AI’s standout feature is its ability to provide immediate feedback on your swing. By analyzing a video of your swing, the app gives you a detailed breakdown of your technique, highlighting areas of strength and those in need of improvement.

Personalized Drills and Tips: Based on the analysis, Golf AI offers a selection of drills and tips specifically chosen to address the unique aspects of your swing. This personalized approach ensures that you’re working on the most impactful areas for your game.

Swing Score and Action Plan: After each analysis, you receive a Swing Score that quantifies your performance, accompanied by an Action Plan. This plan lays out the steps you need to take to refine your swing, making the path to improvement clear and structured.

Training Progress Tracking: The app keeps track of your training progress over time. This feature allows you to see tangible evidence of your improvement, which can be incredibly motivating and rewarding.

User-Friendly Interface: Golf AI boasts a beautifully designed and straightforward interface, making it easy for golfers to navigate and use the app effectively, regardless of their tech-savviness.

Community Feedback: The app encourages user feedback and actively incorporates suggestions into its updates, demonstrating a commitment to continuous improvement and user satisfaction.



2. Golf Fix AI Golf Analyzer

Golf Fix AI Golf Analyzer

Golf Fix AI Golf Analyzer is an innovative app designed to harnesses the power of artificial intelligence to provide comprehensive swing analysis, offering a wealth of information to refine your technique. Whether you’re grappling with self-taught swings or seeking to fine-tune your performance, Golf Fix stands ready to assist. Its user-friendly interface allows golfers to capture their swings using a camera, after which the app meticulously detects and analyzes over 40 potential swing mistakes. Beyond mere analysis, it extends its utility by recommending personalized YouTube lesson videos to address your specific needs. For those unable to swing at the moment, the app offers the convenience of importing swing videos from your gallery for instant feedback. Its ‘Pic of the Day’ feature adds a touch of professionalism to your golfing memories, while the ‘Focus Drill’ with a personal AI coach ensures that your practice is targeted and effective. With the promise of instant analysis in any network condition and a suite of features aimed at improving your game, Golf Fix AI Golf Analyzer positions itself as an indispensable companion on your journey to golfing excellence.


What does Golf Fix AI Golf Analyzer do?

Golf Fix AI Golf Analyzer is a cutting-edge application that transforms your smartphone into a virtual golf coach. At its core, the app provides an ‘AI Swing Analysis’ that meticulously scrutinizes your golf swing from start to finish, identifying and analyzing a multitude of potential errors. This instant analysis is designed to be quick and accessible, delivering results in as little as 10 seconds, regardless of your network status. The app’s ability to import swings from your video gallery means that even off the course, you can continue to work on your game. Golf Fix also offers a unique feature that automatically generates professional-quality swing photos, allowing you to share your progress with friends and fellow enthusiasts. The personal AI coach feature, ‘Focus Drill’, is particularly noteworthy, as it provides targeted feedback to help you concentrate on correcting a single mistake at a time, ensuring that your practice sessions are as efficient as they are effective. This comprehensive suite of features is tailored to support golfers in their quest to achieve a more consistent and accurate swing, making Golf Fix AI Golf Analyzer a valuable asset for anyone looking to improve their game.


Golf Fix AI Golf Analyzer Key Features

Easy & Quick AI Swing Analysis: The heart of Golf Fix is its ability to quickly capture and analyze your golf swing using just the camera on your device. It automatically detects your swing from the address to the finish, providing rapid feedback on areas for improvement.

Analysis of Over 40 Swing Mistakes: Golf Fix delves deep into your swing mechanics, identifying more than 40 different swing mistakes. This comprehensive analysis ensures that even the most subtle errors are not overlooked.

Personalized YouTube Lesson Recommendations: After analyzing your swing, the app suggests YouTube lessons tailored to your specific swing issues. This personalized approach helps you focus on the most relevant advice for your development.

Import Your Swing for Analysis: Not on the golf course? No problem. Golf Fix allows you to import videos from your gallery, providing the same detailed analysis as if you were live on the range.

Instant AI Analysis in Any Network Condition: Whether you’re out of the country or facing a poor internet connection, Golf Fix delivers your swing analysis in about 10 seconds, ensuring that you can work on your game anytime, anywhere.

Focus Drill with Personal AI Coach: The Focus Drill feature acts as your personal AI coach, giving you feedback on your most persistent mistakes and helping you to concentrate on fixing one issue at a time for more effective practice sessions.



3. Swing Profile Golf Analyze

Swing Profile Golf Analyze

Swing Profile Golf Analyze is a cutting-edge AI golf swing analyzer app that has transformed the way golfers and coaches analyze and improve golf swings. Leveraging the power of AI and advanced motion detection technology, this app offers a seamless and efficient method to capture, analyze, and understand golf swings. Designed for both amateurs and professionals, Swing Profile Golf Analyze simplifies the complex process of swing analysis, making it accessible to anyone with a smartphone. Its intuitive interface and comprehensive features have made it a favorite among golf enthusiasts worldwide, offering insights that were once only available through expensive equipment or professional analysis.


What does Swing Profile Golf Analyze do?

Swing Profile Golf Analyze turns your mobile device into a sophisticated golf swing analyzer. By automatically capturing and analyzing your swing, it provides instant feedback on key aspects of your performance. This app eliminates the need for manual video editing or additional equipment, as it detects your swing, trims the footage, and presents a detailed analysis within seconds. Whether you’re practicing alone or with a coach, Swing Profile Golf Analyze offers a range of features designed to improve your swing technique, consistency, and overall golfing performance. Its ability to compare swings, provide slow-motion playback, and generate ‘Golf-Digest’ style swing sequences makes it an invaluable tool for anyone looking to take their game to the next level.


Swing Profile Golf Analyze Key Features

Auto Replay: This feature automatically detects your golf swing and plays back your swing video in slow motion right after the shot, allowing you to see and correct flaws instantly.

Auto Capture: Simply point your camera at your swing, and the app will automatically detect, record, and trim the video to keep only the essential 2-second swing motion, making analysis straightforward and efficient.

Auto Swing Sequence: Swing Profile generates ‘Golf-Digest’ style swing sequences automatically every time a swing is detected, providing a professional-grade analysis tool at your fingertips.

Auto Draw Reference Swing Plane: The app draws standard reference lines on your video so you can immediately check and improve your swing plane, aiding in the development of a stable and consistent swing.

Auto Synchronize Swing Videos: You can synchronize and compare recorded swings, allowing for a detailed comparison of your form over time or against professional swings.

Coaching Features: For coaches, the app offers the ability to record voiceover videos analyzing student swings, using both audio and on-screen drawing tools, making remote coaching effective and interactive.



4. Sparrow AI Golf Swing Analyze

Sparrow AI Golf Swing Analyze

Sparrow is a cutting-edge AI golf swing analyzer designed to elevate the game of both amateur and professional golfers. Leveraging the most advanced real-time AI swing analysis technology, Sparrow offers a seamless and interactive experience that transcends traditional coaching methods. Without the need for manual recording, it auto-detects swings, providing instant, personalized feedback based on comprehensive research into the biomechanics of the golf swing. This innovative app not only allows golfers to compare their swings with those of PGA professionals but also offers a rich library of drill videos for targeted improvement. Whether on the range or at your own pace, Sparrow facilitates a unique learning journey, enabling users to track their progress over time through stored swings and an evolving SparrowScore. It stands out as a beacon for those seeking to refine their skills, drop their handicap, and achieve new heights in their golfing journey.


What does Sparrow AI Golf Swing Analyze do?

Sparrow is a transformative AI golf swing analyzer that brings the expertise of a golf pro right to your fingertips. By setting up your phone, Sparrow automatically captures and analyzes your golf swings in real-time, comparing them against over 2 million data points. This AI golf swing analyzer identifies the strengths and weaknesses of your swing, offering side-by-side comparisons with top golfers and providing actionable feedback through an extensive library of drills. Whether you’re on the golf course, at the driving range, or practicing in your backyard, Sparrow delivers timely and relevant suggestions for improvement. It’s designed to pinpoint deficiencies in your swing and recommend specific drills for enhancement, making it an invaluable companion for golfers aiming to add yards to their drive, fix slices or hooks, and overall refine their technique. Sparrow empowers golfers of all levels with instant feedback and personalized training, making it easier than ever to improve your game on your terms.


Sparrow AI Golf Swing Analyze Key Features

Real-Time AI Swing Analysis: Sparrow stands out with its ability to auto-detect and analyze your golf swing in real-time, eliminating the need to press record. This feature ensures that every swing you take is captured and assessed, providing you with immediate, personalized feedback to help refine your technique.

Comparison with PGA Pros: One of the most compelling features of Sparrow is the opportunity to compare your swing side-by-side with that of a PGA professional. This comparison offers invaluable insights into how your swing measures up against the best in the game, highlighting areas for improvement.

Extensive Drill Video Library: Sparrow provides access to a comprehensive library of drill videos, curated to address a wide range of swing issues. Whether you’re looking to correct your posture, setup, or backswing dynamics, Sparrow has a drill for you.

Swing at Your Own Pace: The app’s ability to automatically detect when you swing, allowing up to five consecutive swings, means you can practice at your own pace. This feature is particularly useful on the range, where you can focus on your technique without worrying about operating the app.

Track Your Improvement: With Sparrow, you can store your past swings and track your progress over time. Watching your SparrowScore increase as your swing improves is not only motivating but also provides tangible evidence of your hard work paying off.

Personalized Feedback: The AI-driven analysis offers personalized feedback based on years of research into the biomechanics of the golf swing. This tailored advice is designed to help you drop your handicap and elevate your game to new levels.



5. Swing Tune-Up

Swing Tune-Up

Swing Tune-Up is an innovative AI golf swing analyzer designed to elevate the golfing experience by providing detailed analysis of a player’s swing. It serves as a virtual coach, offering insights that were once exclusive to professional training sessions. With its AI-powered capabilities, Swing Tune-Up caters to golfers of all levels who are eager to dissect their swing mechanics and enhance their performance on the course. The app’s intuitive interface and comprehensive feedback system allow users to identify and correct flaws in their swing, paving the way for a more consistent and accurate game.


What does Swing Tune-Up do?

Swing Tune-Up stands out as a sophisticated app that meticulously records and analyzes golf swings. It offers real-time annotations and verbal feedback, which is particularly useful during practice sessions. The app’s ability to provide instant replays and detailed metrics such as posture, alignment, and head tracking empowers golfers to make informed adjustments to their technique. Moreover, the responsive support team behind Swing Tune-Up is committed to continuous improvement, ensuring that the app remains a top-tier choice for golfers seeking to refine their swings and achieve better results on the golf course.


Swing Tune-Up Key Features

Swing Analyzer: Swing Tune-Up’s core feature is its comprehensive swing analysis tool, which uses automatic annotations to help golfers quickly identify areas for improvement without the need for manual input.

Automatic Recording: The app simplifies the recording process with its automatic swing detection, allowing golfers to focus on their form while the app takes care of capturing each swing.

Video Import and Management: Golfers can import existing swing videos into the app, making it a centralized platform for analyzing and managing all their swing data.

Community Engagement: Users can join a global community of golfers, sharing their swing videos for feedback and tips, fostering a collaborative environment for improvement.

Apple Watch Integration: The companion Apple Watch app acts as a remote control, enabling users to manage their swing recordings directly from their wrist.

Developer Responsiveness: The development team’s commitment to user feedback and app enhancement ensures that Swing Tune-Up is constantly evolving to meet the needs of its users.



6. Golf BPM

Golf BPM

Golf BPM is an AI golf swing analyzer designed to enhance the golfing experience by integrating music with swing practice. This innovative approach allows golfers of all levels to develop a consistent tempo, timing, and rhythm, which are crucial for perfecting their golf swing. By syncing swings to a variety of music genres, Golf BPM offers an enjoyable and effective practice session. The app, thoroughly tested on PGA tour players, amateurs, juniors, and senior golfers, was created by Doug Timmons, a PGA Class A member, with the vision of making practice sessions not only beneficial but also fun. Golf BPM caters to the understanding that while no two golf swings are alike, a consistent tempo is a common trait among successful golfers, making this app a valuable tool for anyone looking to improve their game, making it a great addition to list of best AI golf swing analyzers.


What does Golf BPM do?

Golf BPM revolutionizes the way golfers approach their swing practice by employing music as a tool to achieve the perfect swing tempo. The app guides users through a simple process where they select a station, choose a club type and swing speed, and then swing to the beat of the music, following verbal cues for timing. This method helps golfers internalize a consistent swing tempo, which is a critical aspect of a successful golf game. The app features a wide range of music genres, each with subtly timed verbal cues, ensuring that golfers know exactly when to hit their swing marks. By providing a fun and engaging way to practice, Golf BPM aims to help golfers of all skill levels develop the muscle memory needed for a consistent and effective golf swing.


Golf BPM Key Features

Four Different BPM Speeds (Beats Per Minute): This feature allows golfers to find the perfect tempo that matches their personal swing speed, making it easier to develop consistency.

Three Swing Types: Driver, mid-irons, chipping, and putting: Golf BPM offers specialized tracks for different types of swings, ensuring that golfers can practice every aspect of their game with the right tempo.

Voice Prompts: The app includes voice prompts that guide users through their swing, providing real-time feedback and ensuring that they maintain the correct tempo throughout their practice.

Voice Control: Users have the ability to turn on/off counting over the music, giving them control over their practice environment and allowing for a more personalized experience.

Putting and Chipping Tracks: In addition to full swings, Golf BPM provides music tracks designed specifically for practicing putting and chipping, two crucial aspects of the game that often require a different tempo.

Tips and Weekly Video Lessons: The app not only helps with swing tempo but also offers valuable golfing tips and video lessons on a weekly basis, helping users continuously improve their skills and knowledge of the game.



7. Mirror Vision

Mirror Vision

Mirror Vision is an AI golf swing analyzer that harnesses the power of iOS devices to provide golfers with real-time visual feedback, a feature that is pivotal for refining swing mechanics. With the ability to stream one device’s camera to another’s screen seamlessly, golfers can observe and adjust their swings as they happen, bridging the gap between perception and reality. The app’s intuitive design and user-friendly interface make it accessible for golfers of all skill levels who are eager to elevate their game.


What does Mirror Vision do?

Mirror Vision transforms the way golfers analyze and understand their swings by providing a mirror-like experience enhanced with technological sophistication. By leveraging the capabilities of iOS devices, the app offers a real-time view of the golfer’s swing, allowing for immediate adjustments and learning. This instant feedback mechanism is crucial for developing new motor patterns and correcting swing flaws. The app’s functionality extends beyond live viewing, with features such as slow-motion playback and video editing tools, enabling golfers to dissect their swings in detail and track progress over time.


Mirror Vision Key Features

Real-Time Feedback: Mirror Vision’s standout feature is its ability to provide golfers with immediate visual feedback on their swings. This real-time analysis is instrumental in making quick adjustments and accelerating the learning process.

Ultra-Low Latency Streaming: The app boasts ultra-low latency streaming between devices, ensuring that the visual feedback is as close to live as possible, which is essential for accurate swing analysis.

Video Editing Tools: With a suite of video editing tools, golfers can annotate their swings, draw reference lines, and review their technique in slow motion, which is invaluable for identifying and correcting technical aspects of their swing.

No Wi-Fi Requirement: One of the app’s practical features is its independence from Wi-Fi, allowing golfers to use the app’s full capabilities anywhere, even in remote locations without internet access.

Slo-mo Video Recording: The ability to record swings in slow motion at 240 frames per second gives golfers a detailed view of their swing mechanics, making it easier to pinpoint areas for improvement.

Intuitive Video Organization: Golfers can easily organize, import, and export videos within the app, which simplifies the process of managing and reviewing swing footage over time.



8. Blast Golf

Blast Golf

Blast Golf is an AI golf swing analyzer designed to elevate the game of amateurs and professionals alike. This AI-powered golf swing analyzer offers a seamless blend of technology and sports, providing detailed insights into every swing and stroke. Trusted by hundreds of Tour Professionals, Blast Golf stands out for its ability to offer instant feedback across all types of shots, from the tee box to the green. Its patented technology and easy attachment to any club make it a versatile companion for golfers aiming to refine their skills. Whether used live during practice, in offline mode on the course, or through its Smart Video Capture feature for slow-motion analysis, Blast Golf is tailored to support continuous improvement and a deeper understanding of one’s performance.


What does Blast Golf do?

Blast Golf is not just another golf swing analyzer app, it’s a comprehensive tool that transforms the way golfers approach their game. By attaching the Blast Swing & Stroke Analyzer to any golf club, players unlock a world of data and insights previously accessible only to the pros. This device meticulously captures, analyzes, and provides feedback on every aspect of a swing or putt, enabling golfers to pinpoint areas for improvement. From speed control and direction in putting to capturing the nuances of short game and bunker shots, Blast Golf covers the entire spectrum of the game. Its ability to store data when out of range and sync upon reconnection ensures that no shot goes unanalyzed. For those seeking to refine their technique, understand their strengths and weaknesses, and achieve a competitive edge, Blast Golf serves as an indispensable resource.


Blast Golf Key Features

Instant Feedback: One of the standout features of Blast Golf is its ability to provide immediate insights into every shot. This real-time feedback mechanism helps golfers make adjustments on the fly, enhancing their learning curve.

Smart Video Capture: The Smart Video Capture™ technology is a game-changer, allowing players to record their swings in slow motion. This feature not only aids in self-analysis but also facilitates sharing and discussion with coaches or peers for further improvement.

Comprehensive Metrics: Blast Golf excels in offering a wide array of metrics, from swing speed to attack angle, across full swings, short game, and putting. These detailed analytics empower golfers to focus on specific aspects of their game.

Offline Mode: Understanding the importance of uninterrupted practice, Blast Golf’s offline mode ensures that all data is captured and stored, even when the mobile device is out of range, and syncs automatically upon reconnection.

Ease of Use: With no need to alter the natural swing or navigate through complicated controls, the analyzer is designed for simplicity. Its seamless integration into the golfer’s routine makes it user-friendly.

Putting and Short Game Modes: Specialized modes for putting, short game, and bunker shots offer tailored metrics and insights, enabling golfers to hone their skills in these critical areas with precision and focus.



9. Golf Swing Trainer

Golf Swing Trainer

Golf Swing Trainer, developed by Gorko Systems Inc, is a cutting-edge AI golf swing analyzer designed to enhance the golfing experience for players of all skill levels. This innovative app, available for iPad and compatible with various Apple devices, serves as a comprehensive tool for golfers aiming to improve their swing speed and tempo. With its user-friendly interface and free accessibility, Golf Swing Trainer stands out as a valuable resource for golf enthusiasts seeking to refine their technique and achieve better performance on the course. Its latest version introduces new features and setup codes, ensuring users have the most up-to-date tools at their fingertips for analyzing and enhancing their golf swings.


What does Golf Swing Trainer do?

Golf Swing Trainer is a dynamic app that empowers golfers to elevate their game by focusing on two critical aspects of the swing: speed and tempo. By leveraging advanced technology, the app provides users with real-time feedback and actionable insights into their swing mechanics. This enables players to identify areas for improvement and work on refining their technique. Whether you’re a beginner looking to understand the basics of a good golf swing or an experienced player aiming to fine-tune your skills, Golf Swing Trainer offers a personalized approach to golf instruction. Its emphasis on speed and tempo training helps golfers develop a more consistent and efficient swing, leading to better performance and lower scores on the golf course.


Golf Swing Trainer Key Features

Compatibility: Golf Swing Trainer is designed for a wide range of Apple devices, including iPhone, iPad, iPod touch, and Mac with Apple M1 chip or later. This broad compatibility ensures that a vast majority of Apple users can access and benefit from the app’s features, regardless of the specific device they own.

User-Friendly Interface: The app boasts a straightforward and intuitive interface, making it easy for golfers of all levels to navigate and utilize its functions. This user-friendly design encourages more frequent use and engagement, facilitating a smoother learning curve for improving swing speed and tempo.

Real-Time Feedback: One of the app’s standout features is its ability to provide immediate feedback on the user’s swing. This instant analysis helps golfers quickly identify and correct errors, accelerating the improvement process and making practice sessions more productive.

Personalized Insights: Golf Swing Trainer offers tailored advice and recommendations based on the user’s unique swing data. This personalized approach ensures that each golfer receives specific guidance that is most relevant to their individual needs and goals.

Free Access: Accessibility is a key advantage of Golf Swing Trainer, as the app is available for free. This allows golfers to explore and benefit from its features without any financial commitment, making high-quality golf instruction more accessible to a wider audience.

Privacy Considerations: The developer, Gorko Systems Inc, has indicated that the app’s privacy practices may include handling of data as described in their privacy policy. However, it is also noted that the app does not collect any data from its users, addressing potential privacy concerns and ensuring a secure experience for all users.



10. Onform


Onform is a cutting-edge video analysis app tailored for golf coaches and players seeking to refine their swings and overall game. It stands out in the digital coaching landscape by offering a suite of features that cater to the nuanced needs of golf instruction. With its AI-powered capabilities, Onform provides a seamless experience that captures and analyzes golf swings, offering valuable insights that can be shared between coaches and students. Its intuitive interface and robust functionality make it a go-to tool for those serious about improving their golf performance.


What does Onform do?

Onform revolutionizes the way golfers and coaches interact with swing analysis. By auto-detecting each swing and saving them as short video clips, the app streamlines the process of capturing and reviewing swings. It employs voice dictation to annotate clips with details like club used, distance, and shot direction, all without disrupting the flow of a practice session. This innovative approach allows for immediate review and feedback, fostering a more efficient and productive learning environment. Onform’s integration of video analysis with modern communication tools also enables ongoing support and guidance, making it a comprehensive solution for golf skill development.


Onform Key Features

Auto-Detection and Video Capture: Onform’s AI-driven auto-detection feature simplifies the video capture process by automatically recognizing and recording each golf swing. This allows players to focus on their practice without the hassle of manual recording.

Voice Dictation for Video Titling: The app leverages voice dictation to title and annotate video clips with relevant information such as the club used, distance, and shot direction, ensuring that each swing is cataloged with precision and ease.

Slow-Motion and Visualization Tools: Onform includes slow-motion playback and visualization tools that enable detailed analysis of swings. This helps in identifying areas for improvement and allows for a deeper understanding of one’s golf technique.

Seamless Sharing with Instructors: The platform is designed to facilitate easy sharing of videos with coaches, providing a conduit for expert feedback and accelerated improvement. This collaborative feature underscores Onform’s role as a true coaching platform.

Cloud-Based Video Library: All videos are stored in a cloud-based library, ensuring they are organized, easily accessible, and securely backed up. This eliminates the clutter of traditional video storage and makes management of content straightforward.

Multi-Angle Analysis: Onform supports multi-angle video analysis, allowing coaches and players to review swings from various perspectives. This comprehensive view is crucial for a holistic understanding of the swing mechanics and for making precise adjustments.


FAQs on AI Golf Swing Analyzer

What is an AI Golf Swing Analyzer?

An AI Golf Swing Analyzer is a cutting-edge tool that uses artificial intelligence to evaluate and provide feedback on a golfer’s swing. It employs machine learning and computer vision to analyze video footage of the swing, offering insights into various aspects such as posture, grip, and swing path. This technology enables golfers to receive instant, personalized feedback to improve their game.

How accurate are AI Golf Swing Analyzers?

AI Golf Swing Analyzers are highly accurate, thanks to the advanced algorithms and machine learning models they use. These systems are often validated against professional coaching standards and continuously improved to ensure their analyses match or exceed the quality of traditional coaching methods.

Can AI Golf Swing Analyzers replace a human coach?

While AI Golf Swing Analyzers provide valuable insights and feedback that can significantly improve a golfer’s swing, they are best used as a complement to human coaching. The personalized attention and expertise of a human coach, combined with the detailed analysis from an AI system, can offer the most comprehensive improvement strategy.

Do I need any special equipment to use an AI Golf Swing Analyzer?

Most AI Golf Swing Analyzers only require a smartphone with a camera. The app uses the phone’s camera to record and analyze your swing, so no additional hardware is typically necessary. However, ensuring your device meets the app’s minimum requirements is important for optimal performance.

Is it difficult to set up and use an AI Golf Swing Analyzer?

Setting up and using an AI Golf Swing Analyzer is generally straightforward. The apps are designed with user-friendliness in mind, featuring intuitive interfaces that guide you through recording your swing and viewing your analysis. Some apps may offer additional features that require a bit more exploration, but overall, ease of use is a key consideration for developers.

How long does it take to get feedback from an AI Golf Swing Analyzer?

Feedback from an AI Golf Swing Analyzer is almost instantaneous. Once you’ve recorded your swing using the app, the analysis is typically completed within seconds to a few minutes, depending on the app’s processing capabilities and the complexity of the analysis.

Can I share my swing analysis with others?

Yes, many AI Golf Swing Analyzers offer features that allow you to share your swing analysis with friends, coaches, or a community of users within the app. This can be a great way to get additional feedback and support as you work on improving your swing.

How does an AI Golf Swing Analyzer help improve my game?

An AI Golf Swing Analyzer helps improve your game by providing detailed, objective feedback on your swing. It identifies areas of strength and areas needing improvement, offering specific, actionable advice and drills tailored to your needs. This targeted approach to practice can lead to more efficient improvement and lower scores.

Are there any subscription fees for using an AI Golf Swing Analyzer?

Some AI Golf Swing Analyzers are available for free, while others require a subscription or offer premium features at an additional cost. The pricing model varies by app, so it’s important to review the terms and conditions before downloading and using a particular analyzer.

Can AI Golf Swing Analyzers be used indoors?

Yes, many AI Golf Swing Analyzers can be used indoors, provided there is sufficient space to safely complete a golf swing and adequate lighting for the camera to capture clear video. Some apps may offer specific guidance or settings optimized for indoor use.



AI Golf Swing Analyzers represent a significant advancement in golf technology, offering players of all levels the opportunity to gain insights into their swing that were previously accessible only through professional coaching. By leveraging the power of artificial intelligence, these tools provide detailed, personalized feedback that can lead to substantial improvements in a golfer’s game. Whether you’re looking to fine-tune your swing, correct persistent flaws, or simply understand your golf swing better, an AI Golf Swing Analyzer can be an invaluable resource. As technology continues to evolve, the capabilities and accuracy of these analyzers will only improve, making them an essential component of any golfer’s toolkit.