14 Best ADHD Apps for Adults

Itay Paz
February 18, 2024
Living with ADHD as an adult can be a challenging journey. The condition, characterized by symptoms such as inattention, hyperactivity, and impulsivity, often persists into adulthood, affecting various aspects of life including work, relationships, and self-esteem. In the digital age, technology has stepped in to offer a helping hand in the form of ADHD apps for adults. These digital tools are designed to assist with organization, focus, and time management—areas where adults with ADHD often struggle. The right app can be a game-changer, providing the structure and support needed to navigate daily life more effectively.


The Need for ADHD Apps for Adults

Adults with ADHD frequently encounter hurdles in managing day-to-day tasks that others might take for granted. The ability to stay organized, remember appointments, and maintain focus can be significantly impaired, leading to frustration and a sense of being overwhelmed. ADHD apps for adults serve as external aids that compensate for the executive function deficits commonly associated with ADHD. They offer a structured approach to managing tasks, reminders, and schedules, which can reduce the mental load and anxiety that comes with trying to keep everything in memory. Moreover, these apps can help in breaking down larger projects into manageable steps, making it easier to start and complete tasks that might otherwise seem daunting.

ADHD Apps for Adults


How does ADHD Apps for Adults work?

ADHD apps for adults work by leveraging the capabilities of smartphones and tablets to provide features that align with the needs of individuals with ADHD. They often include task managers with customizable reminders, calendars for scheduling, note-taking capabilities for capturing thoughts on the go, and focus timers to encourage productive work sessions. Some apps also incorporate gamification elements to make the process of managing tasks more engaging. By providing a centralized platform for organizing life’s complexities, these apps can help reduce the chaos that often accompanies ADHD, allowing users to gain a sense of control and accomplishment.


14 Best ADHD Apps for Adults (Free & Paid)

  1. Habit Tracker
  2. Routinery
  3. ADHD Adult Test
  4. Dwellingright
  5. Focus Productivity Timer
  6. ADHD Lifehacks For Adults Pro
  7. ADHD White Noise
  8. My ADHD
  9. Inflow Manage your ADHD
  10. ADHD Daily Affirmations App
  11. Shmoody Mood & Habit Tracker
  12. SimpleMind Pro
  13. Clear Lists
  14. TickTick


How to choose the Best ADHD Apps for Adults?

Choosing the best ADHD apps for adults requires a thoughtful approach. It’s essential to consider the specific challenges you face and the features that will best address those needs. For instance, if time management is a significant issue, look for apps with robust calendar and reminder systems. If staying focused is the primary concern, apps with built-in timers or focus aids might be more beneficial. It’s also important to consider the user interface, an app should be intuitive and easy to navigate to prevent additional frustration. Additionally, consider the app’s adaptability—can it be customized to fit your unique workflow and preferences? Lastly, consider the cost and whether the app offers a trial period to test its effectiveness before committing to a purchase. By carefully evaluating these factors, you can find an ADHD app that not only fits into your lifestyle but also becomes a powerful ally in managing your symptoms.


ADHD Apps for Adults


1. Habit Tracker

Habit Tracker

In today’s fast-paced world, maintaining a healthy routine and sticking to good habits can be challenging, especially for adults with ADHD. Habit Tracker emerges as a digital solution designed to bridge this gap, offering a seamless and user-friendly platform to monitor and build positive habits. Its convenience is unparalleled, as it transforms your smartphone into a personal habit assistant, ensuring that your goals are always within reach. This ADHD app for adults effectiveness lies in its ability to integrate into daily life, making habit tracking and building not just a task but a part of your lifestyle. With its thoughtful design and user-centric features, Habit Tracker stands out as a tool that genuinely supports its users in achieving personal growth and consistency in their routines.


What does Habit Tracker do?

Habit Tracker serves as a comprehensive tool that empowers users to create, monitor, and maintain their habits effectively. It’s designed to cater to the needs of individuals looking for a structured approach to habit formation. By providing a platform that is both accessible and easy to use, Habit Tracker encourages daily engagement, making it easier for users to stay committed to their goals. The app’s core functionality revolves around its ability to offer a visual representation of progress, reminders for consistency, and motivational insights to keep users inspired. Whether it’s about adopting a new healthy habit or breaking a bad one, Habit Tracker provides the necessary support and resources to make the journey smoother and more achievable.


Habit Tracker Key Features

Customizable Habit Tracking: This feature allows users to tailor their habit-tracking experience according to their personal goals and preferences, making the app adaptable to a wide range of needs.

Reminders and Notifications: To ensure that users stay on track, the app sends timely reminders and notifications, acting as a personal accountability partner in habit formation.

Progress Tracking and Analytics: Users can visually monitor their progress over time, gaining insights into their habits through detailed analytics and reports.

Motivational Support: The app includes motivational quotes and messages to keep users inspired and focused on their goals, especially on challenging days.

User-Friendly Interface: Designed with simplicity in mind, the app’s interface is intuitive and easy to navigate, ensuring a smooth user experience.

Community Support: Users have access to a community of like-minded individuals, offering an additional layer of motivation and support in their habit-building journey.


Habit Tracker Pricing Plans

Habit Tracker offers a free app to download with in-app purchases.



2. Routinery


Routinery stands out as a comprehensive self-care, routine management, and ADHD app for adults designed to cater to the needs of adults with ADHD, though its benefits extend to anyone looking to enhance their daily productivity and well-being. This app is meticulously crafted to assist users in establishing, tracking, and maintaining daily routines, thereby fostering a structured lifestyle that can significantly mitigate the challenges posed by ADHD. By leveraging behavioral science principles, Routinery offers a user-friendly platform that not only encourages habit formation but also ensures these habits stick. Its intuitive design, coupled with personalized routine recommendations, makes it an indispensable tool for those aiming to streamline their day-to-day activities, improve time management, and ultimately lead a more organized and fulfilling life.


What does Routinery do?

Routinery excels in transforming the daunting task of routine creation and adherence into a seamless and enjoyable process. It serves as a multifaceted tool that functions as a habit tracker, ADHD organizer, and a means to eliminate unnecessary thoughts through a routine timer. The app is adept at guiding users through the establishment of morning and evening routines, enhancing productivity, and promoting self-improvement. With features like relaxation mode and personalized encouragement, Routinery not only aids in the development of new habits but also supports users in overcoming obstacles that may disrupt their routines. Whether you’re looking to cultivate a specific habit, organize your day, or simply live a more productive life, Routinery provides the structure and support needed to achieve your goals.


Routinery Key Features

Customizable Routines: Routinery allows users to tailor their routines to fit their specific needs, making it easier to stick to habits that are personally meaningful and beneficial.

Habit Tracking: The app includes a robust habit tracking feature that helps users monitor their progress and stay motivated by visualizing their achievements over time.

Routine Reminders: To ensure users stay on track, Routinery sends timely reminders for each scheduled activity, reducing the likelihood of missed routines.

Relaxation Mode: Recognizing the importance of breaks, Routinery includes a relaxation mode to help users destress and recharge during their routine.

Feedback and Statistics: The app provides detailed feedback and statistics on users’ routine adherence, offering insights into areas of improvement and celebrating successes.

Multi-Device Synchronization: Routinery supports synchronization across multiple devices, ensuring users can access their routines and progress wherever they are, on any device.


Routinery Pricing Plans

Routinery offers a free app download with the option for in-app purchases, catering to a wide range of user needs and preferences.



3. ADHD Adult Test

ADHD Adult Test

Navigating the complexities of adult life with ADHD can be a challenge, but the ADHD Adult Test app aims to provide a starting point for those questioning whether their daily struggles might be symptoms of Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder. This app is designed as a preliminary screening tool, offering a series of questions based on the Adult ADHD Self-Report Scale to help users identify patterns that may suggest the presence of ADHD.


What does ADHD Adult Test do?

The ADHD Adult Test app serves as a personal assessment tool for adults who suspect they may have ADHD. By answering eighteen targeted questions, users can gain insights into their behaviors and patterns that align with ADHD symptoms. The app’s straightforward approach simplifies the process of self-screening, providing users with a quick and accessible way to evaluate their experiences. While it’s not a diagnostic tool, the results can be a useful conversation starter with a healthcare provider for those seeking a formal evaluation and potential diagnosis.


ADHD Adult Test Key Features

User-Friendly Interface: The app boasts a clean and intuitive interface, making it easy for users to navigate through the assessment without any unnecessary complications.

Quick Assessment: The test is designed to be completed swiftly, respecting the user’s time and providing immediate feedback on their responses.

Adult ADHD Self-Report Scale: Utilizing a recognized screening scale, the app ensures that the questions are relevant and based on established criteria for assessing ADHD in adults.

Privacy Consideration: Users can take the test with the assurance that their data is handled with respect for their privacy, as outlined in the app’s privacy policy.

Real User Feedback: The app includes reviews and ratings from actual users, offering insights into the experiences of others who have used the tool for their self-assessment.

Accessibility: Available for download on various platforms, the app is accessible to a wide audience, making it easier for anyone to start their self-assessment journey.


ADHD Adult Test Pricing Plans

The ADHD Adult Test app offers a fee app to download with in-app purchases.



4. Dwellingright


Dwellingright is an innovative app designed to assist adults, particularly those with ADHD, in managing their daily tasks and responsibilities. This adult ADHD app serves as a personal life organizer, aiming to reduce the mental load by predicting important tasks and providing step-by-step guidance to complete them. With a focus on security and privacy, Dwellingright ensures that user data is protected while offering a platform for seamless collaboration between family members or partners.


What does Dwellingright do?

Dwellingright functions as an intelligent assistant for task management, specifically tailored to the needs of adults with ADHD. It simplifies life by reminding users of upcoming tasks, breaking them down into manageable steps, and facilitating the sharing of responsibilities with others. The app’s predictive capabilities help users stay ahead of their schedules, while its secure environment allows for the safe upload and storage of sensitive information.


Dwellingright Key Features

Predictive Task Management: Dwellingright’s AI-driven system anticipates upcoming tasks, such as annual checkups or document renewals, and notifies users in advance, making it easier to stay organized.

Task Synchronization: Designed for couples and families, the app automatically syncs tasks and responsibilities, ensuring everyone is on the same page without the need for constant communication.

Document and Contact Storage: Users can easily add, store, and access critical documents and contacts, keeping all essential information in one place.

Visual Organization: The app’s visual design aids in maintaining organization, with features like snapping pictures and uploading documents to keep track of important tasks.

Transparent Communication: Sharing tasks and obtaining input from others is streamlined, fostering collaboration and efficiency in completing shared responsibilities.

High-Level Security: Dwellingright prioritizes user privacy with secure hosting on Amazon Web Services and SSL-encrypted communication, although it does not encrypt data stored on users’ own devices.


Dwellingright Pricing Plans

Dwellingright offers a free app with the option for in-app purchases, catering to various user needs without an upfront cost.



5. Focus Productivity Timer

Focus Productivity Timer

The Focus Productivity Timer is a sophisticated tool designed to help adults with ADHD manage their time more effectively. This ADHD app for adults, available on multiple platforms, uses the Pomodoro technique to break down work into manageable sessions, promoting focus and productivity. It’s a digital companion that encourages users to work smarter, not harder, by providing a structured framework for managing tasks and time.


What does Focus Productivity Timer do?

The Focus Productivity Timer is more than just a timer. It’s a comprehensive productivity tool that helps users manage their time and tasks more effectively. The app uses the Pomodoro technique, a time management method that breaks work into intervals, traditionally 25 minutes in length, separated by short breaks. This method helps users maintain focus, reduce fatigue, and increase productivity. The app also provides in-depth statistics to track progress and productivity over time, offering a clear picture of how time is spent.


Focus Productivity Timer Key Features

Customizable Focus Sessions: The app allows users to customize the length of their focus sessions and breaks, tailoring the Pomodoro technique to their personal needs and work style.

In-depth Statistics: The app provides detailed statistics on work activity, offering insights into daily, weekly, and monthly productivity. This feature helps users understand their work patterns and make necessary adjustments to improve productivity.

Multi-platform Synchronization: Focus Productivity Timer supports synchronization across multiple devices, including iPhone, iPad, Apple Watch, and Mac. This feature ensures a seamless user experience, allowing users to manage their tasks and time wherever they are.

Reminders: The app sends reminders based on the time users typically start their work, helping them maintain a consistent work schedule.

Focus for Apple Vision Pro: This feature brings all the powerful Pomodoro time management features to spatial computing, offering a unique productivity experience.

Shortcuts: Users can build powerful productivity automations or view the most important information with Focus, making it available when and where they need it.


Focus Productivity Timer Pricing Plans

The Focus Productivity Timer offers two main pricing plans.

Free Plan: The app is free to download and offers basic features such as the Pomodoro timer and task management.

Premium Plan: The premium plan, priced at $39.99 per year or $7.99 per month, unlocks all features on iPhone, iPad, Apple Watch, and Mac. It includes advanced features such as in-depth statistics, multi-platform synchronization, and access to Focus for Apple Vision Pro. The premium plan also comes with a 7-day free trial.

Focus Productivity Timer accepts debit and credit cards, PayPal, and Apple Pay for payments.



6. ADHD Lifehacks For Adults Pro

ADHD Lifehacks For Adults Pro

ADHD Lifehacks For Adults Pro is an innovative AI App designed to support individuals with ADHD in managing their daily lives more effectively. It stands out by offering practical, user-driven advice in the form of daily life hacks and affirmations, aiming to provide meaningful changes and support to its users. The app’s focus on simplicity and actionable content helps users to stay engaged without feeling overwhelmed, making it a valuable tool for adults seeking to navigate the challenges of ADHD with greater ease and confidence, making it a great add to the ADHD apps for adults list.


What does ADHD Lifehacks For Adults Pro do?

ADHD Lifehacks For Adults Pro serves as a daily companion for adults with ADHD, offering a unique blend of life hacks and affirmations to improve self-perception and daily functioning. It is built on the premise that small, consistent changes can lead to significant improvements in managing ADHD symptoms. The app delivers one ADHD life hack per day, providing users with straightforward, effective strategies that can be easily integrated into their routines. By focusing on one tip at a time, the app ensures that users can concentrate on making incremental progress without the distraction of an information overload.


ADHD Lifehacks For Adults Pro Key Features

Daily ADHD Life Hacks: The core feature of the app is its provision of daily life hacks specifically curated for individuals with ADHD. These hacks are designed to be simple yet impactful, helping users to make small adjustments that can lead to better management of their symptoms and daily tasks.

Affirmations: To bolster self-esteem and positive self-image, the app includes daily affirmations. These affirmations are intended to empower users and help them reframe their perspective on ADHD and personal success.

User-Driven Content: The content within the app is derived from real-life experiences and advice shared by individuals with ADHD. This approach ensures that the tips are relatable and applicable to the daily challenges faced by the ADHD community.

Simplicity and Focus: The app’s design emphasizes simplicity, providing one hack per day to prevent users from feeling overwhelmed. This focused approach allows users to concentrate on one strategy at a time, fostering consistency and long-term habit formation.

Supportive Community: Users of the app can find solace in knowing that the content is generated from a community of peers who understand the intricacies of living with ADHD. This sense of community support can be a powerful motivator and resource for users.

Accessibility: ADHD Lifehacks For Adults Pro is designed to be easily accessible, with a user-friendly interface that makes navigation straightforward for all users, regardless of their familiarity with technology.


ADHD Lifehacks For Adults Pro Pricing Plans

ADHD Lifehacks For Adults Pro offers a free app with the option of in-app purchases.



7. ADHD White Noise

ADHD White Noise

ADHD White Noise is an innovative AI App designed to aid adults with ADHD in maintaining focus and reducing distractions using soundscapes. Recognizing the unique challenges faced by individuals with ADHD, this app offers a tailored solution that leverages auditory stimulation to promote concentration and productivity. Whether it’s for studying, working, or relaxing, ADHD White Noise provides a serene auditory backdrop that can help mitigate the common issue of a wandering mind.


What does ADHD White Noise do?

ADHD White Noise serves as a personal sound sanctuary for adults with ADHD, providing a selection of white noise variations that can enhance focus and minimize distractions. The app caters to the need for a consistent auditory environment, which can be particularly beneficial for those who find silence unsettling or who are easily disturbed by irregular ambient sounds. By offering a steady stream of noise, ADHD White Noise helps users create a controlled sound environment, potentially improving cognitive performance and aiding in tasks that require sustained attention.


ADHD White Noise Key Features

Customizable Soundscapes: The app allows users to tailor their auditory experience by selecting from different types of white noise, including brown and pink noise, to find the sound that best suits their concentration needs.

User-Friendly Interface: ADHD White Noise boasts an intuitive design, making it easy for users to navigate and select their preferred settings without unnecessary complexity.

Research-Based Approach: The development of the app is informed by research on the benefits of white noise for individuals with inattentive ADHD, ensuring that the features are grounded in scientific understanding.

No Disruptive Ads: Users can enjoy the app’s features without the interruption of ads, providing an uninterrupted experience that is crucial for maintaining focus.

Positive User Feedback: The app has received favorable reviews from users who have reported improvements in focus and sleep, indicating its effectiveness for the intended audience.

Regular Updates: With ongoing minor bug fixes and updates, the app continues to improve and evolve to meet the needs of its users.


ADHD White Noise Pricing Plans

ADHD White Noise offers a straightforward pricing model with a free version available for download and an option for in-app purchases.

Free Plan: Users can download the app at no cost and access basic white noise features, providing a risk-free opportunity to try the service.

ADHD Noises Plus: For a one-time purchase of $11.99, users can unlock additional premium features, enhancing their experience and providing more options for personalization.


Payment for the premium features can be made using debit and credit cards, PayPal, or Apple Pay, offering flexibility and convenience for users.



8. My ADHD


My ADHD is an ADHD app for adults specialized designed to assist adults in managing their Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD). This app is a comprehensive tool that offers a variety of features to help users navigate their daily lives more effectively. It is designed to be user-friendly, making it easy for individuals to incorporate into their daily routines. The app is a valuable resource for those seeking to understand and manage their ADHD symptoms better, providing a platform that is both supportive and informative.


What does My ADHD do?

My ADHD serves as a personal assistant for adults with ADHD, providing a range of tools and resources to help manage the disorder. The app offers features that assist with organization, time management, and focus, which are common areas of difficulty for individuals with ADHD. It also provides educational content about ADHD, helping users to better understand their symptoms and how to manage them effectively. The app is designed to be interactive and engaging, encouraging users to actively participate in their ADHD management.


My ADHD Key Features

Personalized Daily Planner: My ADHD includes a personalized daily planner that helps users organize their day-to-day activities. This feature allows users to schedule tasks, set reminders, and track their progress, helping to improve time management and productivity.

Educational Resources: The app provides a wealth of educational resources about ADHD. These resources offer valuable insights into the nature of the disorder, its symptoms, and strategies for managing it effectively.

Interactive Tools: My ADHD features interactive tools designed to help users manage their ADHD symptoms. These tools include focus timers, task organizers, and progress trackers, which can be customized to suit each user’s individual needs.

Community Support: The app offers a community support feature, where users can connect with others who are also managing ADHD. This feature provides a platform for users to share experiences, advice, and encouragement.

User-Friendly Interface: My ADHD boasts a user-friendly interface that is easy to navigate. This makes the app accessible to users of all tech skill levels, ensuring that everyone can benefit from its features.

Compatibility: The app is compatible with iOS, making it accessible to a wide range of users. It is regularly updated to ensure optimal performance and to incorporate new features and improvements.


My ADHD Pricing Plans

My ADHD is a free app to download with in-app purchases.



9. Inflow Manage your ADHD

Inflow Manage your ADHD

Inflow is a science-based digital program designed to help adults manage their ADHD symptoms. Developed by leading ADHD experts, this app is not just a glorified Pomodoro timer or calendar. It’s a comprehensive tool that provides a suite of features tailored to the needs of individuals with ADHD. Inflow is designed to help users understand their unique neurodivergent brain, build lifelong skills, and manage their ADHD symptoms more effectively.


What does Inflow Manage your ADHD do?

Inflow offers a variety of features to help users manage their ADHD symptoms and improve their productivity. It includes a task manager, habit tracker, and reminder system to help users stay on top of their daily routines and goals. One of the unique features of the app is the “Flow Zone,” a special mode designed to help users overcome distractions and focus on tasks. The app provides a series of prompts and timed activities to help users manage their time more effectively. Inflow also offers self-paced learning modules and the option to save your favorite activities.


Inflow Manage your ADHD Key Features

Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) Based Programs: Inflow’s programs are based on the principles of Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT). These programs are designed to help users understand how ADHD specifically impacts their unique lifestyle and how their ADHD brain works.

Community Support: Inflow offers a virtual, in-app community where users can connect with others going through similar challenges. This feature provides a supportive environment for users to share their experiences and learn from each other.

Daily Activities and Visual Reminders: Inflow provides daily activities and visual reminders integrated easily into users’ daily life. These features help users build a daily routine habit by habit, a day at a time.

ADHD-Specific Meditations: Inflow offers ADHD-specific meditations to help users manage their symptoms and improve their focus.

Interactive Journaling: Inflow offers interactive journaling to help users solidify their learnings and reflect on their progress.

Skill-Building Challenges: Inflow provides skill-building challenges to help users put what they learn about ADHD into practice.


Inflow Manage your ADHD Pricing Plans

Inflow offers several pricing plans to cater to different user needs.

Free Plan: Inflow can be downloaded for free, with in-app purchases available for additional features.

Monthly Plan with Coaching: This plan costs $59.99 per month and includes access to an ADHD coach.

Annual Plan with Coaching: This plan costs $259.99 per year and includes access to an ADHD coach.

Annual Plan without Coaching: This plan costs $124.99 per year and does not include access to an ADHD coach.


Inflow accepts debit and credit cards, PayPal, and Apple Pay for payments.



10. ADHD Daily Affirmations App

ADHD Daily Affirmations App

In today’s fast-paced world, where the challenges of ADHD can often feel overwhelming, the ADHD Daily Affirmations App emerges as a beacon of support and positivity. Designed with the unique needs of adults with ADHD in mind, this app serves as a daily companion, offering empowering affirmations to help users navigate their day with confidence and self-love. By harnessing the collective wisdom of the largest community of individuals with ADHD, the app provides a simple yet powerful affirmation each day, aimed at normalizing the ADHD experience, fostering positivity, and encouraging personal growth. Its user-friendly interface ensures that these daily doses of encouragement are accessible without causing additional stress or distraction, making it an invaluable tool for anyone looking to enhance their mental well-being and self-acceptance in the face of ADHD.


What does ADHD Daily Affirmations App do?

The ADHD Daily Affirmations App plays a pivotal role in the daily lives of individuals with ADHD by offering a straightforward yet impactful way to start their day on a positive note. Each day, the app delivers a carefully selected affirmation, drawn from a vast collection of manifestations, beliefs, and affirmations shared by a global ADHD community. These affirmations are designed to resonate with the experiences and challenges faced by those with ADHD, providing them with a moment of reflection, empowerment, and self-love. Beyond just words, these affirmations act as a tool for normalization, helping users to see their ADHD not as a deficit but as a part of their unique self that can be embraced and celebrated. The app’s focus on simplicity and lack of overwhelming distractions ensures that users can engage with their daily affirmation without feeling burdened, making it an essential resource for anyone seeking to cultivate a more positive and accepting relationship with their ADHD.


ADHD Daily Affirmations App Key Features

Daily Affirmations: Each day, users receive a new affirmation designed to empower and uplift, specifically tailored to the ADHD experience.

Community-Sourced Content: The affirmations are gathered from the largest community of individuals with ADHD, ensuring they are relatable and impactful.

Simplicity and Focus: The app is designed to be straightforward and user-friendly, with no overwhelming distractions, making it easy for users to engage with their daily affirmation.

Self-Love and Positivity: By focusing on normalization and self-acceptance, the app encourages users to cultivate a positive relationship with their ADHD.

User Feedback and Reviews: The app has received positive feedback for its timely and relevant affirmations, though some users suggest improvements for a more personalized experience.

Accessibility: Aimed at adults with ADHD, the app is accessible to anyone looking for daily encouragement and positivity, regardless of their ADHD status.


ADHD Daily Affirmations App Pricing Plans

The ADHD Daily Affirmations App offers a free app to download, including daily affirmations with in-app purchases.



11. Shmoody Mood & Habit Tracker

Shmoody Mood & Habit Tracker

Shmoody Mood & Habit Tracker is a dynamic and engaging app designed to support adults with ADHD in managing their mood and habits. This app is not just a tool, but a companion that offers a variety of features to help users understand their patterns, improve their mood, and build positive habits over time. It’s a pocket toolkit for mental health, providing a fun and interactive way to track moods, establish routines, and connect with a supportive community, making it an easy decision to add it to this best ADHD apps for adults.


What does Shmoody Mood & Habit Tracker do?

Shmoody Mood & Habit Tracker is designed to help users navigate their mental health journey. It provides actionable tools and community support for managing mood fluctuations, depression, and anxiety, with a focus on building positive habits over time. The app offers a range of features including mood tracking, journal prompts, wellness challenges, and personalized self-care routines. It also provides a platform for peer support and accountability, helping users feel connected and supported in their journey.


Shmoody Mood & Habit Tracker Key Features

Action Plans: Shmoody offers auto-generated to-do lists based on the user’s current mood. These action plans are designed to help users take positive real-world actions that can improve their mood.

Community Support: Shmoody provides a platform for users to connect with others who are going through similar experiences. This feature fosters a sense of community and provides a space for users to share, relate, and support each other.

Wellness Challenges: The app includes wellness challenges that encourage users to engage in activities that support their mental health and personal growth.

Mood Tracking: Shmoody allows users to track their mood over time, helping them identify patterns and understand their emotional fluctuations better.

Journal Prompts: The app provides journal prompts to encourage users to express their thoughts and feelings, promoting self-awareness and introspection.

Personalized Self-Care Routines: Shmoody offers personalized self-care routines, providing users with a structured approach to managing their mental health.


Shmoody Mood & Habit Tracker Pricing Plans

Shmoody Mood & Habit Tracker offers a free version with in-app purchases available for additional features.



12. SimpleMind Pro

SimpleMind Pro

SimpleMind Pro is a comprehensive mind mapping tool designed to help adults, particularly those with ADHD, organize their thoughts, remember information, and generate new ideas. This app is a powerful tool for visualizing and structuring ideas, making it easier to understand and remember complex information. It’s a versatile platform that can be used for a variety of tasks, from brainstorming for a project to planning a family vacation.


What does SimpleMind Pro do?

SimpleMind Pro is a mind mapping app that helps users visually organize their thoughts and ideas. It’s designed to assist in brainstorming sessions, note-taking, studying, project planning, and more. The app allows users to create mind maps with keywords, colors, and icons, making it easier to see how one idea relates to another. It encourages creativity and free flow of ideas, making it an excellent tool for individuals with ADHD who may struggle with traditional linear note-taking methods.


SimpleMind Pro Key Features

Intuitive Mind Mapping: SimpleMind Pro offers an intuitive interface for creating mind maps. Users can easily add topics, reorganize and restructure their ideas, and see new connections between topics.

Free-Form and Auto Layout: The app provides a free-form layout that allows users to manually place topics anywhere they like. It also offers an auto layout feature for more structured brainstorming sessions.

Multimedia Integration: SimpleMind Pro allows users to add images, icons, labels, and checkboxes to their mind maps. This feature enhances the visual appeal of the mind maps and makes them more informative.

Seamless Sync: The app supports seamless synchronization across different devices. This means users can access and edit their mind maps from any device, making it a convenient tool for those who are always on the go.

Customizable Style Sheets: SimpleMind Pro offers a variety of style sheets that users can apply to their mind maps. Users can also create their own style sheets, giving them full control over the appearance of their mind maps.

Sharing Options: Users can easily share their mind maps in various formats, such as PDF. This feature makes it easy to present ideas to others or collaborate on projects.


SimpleMind Pro Pricing Plans

SimpleMind Pro offers a free app with in-app purchases.

Free Plan: The free version of SimpleMind Pro offers limited functionality but still allows users to create and edit mind maps. It’s a good option for those who want to try out the app before committing to a purchase.

Pro Plan: The Pro Plan offers full functionality, including additional features like multimedia integration, seamless sync, customizable style sheets, and more. The cost of the Pro Plan varies depending on the platform: $29.99 for macOS, $9.99 for iPadOS/iOS, $7.99 on Google Play, and $32.40 for Windows.


SimpleMind Pro accepts debit and credit cards, and Apple Pay for payments.



13. Clear Lists

Clear Lists

Clear Lists is an app designed to streamline the task management process for adults with ADHD, offering a user-friendly interface that simplifies the creation and management of to-do lists. Its minimalist design and intuitive controls make it an ideal choice for those seeking to reduce distractions and enhance focus. The app’s gesture-based navigation allows users to quickly add, organize, and complete tasks, while its visually appealing color-coded lists provide a clear overview of priorities at a glance. Clear Lists stands out for its emphasis on simplicity and efficiency, making it a valuable tool for adults looking to manage their daily tasks with ease and clarity.


What does Clear Lists do?

Clear Lists serves as a personal task manager, enabling users to effortlessly capture and organize their thoughts, tasks, and reminders. The app leverages the power of simplicity to help users with ADHD stay on track without the clutter of unnecessary features. By utilizing intuitive gestures, such as swipes and pinches, Clear Lists allows for quick list creation, task completion, and prioritization. The app’s design is centered around minimizing distractions, thereby helping users maintain focus on their immediate tasks. With Clear Lists, users can create multiple lists for different aspects of their lives, ensuring that everything from daily errands to long-term projects is neatly organized and easily accessible.


Clear Lists Key Features

Intuitive Gesture Controls: Clear Lists is designed with simplicity in mind, using common gestures like swipes and pinches to navigate, add tasks, and mark them as complete, making the app highly accessible and easy to use.

Color-Coded Lists: The app employs a heat map color scheme to visually distinguish between tasks, helping users quickly identify which items require immediate attention and which can wait, enhancing the prioritization process.

Synchronization Across Devices: Users can keep their lists updated and accessible across multiple devices, ensuring that their tasks are always at hand, whether they’re at home, work, or on the go.

Customizable Themes: Clear Lists offers a variety of themes and fonts, allowing users to personalize the app’s appearance to their liking, which can be both enjoyable and motivating.

Rewarding System: The app includes a unique system of collectibles and rewards that unlock as tasks are completed, providing users with a sense of accomplishment and encouraging continued productivity.

Privacy-Focused: Clear Lists prioritizes user privacy, with no mandatory accounts or data collection, ensuring that users’ lists and tasks remain confidential and secure.


Clear Lists Pricing Plans

Clear Lists offers a free app to download with in-app purchases.



14. TickTick


TickTick is a comprehensive productivity app designed to help adults, particularly those with ADHD, manage their tasks and time more effectively. It serves as a personal productivity powerhouse, expertly designed to simplify your life and supercharge your efficiency. This ADHD app for adults and multi-dimensional task manager brings together all your to-dos, schedules, and reminders in one intuitive space, allowing you to manage time and tasks seamlessly whether you’re at home, at work, or on the go.


What does TickTick do?

TickTick is more than just a to-do list app. It offers a wide array of features that cater to various productivity needs. From comprehensive task management and interactive calendar views to unique tools like a built-in habit tracker and focus function, TickTick has you covered. It allows you to capture ideas, set personal goals, track habits, collaborate on projects, and more. It also syncs across various platforms, including Android, iOS, Web, Mac, and Windows, allowing you to view and manage your tasks wherever you are.


TickTick Key Features

Task Management: TickTick offers a robust task management system that allows you to create, organize, and prioritize tasks with ease. You can add tasks quickly, set due dates, and even assign tasks to others if you’re working in a team.

Calendar View: The app features an interactive calendar view that helps you visualize your schedule and plan your time more effectively. You can see your tasks and events in a daily, weekly, or monthly view, making it easier to manage your time.

Habit Tracker: One of the unique features of TickTick is its built-in habit tracker. This feature allows you to track your habits and see your progress over time, helping you build healthy and productive habits.

Focus Function: TickTick also includes a focus function, which is designed to help you concentrate on your tasks without distractions. This feature can be particularly useful for adults with ADHD who may struggle with focus and attention.

Collaboration Tools: If you’re working in a team, TickTick’s collaboration tools can be incredibly useful. You can share lists, assign tasks, and collaborate on projects, all within the app.

Cross-Platform Sync: TickTick syncs across various platforms, including Android, iOS, Web, Mac, and Windows. This means you can access and manage your tasks from any device, making it a truly versatile productivity tool.


TickTick Pricing Plans

TickTick offers several pricing plans to cater to different user needs.

Free Plan: TickTick offers a free plan that includes basic task management features. This plan is a great option for individuals who need a simple and straightforward task management tool.

Premium Plan: For users who need more advanced features, TickTick offers a Premium plan. Priced at $35.99 per year (less than $3/month), the Premium plan includes full calendar functionality, the ability to customize filters, access to more themes, and more.


TickTick accepts debit and credit cards, PayPal, and Apple Pay for payments.


FAQs on ADHD Apps for Adults

What is an ADHD App for Adults?

ADHD Apps for Adults are digital tools designed to assist adults diagnosed with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) in managing their symptoms and improving their daily lives. These apps often include features such as task management, reminders, time tracking, and more, which can help users stay organized, manage their time effectively, and maintain focus on their tasks.

Why are ADHD Apps useful for adults with ADHD?

ADHD can affect an individual’s executive functions, making it more challenging to plan, prepare, and make decisions. ADHD Apps provide a digital aid to stay organized, plan days, and offer peace of mind knowing that they don’t have to rely solely on their memory or cognitive abilities. These apps can help manage symptoms and improve productivity and daily functioning.

What are some of the best ADHD Apps for Adults?

There are numerous ADHD apps available, each with its unique features. Some of the highly recommended ones include Evernote for planning and note-taking, Brain Focus for time management, Remember The Milk for task management, and Asana for project management. These apps are designed to help manage various aspects of life that can be challenging for individuals with ADHD.

Are ADHD Apps expensive?

The cost of ADHD Apps can vary. Some apps are free to download and use, while others offer premium features at a cost. Some apps offer a subscription model, where users pay a monthly or annual fee to access all features. It’s important to review the pricing structure of each app to determine which one offers the best value for your needs.

Can ADHD Apps replace therapy or medication for ADHD?

While ADHD Apps can be a valuable tool in managing ADHD symptoms, they should not be seen as a replacement for professional medical advice, therapy, or medication. These apps are designed to complement traditional ADHD treatments and should be used under the guidance of a healthcare professional.

How effective are ADHD Apps?

The effectiveness of ADHD Apps can vary from person to person. What works well for one individual may not work as well for another. It’s important to try out different apps and find one that suits your personal needs and preferences. Remember, consistency in using the app is key to seeing improvements.

Can I use multiple ADHD Apps?

Yes, you can use multiple ADHD Apps if you find that different apps meet different needs. For example, you might use one app for task management and another for time tracking. It’s all about finding the combination of tools that works best for you.

Are ADHD Apps easy to use?

Most ADHD Apps are designed with user-friendliness in mind. They often feature intuitive interfaces and clear instructions, making them accessible even to those who are not tech-savvy. However, like any new tool, there may be a learning curve initially.

Can ADHD Apps help with other conditions?

While ADHD Apps are designed specifically to help manage ADHD symptoms, many of the features they offer, such as task management and reminders, can be beneficial for managing other conditions or simply improving general productivity.



ADHD Apps for Adults are a powerful tool in managing the symptoms of ADHD and improving daily functioning. They offer a range of features designed to assist with task management, time tracking, reminders, and more. While they are not a replacement for professional medical advice or treatment, they can significantly complement traditional ADHD treatments. The key is to find the app or combination of apps that best suits your individual needs and to use them consistently. With the right tools at your disposal, managing ADHD can become a much more manageable task.