AI Clearing

Itay Paz

February 9, 2024

AI Clearing is a cutting-edge construction software that leverages artificial intelligence to streamline construction processes. It is designed to enhance productivity, reduce costs, and improve the accuracy of construction projects. The software provides real-time insights into construction sites, enabling project managers to make informed decisions. It offers features such as automated earthwork calculations, drone flight planning, and progress tracking. AI Clearing is a tool that brings a new level of efficiency and precision to the construction industry.


AI Clearing Facts

Starting Price: Free
Pricing Model: Per User Per Month
Free Trial: Yes
Free Plan: Available
Languages: English, Spanish, French, German
Established: 2018

AI Clearing


What is AI Clearing?

AI Clearing is an advanced construction software that uses artificial intelligence to optimize construction processes. It is a comprehensive tool that provides real-time data and insights into construction projects, helping project managers to make data-driven decisions. The software offers a range of features including automated earthwork calculations, drone flight planning, and progress tracking. These features are designed to enhance productivity, reduce costs, and improve the accuracy of construction projects. AI Clearing is a tool that is transforming the way construction projects are managed, bringing a new level of efficiency and precision to the industry.


How Does AI Clearing Work?

AI Clearing works by using artificial intelligence to analyze data from construction sites. The software collects data from various sources such as drones, sensors, and other equipment, and then uses AI algorithms to process this data. This provides project managers with real-time insights into the progress of their construction projects. For example, the software can automatically calculate earthwork volumes, plan drone flights, and track the progress of construction projects. This allows project managers to make informed decisions, optimize resources, and ensure that projects are completed on time and within budget.




AI Clearing Features

Automated Earthwork Calculations

This feature streamlines the process of measuring and verifying earthwork volumes, using AI to provide precise calculations, which helps in reducing manual errors and saving time.

Drone Flight Planning

AI Clearing simplifies aerial surveying by offering intelligent drone flight planning, ensuring comprehensive site coverage and optimal data collection for analysis.

Progress Tracking

The software offers robust progress tracking capabilities, enabling project managers to monitor construction stages with accuracy, ensuring projects stay on schedule.

Data-Driven Decision Making

With its advanced analytics, AI Clearing empowers users to make informed decisions by providing actionable insights derived from the construction data.

Resource Optimization

AI Clearing helps in optimizing the allocation and utilization of resources, reducing waste and improving the overall efficiency of construction operations.

Real-Time Reporting

The platform provides real-time reporting features, allowing for immediate access to project updates, which facilitates better communication and coordination among stakeholders.



AI Clearing Pricing Plan

AI Clearing offers a unique pricing plan. Interested users are encouraged to request a demo for specific pricing details. This approach allows the company to tailor the pricing based on the specific needs and requirements of the user, ensuring they receive the most value from the software. AI Clearing accepts credit cards, PayPal, and bank wire transfers for payment.


Who Should Use AI Clearing?

AI Clearing is designed for professionals in the construction industry who are looking to streamline their operations and improve efficiency. This includes project managers, site supervisors, and other stakeholders involved in construction projects. The software is particularly beneficial for those who need real-time insights into their construction sites, want to optimize resource allocation, and aim to make data-driven decisions. It’s also suitable for those who want to automate tasks such as earthwork calculations and drone flight planning.



AI Clearing FAQs

What is AI Clearing?

AI Clearing is a construction software that uses artificial intelligence to optimize construction processes. It provides real-time data and insights into construction projects, helping project managers to make data-driven decisions. The software offers features like automated earthwork calculations, drone flight planning, and progress tracking.

How does AI Clearing work?

AI Clearing works by using artificial intelligence to analyze data from construction sites. The software collects data from various sources such as drones, sensors, and other equipment, and then uses AI algorithms to process this data. This provides project managers with real-time insights into the progress of their construction projects.

What are the key features of AI Clearing?

AI Clearing offers features like automated earthwork calculations, drone flight planning, progress tracking, data-driven decision making, resource optimization, and real-time reporting. These features are designed to enhance productivity, reduce costs, and improve the accuracy of construction projects.

Who should use AI Clearing?

AI Clearing is designed for professionals in the construction industry who are looking to streamline their operations and improve efficiency. This includes project managers, site supervisors, and other stakeholders involved in construction projects.

What is the pricing plan for AI Clearing?

AI Clearing offers a unique pricing plan. Interested users are encouraged to request a demo for specific pricing details. This approach allows the company to tailor the pricing based on the specific needs and requirements of the user.

Does AI Clearing offer a free trial?

Yes, AI Clearing offers a free trial. This allows potential users to test the software and see if it meets their needs before committing to a paid plan.

What languages does AI Clearing support?

AI Clearing supports multiple languages including English, Spanish, French, and German. This makes the software accessible to a wide range of users across different regions.

When was AI Clearing established?

AI Clearing was established in 2018. Since then, it has been providing innovative solutions to the construction industry, helping to streamline operations and improve efficiency.



AI Clearing is a comprehensive tool that is transforming the construction industry by providing real-time insights and data-driven decision-making capabilities. Its features like automated earthwork calculations, drone flight planning, and progress tracking are designed to enhance productivity, reduce costs, and improve the accuracy of construction projects. Whether you’re a project manager, site supervisor, or a stakeholder in a construction project, AI Clearing offers a solution to streamline your operations and make your projects more efficient.

Visit AI Clearing Website