


Content, content, and more content!內容,內容以及更多內容! That's what SEO is all about nowadays, right?這就是當今SEO的全部含義,對吧? Compared to when I started working in SEO (2014), today, content is consistently one of the most popular topics covered at digital marketing conferences, there are way more tools that focus on content analysis and optimization, and overall it seems to dominate most of SEO news.與我在SEO(XNUMX年)開始工作時相比,今天,內容始終是數字營銷會議上最受歡迎的主題之一,還有更多的工具專注於內容分析和優化,總體看來,它佔據了大多數SEO新聞。

But why is it that content is now dominating the SEO scene?但是,為什麼現在內容在SEO領域佔據主導地位呢? How vital is content for your SEO strategy, actually?實際上,內容對於您的SEO策略有多重要? And most importantly: how can you be content with your site's content?最重要的是:如何使您對網站的內容感到滿意? Puns aside, this post aims to help you figure out potential causes of your underperforming content and how to improve it.撇開雙關語,這篇文章旨在幫助您找出造成效果不佳的潛在原因以及如何對其進行改進。

為什麼內容是 SEO 的關鍵

Content is one of the most important factors in SEO.內容是SEO中最重要的因素之一。 Just by paying close attention to what Google has been communicating to webmasters in the last few years, it's clear that they've put a strong emphasis on “content” as a decisive ranking factor.僅僅通過密切關注Google在過去幾年中與網站站長進行的交流,就可以清楚地看到,他們非常重視“內容”作為決定性的排名因素。

例如,讓我們來看看 2019 年 XNUMX 月的這篇文章,其中討論了 Google 的定期更新以及網站管理員應該關注的內容:

“專注於內容:核心更新後掉落的頁面沒有任何錯誤要修復。 We suggest focusing on ensuring you're offering the best content you can.我們建議您集中精力確保提供最好的內容。 That's what our algorithms seek to reward.”這就是我們的算法試圖獎勵的。”



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