What is Exit Rate?
Exit rate is the percentage of your website visitors that were the last in the session, affecting both the user’s experience and search engine page rank.
A high exit rate means that many visitors to your website are leaving that same page which can affect this search engine page rank.
What is the Difference Between Bounce Rate and Exit Rate?
The difference between Bounce Rate and Exit Rate in how bounce rates and exit rates are calculated, and what is considered an exit versus a bounce.
Here is a brief summary of exit rates and bounce rates via Google:
* For all pageviews to the page, the exit rate is the percentage that were the last in the session.
* For all sessions that start with the page, bounce rate is the percentage that were the only one of the sessions.
* Bounce rate for a page is based only on sessions that start with that page.
A few things to keep in mind when thinking about bounces versus exits:
* A bounce is only recorded for one and done visits. The visitor lands on a webpage and exits before clicking through to another page.
* An exit will always be recorded for a visit. The exit page is the last page a person is on before leaving the website.
* All bounces are exits, but not all exits are bounces.
Additional Links:
How to Reduce Website Exit Rate?