August 14, 2020

Happy Friday and Happy National Financial Awareness Day & Social Security Day. I don’t know why (well I do…) but when I think on Social Security officials I imagine bureaucracy and waste of resources (but that’s just me…).
Have an awesome weekend!
— Itay Paz
Source: Zorbas Media
As online advertising expands, FraudScore platform published that they have detected 33% of ad fraud during January-June, 2020 on average, causing a huge damages to the industry.
In a detailed report you can find data about fraudulent traffic from mobile traffic, web traffic, the different regions and detected ad fraud and the fraud types.
Read more here.
Walmart describes itself as the largest multi-channel retailer and provides sellers with an opportunity to get their products in front of millions of customers. And the landscape for what Walmart sells online has changed in recent years with ecommerce growing faster than ever.
Walmart’s ecommerce sales grew at 43% in Q3, 2018 which is the sign of all things positive happening for Walmart and it allows third-party sellers in 35+ product categories to offer their products on its Marketplace.
It could be a great opportunity for you to started selling on Walmart and expand your reach.
Read more here.
Our amazing friends from MaxWeb are organizing Maxweb Connect, Virtual Event with free tickets for everyone.
Boost Your Business and Get New Insights Together With 10 Leading Industry Experts in a One-Day Virtual Event, MaxWeb Connect. Speakers List: Haran Rosenzweig, Ian Fernando, Joe Burton, Amber Spears, Heath Wilcock, Joe Evangelisti, Liss Graham, Zach Benson, Robby Blanchard and Emily Lark.
We always want to help you with maximizing your knowledge and give you the most up-to-date insights on current matters.
When: August 18th, 2020, Starting at 8:00AM EST
Source: Google
Another cool resource by Google, Find My Audience, helps you understand who your most valuable customers are on YouTube — so you can discover new audiences and learn how to reach them individually with relevant messages. You can identify new audiences based on their interests, habits, and what they’re planning to purchase and get a free audience profile, with insights to help inform your video ad strategy.
Go to Find My Audience here.
Source: YouTube
Redirecting expired domains was a tried-and-true tactic in the old days SEO. But here’s why you shouldn’t count on it as an SEO tactic nowadays, unless you are building a new website (or ‘put’ the old one back) or just use the traffic still flowing from links directing to this domain.
Read more here.
Google Holding First-Ever Virtual Conference on August 26th (Google)
What’s New in WordPress 5.5, Features and Screenshots (wpbeginner)
GIPHY Adds Custom Meeting Background Creator for Animated Virtual Meeting Backdrops (Social Media Today)
4 Lessons Web App Designers Can Learn From Google (Smashing Magazine)
Twitter Rolls Out Tweet Reply Controls to All Users (Social Media Today)
15 Gmail Tips And Tricks For Business Users (techradar)
Google Makes It Easier To Control Shopping Ads By Country (SEL)
Source: Taboola
Landing pages are essential lead generation and sales tools for marketers and business owners. Making your landing page live, however, is only the first step towards seeing these benefits. To know that your landing pages are actually successful you must look to landing page conversion benchmarks.
This guide highlights landing page statistics that will help you to improve conversions on your landing page and achieve your business goals.
Read more here.
Source: Diggity Marketing
Ever wonder what it’s like to compete in some of the most difficult affiliate SEO niches such as Pharma, CBD, Casino, Medical, Adult, Dating and Weight Loss? How much money can be made? What kind of budget needs to be allocated? What kind of links are the best to build?
Matt Diggity sat down with 6 of the world’s top affiliate SEO experts to discuss what it takes to rank in various difficult seo niches, from CBD to Pharma and now you can learn about the potential earnings, necessary budget, team requirements, content and backlink plans involved in each of them.
Read more here.
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