Morning Dough
💰 Someone is listening to you all the time
To: Dough Readers

August 11, 2020

Morning Dough

Happy Tuesday and Happy Annual Medical Checkup Day. One thing for sure, some people know how to pass their time while waiting for their appointment…

Today is also the birthday of Steve Wozniak, co-founder of Apple Computers (his net worth is $100 million). If you wonder why his net worth is much lower than Steve Jobs’s estate ($10 billion), it is because he sold all of his shares in 1985. Apple stock increased its value by 1,230 since then… big mistake!

Let’s make it an awesome Tuesday!
— Itay Paz

Big Google Search Update Rolling Out Now - August 10th

Source: SERoundTable

It looks like there is a big Google search ranking algorithm rolling out now, on August 10th. This is not a confirmed update by Google, at least not yet. But according to Search Engine Round Table. the chatter since 2pm ET today has been really high within the SEO community.

Read more here.

YouTube Updates Video Analytics, Adds Quick Stories Insights in the App

Source: Social Media Today

YouTube is adding some more new insights to its Creator Studio dashboard, along with a new display for Stories analytics in its mobile app.

The features were announced in the latest Creator Insider video, and add to the existing analytics options that YouTube has rolled out for Creator Studio over the past few months.

The main addition is to the video analytics overview layout, which will soon resemble the channel analytics format, and will include a new real-time performance indicator section at the right of screen.

Read more here.

Free SERP Checker Tool

WhatsMySerp’s free SERP checker allows you to check the top 100 Google search results for multiple keywords. You can use it to Analyze SERPs and to check your website position. It’s free, and available online – so no download required.

Get What’s My SERP here.

Is Groupon Marketing Really Worth It for Your Businesses?

Source: SEJ

Groupon is used by many marketers and businesses to generate sales but is it for you? How exactly Groupon model can help your marketing? What is the most popular Groupon vertical?

Read more here.

24/7 Marketing: Someone Is Listening To You All The Time

Source: 60 Second Marketer

Ever wonder if your device is actually listening to everything you say? In the world of digital advertising, the biggest brands and agencies are constantly clamoring to continue to target in more precise and innovative ways. Given that, could listening into our conversations be the next big thing?

Brands such as Apple, Amazon, and Google say no. Although perfectly legal for platforms to harvest this data (a.k.a. listen in on your conversations), they attest it is purely for enhancing algorithms and functionality, and not for marketing purposes.

Do Google, Apple, and Amazon Listen to My SmartSpeaker Conversations? A Qualitative Research Study by Students at the University of Texas Put This Question to the Test.

Read more here.


Google Said It Took Down Ten Influence Operation Campaigns In Q2 2020 (ZDNet)

Fun Seekers Revel at Virtual Parties (ECommerceTimes)

Twitter Begins Labeling State-Affiliated Media And Government Officials (TNW)

Google Adds ‘Last Updated’ Hours Notification To GMB Profiles (SEL)

How To Set Up Domain-Based Email For Your Business And Why I Quit Gmail (Blog Marketing Academy)

Google SEO 101: Mobile-First Indexing Problems (SEJ)

How to Know if Your SEO Firm is Helping You or Hurting You (Neil Patel)

4 Email Campaigns to Boost Conversions

Source: YouTube

There are 4 of great email campaigns that any company can add to their marketing promotions to see a boost in opens, clicks, and sales that you should know: the ‘Goodwill’ Campaign, the ‘News Jacker’ campaign, the ‘Gain/Logic/Fear’ campaign and the ‘Need Help?’ Campaign.

Read more here.

86 Blog Post Ideas (With Successful Examples)

Source: ahrefs

Suffering from writer’s block? if you’re serious about blogging, you’ll want to know a repeatable process for finding blog post ideas with traffic potential. These 86 blog post ideas can be used for any niche with successful examples and their key stats (these will also help your readers solve a problem or resolve their challenges).

Read more here.

Itay Paz

Itay Paz
Founder & CEO
Morning Dough
Follow Itay: Twitter / Facebook

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