January 1, 2021
Good Morning & Happy New Year.
Today’s roundup:
1) 5 Simple tips to use video reviews to grow your business.
2) How to build your email list by leveraging social media.
3) 5 ways to find your competitors’ highest-ranking keywords.
4) Amazon saw some big changes in online shopping this Christmas.
5) 2020 was the year to join TikTok.
6) How to effectively use memes in your content marketing.
7) How to automate lead verification in WordPress.
8) Social media marketing for startups: a beginner’s guide.
9) 30 ways to come up with great blog topic ideas.
10) Why retail banks should take a second look at gen Z.
11) Facebook brand safety tools: how to control where your ads appear.
Discover how to use Facebook’s Brand Safety tools to control where your Facebook ads appear. You’ll learn how to view a list of Facebook pages and Audience Network apps on which your ads could be shown and how to create a block list to manage that exposure.
12) Fighting against affiliate cookie stuffing in iframe.
13) How to prioritize email newsletters and send them consistently.
14) The science behind clickbait titles (and how to use them responsibly).
15) Windows 7: A year after the end-of-support deadline, millions choose not to upgrade.
Have an awesome day!
— Itay Paz
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