Morning Dough
💰 Over 7 billion views and there’s no end in sight
To: Dough Readers

November 6, 2020

Morning Dough

Good Morning.

The weekend is coming after a busy week including the US elections.

Also this week, the Baby Shark got to a new record of 7 billion views, the most-viewed YouTube video and there’s no end in sight as the pandemic has driven kid vids (and parents) through the roof.

Source: YouTube

A few things happening:

1) Don’t install the latest Windows 10 update using unorthodox methods, Microsoft warns.

2) 7 Content experts share what matters most for content marketing in 2021.

3) What social media companies have fixed since the 2016 election.

4) Pro speakers on how to give a perfect keynote presentation.

5) Introducing disappearing messages on Whatsapp

6) Cybersecurity: One in three attacks are coronavirus-related.

7) Microsoft Advertising launched new promotion extensions.

Have an awesome weekend!
Itay Paz


Imagine the impact you would experience by almost doubling your website traffic just by updating old blog posts. You’d see more sign-ups, email subscribers, and revenue, right?

150+ marketers share tips for updating your old blog posts for SEO in order to improve the content, reading experience, and boost organic traffic.

Read more here.


Source: Google

Google offers a consumer protection feature called Google Guaranteed. Businesses advertising through Local Services Ads can apply to the program, which offers extra reassurance to customers.

Google Guaranteed could be a powerful lead generation tool to help you stand out from your competitors. The program helps showcase home service providers who have been pre-screened. With an easily visible green badge showing a checkmark, these ads may draw customers’ notice more than others will.

And it’s not just because of the eye-catching badge—it’s the knowledge they’re able to choose a business already certified by Google.

What should you know before applying? Is it for your business? Is it worth it?

Read more here.


WordPress is a frequent target for hacking. Hackers are targeting the theme, the core WordPress files, plugins and even the login page. These are the steps to take to make it less likely to be hacked and to be able to recover easier if it should still happen.

Get the best tips on how to protect a WordPress site from getting hacked, including recommended security plugins.

Read more here.

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iThemes Security Pro – iThemes Security Pro is a WordPress security plugin takes the guesswork out of WordPress security allowing anyone, even a person who is not a security professional, to use the iThemes Security plugin to protect any WordPress website.

Get iThemes Security Pro.


Don’t be that guy or girl. You know the one that connects with you on Linkedin. Then, once you accept, immediately sends you a sales pitch.

That’s an example of social selling done wrong. Too many treat social selling today like how college guys act at a bar. They try too close, way too fast.

We’ve gathered nearly 50 sales pros to share how they use social selling tactics to build rapport with their prospects and close more deals.

Read more here.

Itay Paz

Itay Paz
Founder & CEO
Morning Dough
Follow Itay: Twitter / Facebook

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