July 31, 2020

Happy Friday and Happy National Talk In An Elevator Day… although these days it’s better to ride alone. It is also the birthday of Louis de Funès, a fantastic French actor and comedian, born in 1914.
In today’s edition:
Google & Shopify Payments
Bing URL Submissions Plugin Experiencing Issues
Microsoft launched revamped Bing Webmaster Tools
How To Use ConvertBox For Engagement
20 Promo Emails To Our List In 30 Days
Early LinkedIn Conversation Ads Results
and more…
Happy Friday!
— Itay Paz
Source: Shopify
In April, Shopify announced a partnership with Google to make it easy for merchants to list their products for free on the Google Shopping tab through Shopify’s Google channel. Today, they are further extending their Google partnership by announcing that Shopify Payments will be available to U.S. merchants through Buy on Google, the search engine’s native checkout option. This marks the first time Shopify Payments will be made available outside of Shopify, making it easier for merchants to enable purchases on many different channels, wherever buyers are.
Read more here.
Source: SEJ
10 days ago we’ve updated you on a new WordPress plugin from Bing will index content in search results immediately after being published. According to SEJ, the whole process is done automatically once you install the plugin.
According to SEJ, Bing’s URL submissions plugin for WordPress, which promises instant indexing of content, is experiencing issues with indexing content, which is now being fixed.
Read more here
Source: isitwp
Do you want to create a forum for your WordPress website? Forums are online communities where like-minded people can communicate through conversational threads.
But before you add forums to your website, get the full review and comparison for the 12 best forums plugins.
Get the complete 12 plugins list here.
YouTube Verification: How to Get a Grey Checkmark for Your Channel (Hootsuite)
Shopify’s Q2 Shines As Businesses Go Digital Due To COVID-19 Pandemic (ZDNet)
3 Effective Marketing Strategies For Selling Digital Products Online (Entrepreneur.com)
Microsoft launched revamped Bing Webmaster Tools (SEL)
Snapchat Publishes New Study into Evolving Video Consumption Behaviors (Social Media Today)
How the TikTok Algorithm Works in 2020 (Hootsuite)
iPhone Users Will Soon Be Able To Backup Their Devices To Google Storage For Free (techradar)
Early LinkedIn Conversation Ads Results (PPC HERO)
Source: SEJ
Targeting options and placements abound within the Facebook Ads platform. Leverage Facebook Ads to prospect, re-engage, and convert with these 11 tips.
Facebook Ads is easily one of my favorite platforms to run ads across the entire customer journey, there are so many targeting options and placements – the opportunities are endless.
Done right, you can prospect, re-engage, and convert in a cost-efficient way.
Checkout these 11 tips for driving more value with Facebook Ads.
Read more here.
Source: Blog Marketing Academy
Everybody loves to talk about building your email list. But, what about the people who are already on your list?
What if you could change the calls to action on your blog so that people who are already on your email list see different things? What could you use this capability for?
Read more here.
Source: Authority Hacker
A lot of people talk about building an email list and how this is the most profitable form of marketing out there. Many go out of our way to annoy our visitors with opt in pop ups, content upgrades and more.
But the sad truth is, once many marketers obtain that fought for email address from their visitors, they don’t often know what to do with it.
If done correctly, you can generate stream of income and this is what this case study is all about.
Read more here.
Written by Itay Paz
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