Morning Dough
💰 Good Bots vs. Bad Bots
To: Dough Readers

October 6, 2020

Morning Dough

Good Morning.

I think this is a new extreme way to illustrate “Couch Potato” and I sure many people who love to get one of these couches. Funny as it is, its best to put your legs for some good use and move…

A few things happening:

1) Remove these Chrome extensions right now – they could be stealing your data.

2) Twitter shares new insights into key trends during COVID-19.

3) PayPal Instant Transfers expanded for businesses, in response to COVID-19.

Have an awesome day!
Itay Paz



Cloudflare says its new service caches a WordPress site’s static and dynamic content for much better performance.

The new service, which costs $5 a month for WordPress customers on Cloudflare’s Free plan, extends Cloudflare’s content delivery network (CDN) beyond the delivery of static content to include slower-to-fetch dynamic content.

Learn how to improve your website speed with Cloudflare’s Free WordPress Plugin here.

Additional Links:

Cloudflare WordPress Official Page


Source: Amazon

The halloween cat collar (three pack, adjustable strap, ghost pendant and bell) has conspicuously rave reviews on Amazon. “Three for $10 is a steal!” reads one. “They seem to be made of quality material and the clasps don’t break away as easily as some other ones.”

The review, like many on the e-commerce platform, is fake.

Amazon is trying to crack down on fraudulent reviews as they see that third-party sellers are evading detection by hopping between tech platforms.

Learn about how Amazon Handles Fraudulent Reviews here.


Ebooks are one of the best ways you can establish your authority and expertise in any niche. Chances are, you may have already published several blog posts or articles you can repurpose and include in your ebook. Or you’ve had several years of research and work experience to help you create something truly valuable.

Either way, these can be a great source of passive income for your business. But in order to sell your knowledge and make your ebook a hit, you’ll need the right marketing strategies in your arsenal, here are 16 effective ebook marketing strategies (with examples) you’ll want to try in 2020.

Discover these 16 best ebook marketing strategies here.


Facebook Announces New Groups Features, Including Automated Moderation Tools and New Engagement Options (Social Media Today)

How To Add Personality Into Your Blog Posts + Examples (IMPACT)

6 Best Etsy Plugins for WordPress for 2020 Compared (isitwp)

How CMOs are pivoting their businesses in the wake of COVID-19 (Google)

The Content Streaming Wars Come Home: Who’ll Win Your Living Room – Google, Apple or Amazon? (ZDNet)

The 5 Best Reputation Management Companies of 2020 (Neil Patel)

Here’s How To Identify A Bot & Good Bots vs. Bad Bots (Techradar)

10 Mobile Commerce Statistics That You Need To Know in 2020 [Watch the Infographic] (Oberlo)


As the world’s largest e-commerce store, Amazon is a platform that sellers can’t afford to ignore. But on a website selling over 12 million items, how do you help your products stand out from the crowd with Amazon SEO?

It’s easier than it sounds.

Why? Because Amazon isn’t just an e-commerce platform. It’s a search engine with its very own algorithm, A9.

Get the quick guide to using keywords for better Amazon SEO here.


Managing an in-house, content marketing team is hard — building a team scattered all over the world is even more difficult.

Discover how to build a kick-ass, remote content marketing team that produces results for your company or agency including these five, simple steps you can follow to build a team of content marketing rockstars.

Learn how you can build a productive remote content marketing team here.

Itay Paz

Itay Paz
Founder & CEO
Morning Dough
Follow Itay: Twitter / Facebook

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