Morning Dough
💰 Facebook offers millions of dollars
To: Dough Readers

November 30, 2020

Morning Dough

Good Morning & Happy Cyber Monday.

Amazon has created a special page including all of Cyber Monday Deals, looks like this year is a big festive for the consumers.

1) Facebook offers millions of dollars in refunds to advertisers tripped by measurement mistake.

2) Amazon Web Services outage takes a portion of the internet down with it.

3) The 12 best reminder apps for iPhone and android users.

4) Google and Instagram provide insight into Thanksgiving food trends.

5) Some Google AdSense publishers receive multiple payments/deposits.

6) Facebook Libra cryptocurrency set to launch in a matter of weeks.

7) YouTube SEO: 6 most common mistakes (and how to fix them).

8) Pokemon Go reached $1 billion in revenues in 2020.

9) YouTube test features and experiments (Complete List).

10) Content marketing trends to watch in 2021.

11) Facebook partners with Better Business Bureau (BBB) to help online shoppers avoid scams.

12) Working from home: Making those Zoom calls and Microsoft Teams meetings a bit more comfortable.

13) Simple guide to creating an expert roundup post that drives website traffic.

14) How virtual production stages are revolutionizing filmmaking.

15) 5 Proactive measures companies can take against malware attacks.

16) Oppo leverages Quora to create a compelling, product-driven campaign [Case Study]

17) How COVID-19 could shift holiday shopping behaviors this year [New Data].

18) 18 Facebook Ad mistakes marketers need to avoid in 2021.

19) The good and bad of deadstock products for e-commerce.

20) The art of Image Link Building (Best of Whiteboard Friday).

Have an awesome day!
Itay Paz

Itay Paz

Itay Paz
Founder & CEO
Morning Dough
Follow Itay: Twitter / Facebook

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