August 17, 2020
Happy Monday and Happy National Stay Home with Your Kids Day. These days almost every day is stay home with your kids day… I know many people that are already thinking on a new national day called no kids day… (keep wishing…).
We’re starting a new week and we’re starting it with a great newsletter including important and insightful information you need to read.
Happy week!
— Itay Paz
Source: IMPACT
Recently, Gmail App has released a new ‘dark mode’ feature that makes it easier to many people to read their emails on their smart device.
Most of the marketers & business owners did not realize that this dark mode presented some unique user experience issues — ones that hadn’t been optimized for by them before sending emails. As if optimizing for different email clients did not already present a challenge. Now, you had to optimize for dark mode as well.
Read more here.
Source: Amazon Accelerate
Amazon has introduced Amazon Accelerate, their biggest-ever US event dedicated to seller success from September 1st through 3rd.
This free, three-day virtual event will deliver insights, strategies, and techniques for how your small business can thrive on Amazon. You’ll join Amazon experts, current sellers, and independent online selling experts who will share their insights and ideas for how to prepare for success through the rest of 2020 and beyond.
Read more here.
Source: Google
The rise of mobile devices and new digital technologies has resulted in customer journeys that are more varied than ever. Businesses are gaining a deeper understanding of today’s non-linear and fast-paced customer journey, and they’re using this knowledge to deliver relevant, personalized experiences.
In this new guide, marketers will find a clear, step-by-step playbook to help them make the most of Google Analytics and Google Ads. Learn how linking Google Analytics and Google Ads can unlock deeper insights and help teams create smarter campaigns. Then see how the advanced measurement capabilities in Analytics can offer a clear and specific understanding of campaign performance.
Go to Google URL Builder here.
Learn how bringing Google Analytics and Google Ads together can help teams build effective campaigns for the modern customer journey: Google’s PDF Guide.
Source: YouTube
Google’s John Mueller answered a question about H1 headings. He followed up his answer with a strong affirmation about the importance of heading tags for ranking as he says that heading tags send a strong signal about the content. But if you do not have any tags, your page could be still rank.
Read more here.
Facebook Adds New Page Follow Settings to Control Which Updates You See (Social Media Today)
Instagram Kept Your Data (DMs And Pics) Long After You Deleted Them (TNW)
7 Best WordPress AdSense Plugins to Make Money Online (isitwp)
What COVID-19 Did To Customer Loyalty (Marketing Dive)
This Update Means Gmail Is Now These Four Things In One (ZDNet)
Why You Should Use Instagram’s Pinned Comments Feature (Gary Vaynerchuk)
Source: SEJ
Get the insights and be inspired by these 6 brands that are leveling up their content marketing campaigns and driving much better results in the process.
Part of being a great content marketer is keeping an eye on what other content marketers are doing – to predict the future one starts with what has gone before. Now you can get the insights and be inspired by these 6 brands (Google, New York Times, HSBC, Studio 188, Greggs, and Leeds City Developments Map) that are leveling up their content marketing campaigns and driving much better results in the process.
Read more here.
Source: ahrefs
Lots of people and businesses make money with Amazon Associate Program but as always, the challenge is to become a success story as there are plenty who never quite get there.
In this following example you’ll find this person on the /r/juststart subreddit that claims to have hit $1K/month from Amazon within just six months.
Read more here.
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