July 24, 2020

Happy Friday and Happy National Tell An Old Joke Day. Statler and Waldorf are a pair of Muppet old characters known for their cantankerous opinions and shared penchant for heckling. The two elderly men first appeared in The Muppet Show in 1975, where they consistently jeered the entirety of the cast and their performances from their balcony seats.
In today’s edition:
Facebook Tests A New Page Design: No More ‘Like’ Button
Seven Factors That Will Shape Search Marketing In The Second Half Of 2020
What Travel Marketers Need To Know To Navigate The Path Forward
9 Important Twitter Trends To Watch For In Second Half Of 2020
Growing Amazon PPC Campaigns From 6-Figure To 7-Figure Monthly Revenue In 6 Months
and more…
Wishing you an awesome weekend!
— Itay Paz
Source: Facebook
Facebook is testing a new design for Facebook Pages that will, among other things, remove the “Like” count, offer a cleaner and more readable layout, and make it easier for those who operate Pages to actually use and manage them. These features and others were initially tested with a small percentage of public figures on the mobile app, but are now being expanded to a broader group of Pages.
Read more here.
Source: Pi Datametrics
As the COVID-19 pandemic is here to stay for a much longer period of time, you need to understand where should search marketers be focusing their strategy, resources and efforts.
As people’s needs and circumstances shifted dramatically due to the pandemic, they have been seeking out things they might never have searched for before – like home fitness equipment, hairdressing tools, or DIY materials – and are also looking for new ways to accomplish things like banking, shopping, or remote working. At the heart of it all has been search.
Read more here.
The Screaming Frog SEO Spider is a great website crawler that helps you improve onsite SEO, by extracting data & auditing for common SEO issues. Download & crawl 500 URLs for free, or buy a license to remove the limit & access advanced features.
Get Screaming Frog SEO here.
Source: Google
While the coronavirus pandemic has affected every major industry, it’s no surprise the impact on travel has been significant. In fact, a recent study reveals that 90% of global travel marketers have slashed their marketing budgets. And, as both business and leisure travel were brought to a standstill, many brands were forced to downsize. But as businesses start to turn the lights back on and consumers begin to regain confidence, there are two key considerations travel marketers are weighing: how to know when to reopen and what the new normal for travel will look like.
Read more here.
ContentTECH Summit is going 100% virtual. The dates will remain the same: August 10-12, 2020. Having spent the past year preparing for the event with great speakers, exhibitors and event partners, we’re genuinely disappointed not to be able to host you in person, but the experience and safety of our community and everyone involved in the event continues to be our top priority.
Twitter trends. We’re not talking about hashtags. We’re talking the tectonic shifts that are shaking and shaping the platform. And based on what we’ve seen so far, 2020 is turning out to be a pretty unprecedented year. From measures to halt the spread of misinformation, to a leadership shakeup and the roll out of Fleets, these are the top Twitter trends we’re tracking right now.
Read more here.
Facebook Adds New Features for Workplace, Including Separate Workplace Chat App and Dark Mode (Social Media Today)
Google’s Recommendations AI Now In Public Beta (ZDNet)
4 Ways To Speed Up Your Shopify Site (SEL)
TikTok Adds ‘Gamified Brand Effect’ Templates to Help Businesses Create More Engaging Promotions (Facebook)
How to Get More Organic LinkedIn Exposure for Your Content (Social Media Examiner)
Proximity Third: A Deeper Dive into a Local Ranking Factors Surprise (MOZ)
Retweeting pics can now get you in legal trouble in Japan (TNW)
Source: Search Scientists
If you’re running your own eCommerce store and you want to start investing in online ads, you’ve got a few platforms to choose from: Google, Facebook, and Amazon, among others but assuming you’re selling on Amazon, and you don’t have a standalone website or store, then you’ll obviously want to use Amazon ads.
Read more here.
With 1.5 Billion users, it is likely you have a Gmail account. In the past few months Gmail has added new features to improve your experience including the recent meeting option right from your Gmail APP on your smartphone.
Get these cool Gmail Tips to save you time here.
Written by Itay Paz
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