January 27, 2021
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Good Morning.
Today’s roundup:
1) Everything you need to know about clickjacking scams.
2) Annoying call to action overlays can hurt your Google rankings.
John Mueller of Google was asked if news websites you see overlay those call to actions asking you to sign up for their newsletter before seeing the content see harm in their Google rankings because of those actions.
3) Contextual links in featured snippets may present new opportunities and risks.
4) Forget about winning, can Amazon survive in India?
5) Does Google set limits to search traffic?
6) Facebook users’ phone numbers are for sale through a Telegram bot.
7) How COVID-19 has accelerated digital transformation.
8) Taboola is going public, announces multi-billion merger and plans IPO.
9) Outranking tough competitors: my one-year study of a google local finder.
10) 4 Things You NEED to Build the Perfect Twitter Strategy.
11) How to make low-cost video ads that convert.
12) Google brings design changes to its mobile & desktop searches.
13) Google: Digital public relations is not spammy link building.
14) How to develop a successful PR strategy in 2021 (Guide)
15) TikTok tops app download chart in December 2020.
16) Snapchat Ads: How to get started.
17) How to use human-centered design to deliver an awesome user experience.
18) How to create the perfect growth plan for your business.
19) Instagram can be a real timewaster… dig into the psychology behind its product strategy (Instagram case study [4 min]).
20) Achieving unicorn growth: 5 rapid customer acquisition strategies guaranteed to drive massive results.
Have an awesome day!
— Itay Paz
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