June 03, 2020

Good morning. Wednesday morning is here and we have for you great online marketing news & updates for you today. Check it out.
In today’s edition:
Facebook adds option to send marketing emails via pages app
Online traveling adverting plunging a 685 billion dollars industry
Consumers are changing their buying behavior across all industries
Webmaster Access virtual conference opens tomorrow
Keep Safe & Healthy!
— Itay Paz
Email marketing was and still the best and most efficient way to communicate with your audience and clients. According to Social Media Today, some users of Facebook’s Pages app have reported seeing a new function appear over this past weekend which prompts them to ‘send customized marketing emails’ via their Facebook Page.
As inboxing (getting the emails you send going to the main inbox tab of your subscribers) becomes challenging everyday, you should definitely, keep track on your Facebook Page app and check it out as it rolls out to all users.
While the traveling industry changed scientifically after 9/11, the Covid-19 pandemic has brought the industry to a complete halt with most worldwide airports are still shutdown and most of the countries worldwide boarders closed (and still are), sending business owners, online marketers, media companies into huge loss of income.
The global travel sales in 2019 were 685 billion dollars. 66% of these sales, 452 billion dollars were generated online and 233 billion dollars offline according to Statista.
The Pandemic is causing advertisers to cut their adverting budgets scientifically and online advertising revenues to plunge.
When Will It Come Back?
According to CNBC experts, it could be 18 to 24 months before travel picks back up, as usually, air travel in particular will be slow to recover. This means it will take at least a couple of years to be closer to the online advertising numbers we had before, enforcing to take drastic changes in online traveling marketing.
What Can & Should You Do?
As this is going to stay here for a long time, 4 things should look into doing:
- Reduce your costs for the online traveling operation and advertising budgets.
- Pivot the current traffic & activities you have to other related products.
- Go into new verticals creating new revenue streams.
- Keep serving your audience and build your community – when we go back to the normal industry numbers, you will be stronger and prepared.
While the online traveling industry plunged, consumers are changing their buying behavior across all industries and verticals some of them even transfer into a ‘Panic Buying Mode’.
BigCommerce has put all the information into a one infographic explaining what people are buying online and what they’re not here.
Seems like everywhere you’re looking including the news, you see and hear about TikTok. Most businesses and affiliates believe that TikTok is a fun app for young people and in many ways they are correct.
TikTok Demographics
According to businessofapps, over 50% of US TikTok users are under 34 years old. Last year, TikTok generated the most numbers of downloads in India (190 million downloads) followed by the United States with only 41 million downloads. In fact, the biggest geographic area of TikTok users is APAC (36%) and North America with 12%.
Before You Decide…
Brands (Hootsuit): Everything Brands Need to Know About TikTok in 2020.
Affiliates (AWIN): Everything you need to know about the world’s fastest growing social media network.
Businesses (CNBC/Gary Vaynerchuk): How to make the most of a huge TikTok opportunity
Many times while working, you find yourself in a need to take a quick screenshot in order to share on email, instant messaging or social media with employees, colleagues, customers and friends.
We’ve been using Lightshot for many years as it is probably the fastest way you can take a customizable screenshot and makes your work easier. It is a very simple to install and.
Before you download, you can see the video on how it works here.
The need to make sales became even bigger during the Covid19 Pandemic.
Alex Lyhovez (MBA) is the founder of m-Simplex with over ten years of experience in the field of B2B international sales, business development, and digital marketing. He have helped countless of his clients to generate more leads, sales and strategize their business approach within their dynamic echo system. In less than 4 years, his clients have generated a sales revenue of over 25 million dollars!
Watch Alex Lyhovez, B2B marketing, sales and businesses development expert, as he shares is expertise on online B2B sales with digital marketing international keynote speaker, Jitendra Vaswani – watch here.
AdSense Page RPM
Page revenue per thousand impressions (RPM) is calculated by dividing your estimated earnings by the number of page views you received, then multiplying by 1000.
Page RPM = (Estimated earnings / Number of page views) * 1000
For example, if you earned an estimated $0.15 from 25 page views, then your page RPM would equal ($0.15 / 25) * 1000, or $6.00.
If you’re already using AdSense as a stream of revenue, also read about how to increase your AdSense CTR (Click Through Rate) and CPC (Cost Per Click).
Read here, how much traffic do you really need to make $100/day with AdSense.
Content Hacker – Discover the 50 women in marketing to follow in 2020 and beyond.
Google – Helping you to help improve your sleep with its bedtime tools for Android users.
Outbrain – How Bid Strategy Helps Affiliate Marketers Sleep Better at Night.
Search Engine Land: Your customers aren’t interested in your COVID messaging anymore, what now?
If you go to the web address relentless.com which what type of website will you get?
See the correct answer at the end of the dough newsletter.
The Webmaster Access conference held in Amsterdam every year, is going virtual due to the COVID-19 pandemic starting from tomorrow, June 4th, for 3 days.
It’s a great conference you should check it out.
Surprisingly, when you go to the web address relentless.com you will get to Amazon.com.
Why is it?
That’s because Jeff Bezos was thinking initially to name his online bookstore Relentless, not Amazon. As he already bought and owned the domain name, he redirected the traffic to Amazon.com website.
Check it out yourself, click relentless.com to see it in your own eyes.
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Written by Itay Paz
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