December 11, 2020

Good Morning.
Today’s roundup, just before the weekend:
1) Affiliate superstar Nicholas Fiorentino accused of long history of major crimes.
2) 10 Important 2021 SEO trends you need to know.
3) Top 17 dangers and risks of outsourcing your blog posts.
4) How misspelled keywords affect SEO.
Source: Google
5) New EU regulations compel more transparency for search rankings.
6) How to set up your Facebook ad account and start advertising.
7) Link building: how to understand your niche with these 10 questions.
8) Google: Noindexed Pages Can Impact Core Web Vitals and website’s ranking.
9) Holiday Shopping 2020: Snapchatters seek deals around the globe.
Source: Snapchat
10) Best video conference services of 2021.
11) What event organizers need to know about the virtual attendee experience.
12) How to create a process that people love to follow.
13) How do you narrow down your niche.
14) YouTube rolls out HDR for livestreams.
15) The 6 most effective lead nurturing strategies of 2021.
16) Step-by-step viral giveaway guide (with templates).
17) Gmail and other Google Workspace apps will stop supporting Internet Explorer 11 in 2021.
18) WordPress 5.6: top 16 features & improvements.
19) Half of U.S. adults don’t know that Facebook does not do original news reporting.
Image: Pew Research Center
20) Microsoft December 2020 patch Tuesday fixes 58 vulnerabilities.
21) YouTube gaming saw 100 billion hours of watch time in 2020, underlining the rise of gaming culture.
22) Exploring video length best practices for social media.
Have an awesome day!
— Itay Paz
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