How to Get New SEO Clients?

Where do you find new clients in need of SEO, how do you pitch your SEO services to them and how do you track down clients more effectively? Today we turned to one of the best in the field for the answer: Aires Loutsaris, a leading SEO consultant from the UK (and a loyal SEO PowerSuite user).

Whether you’ve just decided to make some cash as an SEO consultant and are looking for your very first SEO client, or want to expand the SEO business you’ve been running for quite some time… First and foremost, you are in for some deep strategic planning as to where to find your prospects and how to turn the SEO leads into paying local SEO clients.

For SEO agencies and consultants that rank high on Google for related key phrases, the easiest way to convert clients is of course through inbound leads.

However, for those who don’t rank for much or at all (oh the irony), there are not too many options left. Many SEO companies turn to paid advertising — and while it usually works if you want to gain some traffic, exposure and clients in the short term, this should never be used as a long-term strategy in my opinion.

An alternative to paid ads is a strategy I’m going to dwell on — it’s a little more time-consuming than just getting an ad posted, but way more effective (and completely free). This strategy has been working extremely well for me throughout my entire career in SEO.

Connect with your target audience

If your customers can’t find you (through organic search or your advertising), the only option left for you is to go after them yourself.

This is where most of my efforts have been invested in these past few years and where I have been able to convert the biggest clients I have ever worked with.

Your strategy here would be to:

* Establish the criteria for the search of new clients.
* Find people who are looking for SEO services.
* Reach out offering your help and expertise.

Before you start looking for new clients:

Build a list of your target keywords

You know you’re searching for people seeking SEO help or looking for an SEO agency. but they will not always express their needs so explicitly. Your client prospects may be asking more specific questions that have to do with particular aspects of SEO — think recent Google updates or manual penalties. Before you start your search for clients, it’s a good idea to sit down and make up a comprehensive list of keywords you’ll use in your outreach campaign, both generic SEO-related terms and more specific key phrases — preferably related to aspects of SEO you specialize in. Here’s an example of what your list may look like:

* Choosing an SEO agency
* Best SEO companies
* Recommend an SEO agency
* How much do SEO services cost
* Recovering from Penguin
* How to build quality links
* Getting rid of bad backlinks
* Google manual penalty

Where to find clients for SEO agencies:

Here are the places to look for potential clients

Your potential new clients in need of search engine optimization help usually have similar questions, and they usually post these questions on similar websites:

Read more here.