Morning Dough
To: Dough Readers


How To Get More Traffic With Minimal Effort

Source: DigitalMarketer

Images: they give a post visual context, they break up the large blocks of text, they make a post look way better, they…

…Add to the SEO and ranking of a post?

Yes. In fact, image optimization can make a huge difference in whether your post is ranking at the top of the SERPS.

But how do you optimize an image? Hint: it’s not color correction or cropping. It’s your alt text.

What is Alt Text?

Alt text (also known as “alt attribute” or “alt description”) is a short description that you apply to images on your website within the HTML of the page, describing what the image is. For those of you who use WordPress, you can find it here on the right side of the screen when you insert an image.

Alt text is not immediately visible and often goes unnoticed by the average visitor to your website (it’s usually only seen when you hover your mouse over the image), but don’t think that means it’s not important. Between being a good SEO practice and making your website more accessible, there’s a lot of value to including good alt text.

Alt Text for SEO

Alt Text is incredibly valuable for SEO purposes for one big reason—without Alt Text, your images have no effect on your SEO ranking. Having a well-crafted alt text makes sure your images are properly accounted for in Google’s crawl and prominently placed in search engine results.

Google’s bots are very effective in crawling text, identifying keywords, and heading organization, but they can’t recognize and understand visual elements. This is why you need to have text associated with the picture, ideally written in a descriptive, relevant way so they actually contribute to your ranking.

And depending on the context of what your webpage is intended for, images can be even more important than your text. If you’re creating a sales page or a landing page for a clothing company, or a restaurant or food service, or if you’re writing an article that’s completely based on infographics, for example.

Read more here.

More Resources:

7 Advanced Image Optimization Tips to Increase Traffic with Images (SEMRush)

How to Drive More Traffic Using Google Image Search (Neil Patel)

Alt Text for SEO: How to Optimize Your Images (ahrefs)