What Are Broken Links
Broken links or also known as dead links are hyperlinks on a webpage that is linked to another webpage that no longer working or available which can cause bad user experience and damage your website SEO ranking.
What Causes Broken Links?
Broken links usually occurs when the webpage that the link is pointing (linked) to, is not available either temporarily or was removed forever. Broken links are an issue that can damage the visitors’ experience in a website and can cause the website overall quality score to be lower, if the website has many broken links.
How Do You Fix A Broken Link?
The best way to fix broken links are to either remove the link to the not available webpage or to change the link to another webpage. For example, if you have a link to the currency exchange rate on another website and this page is not available, all you need to do is change the link to a different currency exchange webpage.
How Do I Find Broken Links On My Website?
There are many online websites to check for broken links. The best Broken Link Checker, that we are actually using a free downloadable software for finding broken links called Xenu’s Link Sleuth which is checking all the internal and outgoing links on your website – this is probably the best free broken link checker and easy to use for broken links finding.
How Do You Prevent Broken Links?
There is no way to prevent broken links as the breaking part is created on the linked page that is either missing or temporarily not available. You can and should make a weekly scan to find broken links and fix them.
Are Broken Links Bad For SEO?
Yes, broken links mean that you might be sending your visitors to a dead end (a page which is not existing, even if it is temporarily) thus this will not be a positive factor in your SEO. To prevent this bad SEO issue, make sure to scan and fix your broken links on a monthly or even a weekly basis.