Morning Dough
To: Dough Readers


Test Yourself: 25 Online Marketing Mistakes That People Make Every Single Day

Source: Neil Patel

Everyone makes mistakes. I’m guilty of this, too and over the years, we’ve seen and experienced my fair share of online marketing blunders.

It’s important to learn from these errors and prevent them from happening again.

Are you doing these mistakes yourself?

Now you can find out the top 25 marketing mistakes that people making on a daily basis to make sure you do not do them yourself.

This will surely help you correct the things you’re doing wrong.

Chances are, you or your company is guilty of at least a few mistakes on this list.

But that’s OK. It’s not too late to change.

For each mistake, you’ll also find out what people are doing wrong and how to correct it: from forgetting about mobile users, never offering discounts or promotions, not having a blog for your website or avoiding social media (and more…)

Read more here.