Morning Dough
To: Dough Readers


What Are LinkedIn Stories?

What Are LinkedIn Stories?

What Are LinkedIn Stories?
LinkedIn Stories are a feature that operates in a similar way as Facebook, Instagram, WhatsApp & Snapchat Stories, enabling users to upload a photo or create a short video of up to 20 seconds making it available for other LinkedIn users to see for 24 hours and then it disappears.

They are new to LinkedIn, but they’re commonplace on other social media platforms and have been for some time now.

Stories are made up of short-form, visual, portrait content that only lives on the platform for 24-hours from the time it is first shared.

The purpose of them is to nurture the storytelling side of social media, capturing the “smaller” pieces of content you might not have otherwise shared.

How Do LinkedIn Stories Work?
As with the other platforms, Stories will sit at the top of the LinkedIn app on mobile devices. However, they are yet to appear on the desktop version.

Profiles and accounts that you can add updates to will sit first with a little + sign on them. After them, scrolling to the right, you will find the stories shared by other accounts. To view these, simply tap on them and they will pop open.

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