Morning Dough
To: Dough Readers


97.6% of Companies Do NOT Do Follow Up Emails With Customers (Including 7 Effective Emails Templates)

Source: SuperOffice

Whether you meet with sales reps or speak with customer support, you’ll find out very quickly that only a small number of companies send follow up emails.

Based on a study of 527 sales and marketing professionals, LeadData found that 33% of sales teams claimed they followed up with prospects and customers immediately, with 49% saying that they follow up with new leads “most of the time”.

However, according to our own research, only 24 companies (out of 1,000) sent a follow up email to their customers.

That’s less than 3% that are using these ‘How Did We Do?’ or ‘Survey’ follow-up emails.

If you want to transform your customer service procedures and impress your customers, then start sending a follow up email to them. This simple, yet effective strategy is only used by 3% of all companies – representing a huge opportunity to gain a competitive advantage – and one that should not be missed!

Using any and all of these 7 follow up templates will not only help you keep your existing customers happy, but it’s a great way to stand out against the competition and generate business from potential customers.

Read more here.