Morning Dough
To: Dough Readers


Do You Know Where Did Your Emails End Up?

This is the sixth email deliverability test carried out and as with every test, it brought quite a few surprises. The results include: Deliverability to Most Popular Mailbox Providers, Overall ratings based on historical performance & How does this affect my email marketing strategy.

Find out where your emails ended up for each provider: the main inbox, another tab, the spam folder, or if they went missing.

This is the sixth email deliverability test we’ve carried out, and, as with every test, it brought quite a few surprises. If you’d like to make a comparison between this test and the previous one, check out our test from February 2020.

For those of you who are coming across our tests for the first time, this is something we started doing back in August 2017 in order to monitor the deliverability rates of the world’s most popular email marketing services. The number of providers we look at has increased slightly since then – this round we included a total of 12 different email services.

How Are The Tests Carried Out?

In a nutshell, 5 separate tests are carried out over the course of 5 weeks, using the delivery testing tool Glockapps. You can read more about our methodology here, and also see how the tools have performed over the years.

Read more here.