How Tony Robbins Generates 1,250,000 Website Visitors Per Month?

How Tony Robbins Generates 1,250,000 Website Visitors Per Month?


Whether you’re a Tony Robbins fan or a Tony Robbins skeptic, with over one million website visitors per month you can’t deny he’s done well for himself online.

How Tony Robbins Generates 1,250,000 Website Visitors Per Month?

Source: SimilarWeb

Tony Robbins is a force of nature. Seriously, look at what a Google search for his name brings up:

How Tony Robbins Generates 1,250,000 Website Visitors Per Month?

Source: Google

Chances are, you already know who he is. But if you don’t…

He is one of the most well-known “why guys” and life coaches in the world.

He’s sold 15 million copies of his books and 50 million copies of his audio programs worldwide.

His net worth is half a billion.

His loyal fans (happily) pay thousands just for the privilege of being in the same room as him for a few days.

He’s rubbed shoulders with and coached some impressive names – from former presidents like Bill Clinton, sports superstars like Andre Agassi, and billion-dollar tech influencers like Salesforce CEO Marc Benioff. 

Clearly, he’s doing something right.

But let’s be realistic. Very few (if any) of us will ever hit the worldwide recognition, renown and success Tony has. Which might make you wonder if you’ll get anything useful from reading how he markets himself.

After all, most of Tony’s traffic comes from his personal brand. Tony likes it 95% organic… just like his eggs.

But what most people don’t realize is that organic and paid traffic is only 39% of Tony’s total traffic.

The rest comes from advanced marketing tactics Tony and his team use to build a multi-million-dollar online business around the Tony Robbins brand.

Read more here.