Morning Dough
To: Dough Readers


9 Personalization Strategies For Marketing, Sales and Customer Support Teams

The customer experience is much better today than it was 10 years go as modern technologies give business new ways to improve and personalize their customers’ experiences.

Yet, more than 74% of marketing leaders still struggle to scale their personalization efforts, even though stats repeatedly prove that it’s very important to consumers:

* 71% of customers feel frustrated when their experience is impersonal
* 72% of customers say they only engage with personalized messages
* 63% of customers will stop buying from brands that use poor personalization strategies

Source: Super Office

Clearly, personalization is what customers positively react to. That’s why investing in personalization is the key to building business relationships and creating better experiences that pay off by reducing churn.

Clearly, personalization is what customers positively react to. That’s why investing in personalization is the key to building business relationships and creating better experiences that pay off by reducing churn.

To get started with personalization, we’ve outlined several personalization strategies for marketing, sales, and support teams.

Personalization Strategies

More than 70% of customers feel frustrated when their experience is impersonal, but what can you do to personalize it? Here are 9 strategies to help you get it right:

Marketing Personalization

  1. Use data to enhance experiences
  2. Send personalized emails
  3. Create meaningful Opt-in forms & Thank You pages

Sales Personalization

  1. Turn unknown visitors into hot leads
  2. Chat with prospects in real time
  3. Personalize sales follow-ups

Customer Support Personalization

  1. Provide context-based support
  2. Target customer needs with a Knowledge Base
  3. Solve customer complaints immediately

Read more here.

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