How to Use Segments in Google Analytics?
Source: Google Analytics
Discover how to use segments in Google Analytics using these 25 great examples, giving you a deep analysis of Google Analytics Segments – with these Google Analytics segments, you are able to dive into, probably, the most important metrics and organize performance data to get the insights the business needs.
With these Google Analytics segments, you can dig deeper into your most important metrics and organize performance data to get the insights you need.
Google Analytics is a goldmine for marketers; you can track just about every activity happening on your website.
And therein lies the challenge––it can be difficult to know which metrics you should be focusing on or which activities are most meaningful.
One way you can derive more meaning from your data is by leveraging segments in Google Analytics.
But the possibilities seem endless. Where do you start?
* What are Segments in Google Analytics?
* Why are Google Analytics Segments Important?
* 25 Google Analytics Segments Our Experts Recommend
* What are Segments in Google Analytics?
Google Analytics segments allow you to break down the data inside your account. For example, you can use segments to view data for people using a specific device, or people of a certain gender.
In fact, there are so many segments available that our marketers tend to use 4-6 different options. One in five marketers uses more than 15.
how many segments do you actively use?
Why Are Google Analytics Segments Important?
As a marketer or website owner, it is very important to fully understand your visitors’ actions, behaviors, and similar. However, even though Google Analytics provides you with information about your visitors, it’s all aggregate data, which doesn’t tell you much considering your visitors have different characteristics and traits.
Luckily, with Google Analytics segments, you’re able to dig deeper into your collected data, identify common traits and learn more about your core audience which in turn helps you to make better-informed decisions for your business and also run more successful marketing campaigns based on those findings.
We found that almost half of our experts “always” use Google Analytics segments to analyze their website performance, with just 5% saying they’re never included in their data analysis process:
how often do you use segments to analyze your website performance?
25 Google Analytics Segments our Experts Recommend
You can find ready-made segments inside your Google Analytics count by finding your report, and selecting the “Add Segment” button:
google analytics segments
Note: Google Analytics no longer makes the distinction between “Simple segments” and “Advanced segments”. It’s just called segments now, so you don’t need to be an “expert” with advanced knowledge to leverage segments in Google Analytics.
all segments in Google Analytics
But with so many options available, it’s tricky to find which you should be using. So, we asked 31+ experts one question: How do you use Segments in Google Analytics?
25 Best Google Analytics Segments Examples
1) Actual conversions
2) Behavior
3) Bounced sessions (Bounce Rate)
4) Branded vs. non-branded traffic
5) Conversion cadence
6) Conversions from organic search
7) Converting traffic source
8) Cross-domain segments
9) Device type
10) Enriched audiences
11) Local traffic
12) New users
13) Non-blog traffic
14) Page depth
15) Persona segment
16) Referral traffic sites
17) Refreshed content
18) Returning users from organic search
19) Sequence segments
20) Users who abandon cart
21) Users that complete your goals
22) Unique visitors
23) Visitors who start on a blog post
24) Visitors who didn’t sign in
25) Visitors who did sign in
Read more here.