6 Deadly Business Website Problems and How to Fix Them
Discover the 6 most common and deadly business website problems and how to fix them to make sure your business website keeps running smoothly.
If your website is broken, your sales team will go hungry. Without qualified traffic or leads coming in, what will they feast on? No one wants that. That’s how businesses die, right?
Your business website should be your #1 sales rep, driving qualified traffic, leads, and sales for your company.
But what if your website isn’t doing that? What do you do if you can feel something is wrong with your company website, but you don’t know what specifically? Stick around, because that’s exactly what we’re going to talk about in this video.
Now, let’s dig deeper into each specific business website problem…
Let’s talk about your business website. You know the old saying that your website is supposed to be your salesperson that never sleeps, blah, blah, blah.
To be clear, I’m not “blah, blah, blah”-ing it because it’s untrue. It’s more that when you hear a statement so often, it transforms quickly into a clichéd fortune cookie phrase, and you can forget how important and true that statement actually is.
It’s kind of like when I tell my cat “I love you SO much,” as I squish her face for the thousandth time in a single morning, and I just know she’s taking my love for granted while also thinking, “Good gravy, woman, will you just feed me already?!”
So, let’s be clear about what I’m saying when your website should be your top salesperson who never sleeps — or, more specifically, what it looks like when your website is falling short of this goal:
If your website isn’t working, you’ll have massive traffic issues. For example, you’ll attract no traffic. Or you’ll attract traffic, but unqualified traffic. And by “unqualified,” I mean people who will never, ever give you money for any products or services that you sell.
If your website isn’t working, your lead flow will be slim to none. Maybe you don’t give them enough conversion opportunities. Maybe your content strategy is really the culprit. It could be a lot of things.
Finally, if your website is broken, your sales team will go hungry. Without qualified traffic or leads coming in, what will they feast on? No one wants that. That’s how businesses die, right?
What’s tricky is that often you’ll see all or some of these symptoms of a broken website. However, it may be a bit trickier to diagnose the actual problem, so you know how to take action.
Top 6 Business Website Problems
1) You don’t have the data tools to know how your website is performing.
2) Your visitors are abandoning your website (high bounce rate).
3) Your ideal buyers hate your website because your website copy is all about you.
4) Your users don’t like your current content strategy (it’s not them, it’s you).
5) You have low organic search traffic, which means you’re not getting found online.
6) Your website isn’t ADA compliant.
7) You’re not generating leads from your website (even if you’re generating traffic).
8) You struggle to update your website without IT experts or web developers.
Read more here.